pc loves to reboot

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Finally got time to run memtest.........attaching the pics here.......it ran for over 2 hours+ no errors anything..........what next ?




So I guess the memory is fine.........where next now ?
highly possible reason ! my friends have the same !

Pirated XP. The SP2 one.

The CD keys go something like this.

FCKGW ..... or DC9GX .......

Check if the same happens in Ubuntu ??

If not then its hardware issue ! Also may be PSU/UPS.

Which college are you studying In Dude ? Get a free copy of all M$ Ware !
1) remove the reset wire (The one from the case to the m/b) and see wat happens.

2) remove the rams , clean the contacts with a rubber eraser, and insert them in other slots.
again see what happens and post back....
obama said:
1) remove the reset wire (The one from the case to the m/b) and see wat happens.

2) remove the rams , clean the contacts with a rubber eraser, and insert them in other slots.
again see what happens and post back....

i guess memtest running fine suggests that everything is fine with the rams....

btw something terrible just happened.....

after memtest , i decided on reinstalling the OS....and it just went blank in mid of the same....and ever since then ......

OMG !!.....:cry: :cry: :cry: ..........HDD doesnt get detected anymore...with its freaking smilies and what not......when i disconnect the hdd pc boots on DVD absolutely fine.......im so freaking pissed and sad right now.

Hmmm , I can see where a part of my november salary is heading.....
Memtest is best run for 7 passes to rule out an issue, iirc. :)
Set voltages/timings manually.
Keep a check on psu voltages under load in Orthos and check for sudden drops if any.

Something like this happened somewhere some days back.
2-3 mobos of same make/chipset changed in a rig withthe same HDD and old OS install.
PC would crash suddenly w/o bsod.
After reboot, msg appeared- system recovered from serious error and event viewer showed DHCP error.
Later it got so serious, after gfx driover was uninstalled to be installed again, pc would reboot and crash the moment the welcome/user login screen appeared.
Try 'Avast home free'. :P
Let it test the system at boot up.;)

All the above sounds incoherent and even i didn't make out much but try it out. :P
Memtest is best run for 7 passes to rule out an issue. :)
Set voltages/timings manually.
Keep a check on psu voltages under load in Orthos and check for sudden drops if any.

Something like this happened somewhere some days back.
2-3 mobos of same make/chipset changed in a rig withthe same HDD and old OS install.
PC would crash suddenly w/o bsod.
After reboot, msg appeared- system recovered from serious error and event viewer showed DHCP error.
Later it got so serious, pc would reboot and crash the moment the welcome/user login screen appeared.
Try 'Avast home free'. :P

advertising for avast home free :S
bah ! the pc doesnt boot anymore....i can't try anything........(see post above urs ):no: :no: :no:
so this is hdd. in my case i faced same situation with the a8n-e i had...but tht was board issue the nf4 chipset was weak coz of thermal paste gettin dried off and overtime i had random restarts...lotta debuggin and had to confirm it was with the board chipset. the same maybe in your case. confirm it.:)

BIOSTAR this is the board i assume with passive cooling
did u ever get this problem before?? if not... and is ur windows boots then try restoring the system to a earlier proper working point... might just help...
hanzy said:
So the reboot fever is on my pc......
it can happen anytime.......

-if im browsing.
-if im seeing a video on youtube.

-if the pc is on but is not in use.
-listening to music.
-playing nfs.

Firstly,hope your comp's back up again..

Since you've mentioned those things, I'm assuming the net must be connected even when you doing all the rest of the stuff.

I faced the similar problem, along with hundreds of people on the net. Changed my NIC many times but to no avail. Finally got a USB LAN card and not faced even a single restart since then. Don't know if that's the issue, but worth giving a shot ;)
Does you BIOS have some sort of setting like "Assign IRQs automatically", try playing with those settings... perhaps there is an IRQ conflict causing a reboot...

There also may be a setting that says "OS = Windows" or "OS = Other" try changing it around...

Another is to try to manually change the IRQ assigned in Windows device manager (say, Sound, Video and Net)...

Search google for "irq conflict reboot" it seems to return some interesting links...

edit: did you recently add a new component? i see both SATA and IDE in your config, try using only SATA and disconnect the IDE HDD and optical drive if thats IDE...
Guys thank u all for the answers....but as of now , im in a soup i guess........

the pc refuses to boot up and show the hdd , when the hdd is connected and try to start the pc , the screen comes up with curropted graphics and smileys and wat not and gives a read / write error , when i disconnect the hdd and boot right off the dvd rom drive , it will go ahead and boot using dvd and run fine.....things i did ,

disconnected everything and tried to run bare bones-
no add pci cards -
bios to default -
changed sata data cables -
changed power cables -
swapped ram slots-
ran on individual ram-

nothing helps.......the problem is still unknown i.e the main reboot issue , but as of now everything seems like an issue , i guess i have a kaputed hdd , the thing is the hdd gets detected in the bios but just doesnt go ahead....

reference purposes : the board is a biostar gf7050 / e2160 / 1gb x2 transend 800 / dvd rw / 1x sata / 1x ide ......

lastly i tried booting off the ide hdd and it ran fine.....


sata controller busted-
hdd busted-
psu busted everything- :@

last evening , the pc did freeze 2 times when writing to dvd-r discs too !....but it did write fine on a dvd - rw .....daammmmm...is the dvd-rw dead too .....gosh...wats happening...
:no: :no: :no:
I'm beginning to think the RAM is the least of your problems. It might not be the RAM at all. I also had faced a similar situation. But mine was a borked up mobo.
But, in your situation, its quite clear that the HDD is the culprit. Why do you still say you haven't found the reason for the reboots? :S
=CrAzYG33K= said:
I'm beginning to think the RAM is the least of your problems. It might not be the RAM at all. I also had faced a similar situation. But mine was a borked up mobo.
But, in your situation, its quite clear that the HDD is the culprit. Why do you still say you haven't found the reason for the reboots? :S

This is how it all started...

I ran memtest and once done , I decided on reinstaling the OS....
So i started with that and the screen went blank....so i rebooted (manual) and once done the cursor just kept blinking.......So i shut the full thing off and tried again.....this time if dint find the hdd......and ever since this has been the issue.....:no:

the only way to be sure if the hdd is blown is today evening i will take it to my neighbours place and connect to his system............patheticccccccc....no backup too.....250 gig :cry:
^ eh. Ok. But most likely the HDD is the issue, right ?
Why was this posted then ? :ashamed:
hanzy said:
nothing helps.......the problem is still unknown i.e the main reboot issue , but as of now everything seems like an issue , i guess i have a kaputed hdd , the thing is the hdd gets detected in the bios but just doesnt go ahead....
Update : Am very happy ....the HDD is JUST FINE!.....I connected it to my neighbours comp and booted off his OS and the hdd got detected ran thru scan disk and did its usual thing...found a no. of cross linked files on my HDD...and fixed it and the HDD was fine....I havent tried connecting it back to my comp yet....So :

1) the sata hdd is good
2) the rams are good

now left is the SMPS and MOBO.........time to check that out.....

So what next people , mobo or psu 1st ?
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