Overwatch open beta

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I find it to be the LOL version of FPS and TF. Should be fun for casuals though. Personally I'd rather have it in the form of a 3D animated movie. :D what?
Blizzard trying their hands on grabbing a small share of that "online gaming" market of every genre out there. RPG D3, RTS SC2 (a daed game lol), card game Hearthstone, MOBA HotS. Now Overwatch.
Does it have a "plug-and-play" kind of joining a match/server and then leaving anytime like CS1.6?

Not exactly. You can be put into an ongoing game, but most of the time you start fresh and are expected to stay until the game is done. They aren't long though. Each match lasts only about 10 minutes in a pub, maybe 15 max.

Nice videos man. Especially the Tracer one. Agree with you regarding the depth of gameplay. Most characters have very low skill floor, but some characters have very high skill ceiling. In the right hands they can be amazing and just dominate the opposition.

Thanks. I hadn't played before the open beta, so my experience with the heroes was limited. If you really get good, you can do some insane stuff on certain heroes. Here's a little trick I did with Lucio. Took me about 15 minutes of practice.

Now compare that to what a professional player can do. He's pushing the hero to the limit.

In fact, I'd say the game has a higher skill cap than CS:GO even though you can learn the basics of all the heroes in less than one day.

Other than that, this incredible cinematic was released by Blizzard today. Their artists are really top tier.

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Wow, that Lucio gameplay is just incredible. It would be really cool to see if a competitive scene develops around this game. Plays like this are so fun to watch.
Have you played LOL ever?
You are talking to someone who probably was one of the early players of the game with hundreds of hours played.[DOUBLEPOST=1463485316][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not exactly. You can be put into an ongoing game, but most of the time you start fresh and are expected to stay until the game is done. They aren't long though. Each match lasts only about 10 minutes in a pub, maybe 15 max.

Short is good. This is an fps moba afterall.
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You are talking to someone who probably was one of the early players of the game with hundreds of hours played.
Then you should return back and try your hand now. LOL has evolved and is no more primitive. I have seen the evolution from beta days myself.
Yeah if only RIOT hadn't suspended my account due to inactivity (i was in college). That really pissed me off. Probably the most retarted policy ever. Hated RIOT ever since and went back to Dota and never looked back. No regrets. Appreciate the invitation though.
As someone who sunk 2500+ hours into TF2, it's unfortunate that I won't be buying this.
But I am not gonna spend a single paisa on multiplayer only games going forward until this stupid country of ours gets over the retarded Mobile Internet 'fad' and actually starts putting down some proper infrastructure for the power user at home.

In fact, I'd say the game has a higher skill cap than CS:GO even though you can learn the basics of all the heroes in less than one day.
Most games have a higher skill cap than CS since CS is mostly about hitscan aim and recoil control.

It would be really cool to see if a competitive scene develops around this game. Plays like this are so fun to watch.
Really doubt it because games like OW and TF2 get clumped into the 'casual' category for no good reason by the masses (maybe because of their quirky graphics).

The truth is that overtime players have migrated toward games with lower skill ceilings.
Arena based DM games like Quake were beat by CS.
RTSs were overrun by MOBAs.

No one wants to master 10 weapons, movement and map control, when they could just as well have only 2 weapons to worry about, no trickjumps and a constantly resetting map scenario.
Similarly no one wants to micro-manage a 100 units in a 1v1 scenario, when they could control a single hero in a 5v5 team based setting.

This is the real reason why SC2 failed to recreate the pro-scene of SC1, and why the new UT is an F2P 'side project' at Epic.
It's hard for these type of games to appeal to the modern pro-gamer the way games with more singular focus can.
Sad to hear you won't be playing Overwatch. I've got 2000+ hours on TF2 and I can't say how excited I am about Overwatch after playing the beta non stop I pre ordered it. Finally a game which is fun like tf2 but which has so much more depth and much more options.

I am no fan of Dota or Starcraft or any such games. I love Fps and I have been playing tf2 since the day it came out. Now I can finally say I will be putting it to rest since Overwatch has come out. I could not stop playing the beta. There are so many heroes and they are so easy to grasp the basics of anyone can play and I can guarantee you this will become competetive too.

Blizzard has already confirmed more heroes and new maps coming this year. Knowing blizzard their games live long.

I am a casual gamer and I don't really care for competetive gaming much but I can say for sure I will be playing Overwatch for the next 10 years haha.

Anyways any Indians bought Overwatch hit me up. Und3adslay3r#2980



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No sorry I disagree. Cs is NOT about hit scan aim and recoil control. CS is more than that (also there are grenades & flashbangs too). I have repeated this how many times I don't know in the relevant thread but CS is a hardcore team based game. It heavily depends on team tactics & strategy If you don' t have a team then its better not to play it. It does not care even if you have inhuman reflexes leave alone knowing the game. With out team support you can do nothing. If there is a match between 5 low skilled players with good team support vs 5 higher ranked players with bad team co-ordination then the former will win. The game has depth which you can understand if you practice or play with your friends.
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Hey @madmaniac, will add you once I get home. My Blizz id is "pretttt#1456".

