Looking to buy headphones for around Rs. 2k-3k. It's been really a headache to select one, too many models in the price range and rare genuine reviews and different tastes.
- Need over-the-ear type, if possible.
- Bluetooth and microphone are not compulsory.
- Don't want bassy thumping headphones. I prefer flat or somewhat V shape.
- Main purpose is for music. Good soundstage is appreciated. (Would also be used for gaming occasionally, but this is not the primary usage. So please don't think I need only "gaming" headphones).
- Akg K52/72/92.
- Samson SR850 (Slightly costly, but willing to extend budget if it's really worth it; open back?)
- Oneodio some model.
- Cooler Master MH630
- Redgear Cosmo 7.1 (Friend suggested so just including here to know if it's good)
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