yea i already spent the money i tried to save by letting him play on my account, for now he plays paladins.I didn't know they specified hardware bans in their emails now. Maybe you should get your brother a separate account as well.
Have you played any moba genre games before? If you havent, lets just wait for you complete another 150 games atleast (I am thinking 150 is a fair count given each round is just 15 to 25 mins long - as far as I know from reading about it) on Overwatch and ascertain the status then. I havent played overwatch myself to judge the complexity/skill required for the game, but generally moba performance is looked at when you have enough numbers of games under your belt. Besides, LOL and dota 2 are punishing in the aspect that you get noobs in your team time and again and however good you are, you will be stuck at a tier for long thanks to ppl who hold back your progress.OMG GUYS JUST REACHED DIAMOND!
straight outta placement,
any other diamond players in India? would love to play with you,
by the time you read this, chances are i am already at masters
also i am on a 14 win streak and getting 80sr per match and have a 84%
i was on a new account above^ , have already clocked 1050+ gamesHave you played any moba genre games before? If you havent, lets just wait for you complete another 150 games atleast (I am thinking 150 is a fair count given each round is just 15 to 25 mins long - as far as I know from reading about it) on Overwatch and ascertain the status then. I havent played overwatch myself to judge the complexity/skill required for the game, but generally moba performance is looked at when you have enough numbers of games under your belt. Besides, LOL and dota 2 are punishing in the aspect that you get noobs in your team time and again and however good you are, you will be stuck at a tier for long thanks to ppl who hold back your progress.
When you are initially learning a new game slowly overtime, you lose more early on before you start winning.i was on a new account above^ , have already clocked 1050+ games
I am so bad at this game. Whatever twitch skills of my teen years have atrophied with age.
I mostly play healer or tanks and most of the time I feel so helpless if the team is not capable enough.
When you are initially learning a new game slowly overtime, you lose more early on before you start winning.
Overtime this establishes your SR. But after 100 or so games, this gains a lot of inertia and is what is termed 'elo hell' even though you yourself might have gotten much better than where the game is placing you at.
But when you go into a fresh account with all that game knowledge and experience, you will expectantly win most of your placements because there's no SR history whatsoever for the matchmaker to work correctly.
And since 'new' players gain more (a lot more) SR per win for defeating 'old' players, there's no SR inertia to hold you back and you end up with a very high ranking.
From then on it's up to you: you will maintain the SR if you deserved it, otherwise it will slowly trickle down.
As someone who sunk 2500+ hours into TF2, it's unfortunate that I won't be buying this.
But I am not gonna spend a single paisa on multiplayer only games going forward until this stupid country of ours gets over the retarded Mobile Internet 'fad' and actually starts putting down some proper infrastructure for the power user at home.
Yea so, I kinda bought this.
In my defense it was during the $30 sale and I had funds left over from Diablo 3 item sales.
Been playing a lot of Mercy and just soaking the game in.
I ain't Diamond but added you regardless. Get ready to carry my assany other diamond players in India? would love to play with you,
by the time you read this, chances are i am already at masters
also i am on a 14 win streak and getting 80sr per match and have a 84%
It's a small change, doubt it will make any major impact except at very high SR ranges.
They should also let Guardian Angel work without direct line of sight, it's quite frustrating when you can see the ally marker above you but can't fly to them because the actual body is blocked by an edge.
I ain't Diamond but added you regardless. Get ready to carry my ass.
I can't play this game anymore due to the shitty ping at 200ms. It used to be 40ms and I fairly stayed between GOLD/PLATINUM.
How do you guys manage to play this now ?
Many Pros play on 200 ping, IDDQD is one.
40MS?? which place were you in?
play on americas server and not asia.
i get around 89 ping on my Spectranet Network and around 150-170 ms on Jio 4G,
90% of game is won with positioning, 10% is Aim, If you are in gold chances are all you are doing is Barging in and trying to Outaim the opponents, watch the pros and Notice where they position themselves.
I don't think PROs play DPS on 200ms, they'll get rekt for sure.
I'm no PRO, but with the recent 200+ ms ping , i can clearly see that I'm struggling a lot with Soldier/Tracer/reaper. I always play on US servers and used to get 40ms consistently (Bangalore,ACT Broadband 100mbps)......until Dec 2016 update.
Infact there is even a thread on abt this issue and but none knows the exact reason for crappy ping.(Undersea cable damage blah blah ?)
I'll stop playing DPS altogether and go with DVA or Zarya even Torb esp at high ping. to the thread?? Tried playing on different PC, using ethernet cable?
I was in gurgaon few months ago....used Tripleplay ISP(50mbps) and got around 50-60ms ping. Never before had 200+ms....started playing DVA/Zarya which works better than DPS for now. So I'm gonna stick with it and improvise on them.Alright, I can Relate, I remember playing after the oasis patch, the ping was 280~ for all our 6 stack but the game was butter smooth, so it was server side, but since then being in Delhi I get 89 on NA and 150 on Europe, everything's fine.
Tried a different ISP?