Well, I'm not much of an FPS player. The only FPS that I enjoy is TF2. But, I enjoyed the heck out of the Overwatch beta. So, I'm also way too excited for the launch tomorrow. I am actually in two minds about skipping work tomorrow. Nice combination of being finally back in bench and serving notice period means I have lot of free time and no one will miss me in office. :) Hope the launch is smooth one.
No sorry I disagree. Cs is NOT about hit scan aim and recoil control. CS is more than that (also there are grenades & flashbangs too). I have repeated this how many times I don't know in the relevant thread but CS is a hardcore team based game. It heavily depends on team tactics & strategy If you don' t have a team then its better not to play it. It does not care even if you have inhuman reflexes leave alone knowing the game. With out team support you can do nothing. If there is a match between 5 low skilled players with good team support vs 5 higher ranked players with bad team co-ordination then the former will win. The game has depth which you can understand if you practice or play with your friends.

If this was directed at me, I've played CS competitively :) I wasn't talking about tactics and strategy though, only individual mechanical skill requirements. Flashbangs and nades don't require you to really aim using projectiles in the way a Rocket Launcher does.[DOUBLEPOST=1464143727][/DOUBLEPOST]It's easily worth $40. I've been playing nearly 24 hours now.
If this was directed at me, I've played CS competitively :) I wasn't talking about tactics and strategy though, only individual mechanical skill requirements. Flashbangs and nades don't require you to really aim using projectiles in the way a Rocket Launcher does.[DOUBLEPOST=1464143727][/DOUBLEPOST]It's easily worth $40. I've been playing nearly 24 hours now.
No it was not for you only but it was a general statement.What I meant was even throwing grenades requires you to know those specific areas in the map where you should aim to block/blind or trick the enemy from a far away place. Well compared to TF2 I liked this one better.
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Reviews are up

Release date(s):
May 24, 2016 [Windows, Playstation 4, Xbox One]
Developer: Blizzard
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Media: Trailer96/100
MetaCritic: 96/100

Twinfinite - 10/10
Author: Ed Mcglone

Just as Team Fortress 2 burst onto the scene and captivated so many with its charm, and accessible gameplay, Overwatch is poised to do the same with its sharp gameplay and likable characters. There’s little doubt that the next great class-based shooter has arrived.

Game Informer - 10/10
Author: Daniel Tack

Overwatch is an amazing experience. It’s fresh and consistently fun, with matches that are great in random groups, but astonishingly good when played with friends. Blizzard has taken its masterful art of polishing and perfection to the team shooter, and things will never be the same.

The Escapist - 5/5
Author: Steven Bogos

Overwatch is a fast, fun, and fresh take on the class-based shooter. Blizzard has made sure its first new IP in 17 years is polished to perfection.

Destructoid - 10/10
Author: Chris Carter

You can't help but take note of the attention to detail immediately, even during the first few seconds of booting it up and watching a random character emote on the title screen. This arena shooter (not a MOBA) looks, sounds, and feels great, with the polish of a Pixar film without feeling overly childish. That extends to every facet of the experience, from its 60 FPS frame rate (even on consoles), beautiful locations, and insanely detailed character models.

Playstation LifeStyle - 10/10
Author: Jowi Meli

With accessibility to spare, a real commitment to diversity and an infectious sense of innocent fun, Overwatch feels like an important game — the sort that can bridge boundaries in the oft-segmented gaming community. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that this may just be the project to revitalize lapsed or disheartened gamers’ interest in the medium, or the one to bring new players onboard the FPS wagon.

Attack of the Fanboy - 4,5/5
Author: Scott Grill

Overwatch has been polished to a high sheen by Blizzard. There are a handful of nits to pick, but everything comes together in an extraordinary fashion when it could have just as easily been a mess of half-baked ideas.

CGMagazine - 8/10
Author: Jed Whitaker

I mostly enjoyed my time with Overwatch as it is very easy to pick up and play. The characters are diverse and just as colourful as the levels where battles take place. As a free-to-play title, I’d have no problems with the grinding and micro-transactions, but these mechanics in a feature-lite, full priced title, mar the overall experience for me. Maybe you’re okay with that, but I’m not. No matter how many games do it, I’ll never be okay with it.

AngryCentaurGaming - BUY
Video ReviewReview
Author: Vince Ingenito

Overwatch is an incredible achievement in multiplayer game design, and one of the best games of the year so far.

USgamer - In Progress
Author: Kat Bailey

It sure seems like Blizzard has another mega hit on their hands.

GameSpot - In Progress
Author: Mike Mahardy

From the dozens of hours I've played in Overwatch's betas, it's clear that developer Blizzard has crafted a fantastic shooter worthy of praise on numerous levels. It manages to maintain focus, despite the complexities and variety of its cast, locales, and interlocking systems.
Wouldn't expect less from Blizzard.

D3 Vanilla was their 'worst' game so to say and even that was absolutely incredible.

Just buy it. You won't regret it. I'm playing with people who didn't have a chance to try out the beta and they got up to speed in less than a day.
This is why I am not jumping at it.
Packets: Sent = 217, Received = 190, Lost = 27 (12% loss)
Hopeless really.
Well that is bad .. u should talk to you ISP.

How is this game compared to SMITE ? what is its distinguishing factor which makes it better, (considering this costs and smite is free).
I was watching some ranked game videos, certainly is interesting :) will it replace LOL? The answer is no. @krugur

But the game is interesting enough :) I was thinking if I should try my hand on it
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