Graphic Cards Palit HD4870 Sonic not showing Display

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friend of mine recently brought gaming rig, the specs are

C2D Q9550
Palit HD4870 Dual Sonic 1GB
CM Elite with CM Extreme Power 600W

Now, the card isn't giving display at all. card was running fine with drivers installed, problem appears when he did some restore default for drivers in CCC,then it asked for reboot and after that the card never showed display again. The fans of the card is working but not showing display.
he tried it on other Pce Slot, but no luck..
is his card gone kaput?

^^ i was myself thinking so, wasn't CM EP 600W sufficient to handle the card? Does he need to change PSU ?
Doesn't Palit Dual Sonic comes with Dual graphic bios?

Did he try switching the OC switch on card to normal one?
How about trying a different display card....Thats why I love AMD on their high end boards hey still have integrated video...
iGo said:
Doesn't Palit Dual Sonic comes with Dual graphic bios?
Did he try switching the OC switch on card to normal one?

:hap5: I are not the beginer to all this. I have tried everything to make this card display the post. But no result. :hap5:
muzux2 said:

friend of mine recently brought gaming rig, the specs are

C2D Q9550
Palit HD4870 Dual Sonic 1GB
CM Elite with CM Extreme Power 600W

Now, the card isn't giving display at all. card was running fine with drivers installed, problem appears when he did some restore default for drivers in CCC,then it asked for reboot and after that the card never showed display again. The fans of the card is working but not showing display.
he tried it on other Pce Slot, but no luck..
is his card gone kaput?

:hap5: luk man i want to share this with everyone there is no problem at all with the PSU. I have even installed My own 8800gt and the palit 4870 on the PSU. Nothing happened to it. its the the Faulty Palit and ATI chip that are to be blamed.

:hap5: I hav an local PSu 450wt quantum and i have overclocked my system on this PSU why didn't my PSU got burnt or My 8800gt got burnt on that local PSU.

:hap5: I brought the system for Him. Question me abt all this. Thankx :hap5:
Dont know but then i really feel PSu is the culprit here but as someone said that it worked fine with his dont know what config he is using.but the above mentioned config with quad mite have prblm with psu.
I hope your Quantum PSU holds good and doesn't lead to a Quantum of Death....Anyways thats why i said check with a different card.
H2O said:
I hope your Quantum PSU holds good and doesn't lead to a Quantum of Death....Anyways thats why i said check with a different card.
I told u i chked my own 8800Gt on it worked fine and Superb. I thought that ATI have buggy drivers only and now Hardware too.LOL:rofl:
First of all you people buy ATI cards and then complain. I mean why the hell anyone would buy a radeon, they SUCK! Nvidia4Life!!!
Gunman said:
Looks like another typical CM600W Extreme Power PSU-blew-up-the-gfx-card case. *sigh*

but this one isn't blown. Its MUZUx2 who is making all u agree on "PSU is Faulty" and not ATi. The PSU is working Fine and good at least better than Palit ATI 4870.
muzux2 said:

friend of mine recently brought gaming rig, the specs are

C2D Q9550
Palit HD4870 Dual Sonic 1GB
CM Elite with CM Extreme Power 600W

Now, the card isn't giving display at all. card was running fine with drivers installed, problem appears when he did some restore default for drivers in CCC,then it asked for reboot and after that the card never showed display again. The fans of the card is working but not showing display.
he tried it on other Pce Slot, but no luck..
is his card gone kaput?


The Card is Kaput Why shoundn't it go KAPUT:rofl:
luk man i want to share this with everyone there is no problem at all with the PSU. I have even installed My own 8800gt and the palit 4870 on the PSU.
Nothing happened to it. its the the Faulty Palit and ATI chip that are to be blamed.

Was you trying to test Crossfire + SLi might work on that PSU..:rofl: Let me clear your mind, even if you try four cards on 600W, it won't blew up unless all four are working..In your case, it was 8800GT that was giving display & that too at IDLE state where GPU hardly eats 40W power.. :hap5:

I hav an local PSu 450wt quantum and i have overclocked my system on this PSU why didn't my
PSU got burnt or My 8800gt got burnt on that local PSU.

It didn't got burned coz the setup was different, you had cheapo dual core OC & 8800GT which consumes as much less than half of power as of HD4870.. Here you have a power hoger 4870 with quad core & high end mobo which eats more power than your dual setup on cheapo PSU..:eek:hyeah:

U should Think less and try not to do more..
I'd suggest you should Think more and try not to do less..:rofl:
but this one isn't blown. Its MUZUx2 who is making all u agree on "PSU is Faulty" and not ATi. The PSU is working Fine and good at least better than Palit ATI 4870.

where you saw i'm telling here to everyone that your PSU is faulty.. i simply replied to SidhuPunjabs post that i was also thinking that PSU is culprit. BTW, we all TE members here won't reckon CM EP 600W to anyone going for high end System, there are members who have issues here with same PSU with high end cards, this is what Gunman was telling you..:)

You did blunder, buying CM EP600W PSU for high end system,having half the knowledge is more dangerous than having no knowledge at not saying CM 600W isn't good PSU, it was good one in its own glory days back in 2006..Its still good for low - midrange systems but not with high end, and we simply here don't reckon it..

The truth is that, CM EP 600W isn't giving you output of 600W at peak loads, it only gives 400-450W at peak loads as its efficiency is only 70%.. . furthermore, its dual rail with 18A on each rail i guess.. But, the fact is that its not outputting 36A on two rails which is recommended for HD4870 instead its only outputing 18A on two rails, too low to handle 4870..There are lot of these myths about Psu..try to learn here • View topic - The psu guide to the masses (with list of recommended psu)

So, in your case Its prolly a CM 600W which i & others here believe is culprit.. & welcome to the forums..:)
correct me guys if im wrong..

muzux2 said:
You did blunder, buying CM EP600W PSU for high end system,having half the knowledge is more dangerous than having no knowledge at not saying CM 600W isn't good PSU, it was good one in its own glory days back in 2006..Its still good for low - midrange systems but not with high end, and we simply here don't reckon it..

i think u need to google something before u open ur mouth here.. the system power consumption of the mentioned system roughly does not go over 450-460 Watt.. U trying to tell that CM which is saying SLI and crossfire ready is not able to manage the load of a 4870 card.:hap5:

if u want to check how much power the said machine can consume then use some online Power calculator utility like Extreme power calulator to clear ur doubts.

muzux2 said:
furthermore, its dual rail with 18A on each rail i guess.. But, the fact is that its not outputting 36A on two rails which is recommended for HD4870 instead its only outputing 18A on two rails, too low to handle 4870..There are lot of these myths about Psu..try to learn here

Are u kidding a dual rail with each 18A will give only 18A at max on both.. :rofl: :rofl:
And that too a Coolermaster.. it will be approx. 30-32 which is not that much low as u think..

look dude you may be right that PSU might have gone Kaput or malfunctioned but there is a 50% probablity that the card was faulty..
the best example is found in other thread where Rahulyo's 4850 got kaput twice on a VX 450W PSU what you have to say about that:mad: :no:
Admins should post the VX450 vs CM600 & other PSU info thread on the registration page for newcomers to mandatorily read it before confirming registration

if someone want to blow their system soon, no one can help it
simulation3 said:
i think u need to google something before u open ur mouth here.. the system power consumption of the mentioned system roughly does not go over 450-460 Watt.. U trying to tell that CM which is saying SLI and crossfire ready is not able to manage the load of a 4870 card.:hap5:

if u want to check how much power the said machine can consume then use some online Power calculator utility like Extreme power calulator to clear ur doubts.

Are u kidding a dual rail with each 18A will give only 18A at max on both.. :rofl: :rofl:
And that too a Coolermaster.. it will be approx. 30-32 which is not that much low as u think..

look dude you may be right that PSU might have gone Kaput or malfunctioned but there is a 50% probablity that the card was faulty..
the best example is found in other thread where Rahulyo's 4850 got kaput twice on a VX 450W PSU what you have to say about that:mad: :no:

I know man, total system power consumption of that system won't go beyond 450W at peak loads, but is CM 600W providing enough output at such peak loads, particularly on 12V rail? Regarding SLi, yes it was & is SLi ready but for 7600/7800 series GPU when the PSU was launched in 2006..:rofl: Dare to run 2 x GTX 260/ 9800GTX on the same PSU..:hap5:
For 18A rail, you better read that guide, everything is written there..:)
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