pc loves to reboot

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zhopudey said:
Get a friends psu and try it in ur PC.

awaiting the weekend for such a task , till then im going to reinstall the OS on the ide hdd which runs fabs on the same setup...and see if it also goes to go to reboot thingie....on the IDE it never rebooted but often threw Blue Screen error msgs ....lets see........at the same time im on the lookout for a good deal on the CM460W :) it would suffice perfectly....somehow im loosing trust on the Powersafe Gold 400W SMPS's :no: ....(paranoid)
zhopudey said:
Get a friends psu and try it in ur PC.

update : i took the hdd to another comp / another board / another smps......i was able to detect the hdd / i ran seatools , everything is fine , the hdd works perfect....i came back home and tried to boot via sata...and i was "NOT" able to do so.......again the same read / write error........so then i connected the hdd and booted via IDE......and im posting this , the hdd is detected and everything is perfect.....BUT i cant get to boot of SATA.....so now going back to other PC , will format a new partition and try loading XP and if i get the same error again....then its the BOARD!.......finally will reach conclusion today...
Please connect your SATA at very first SATA port only may be 00 or 01 like that. Ensure that and post your results here
Update : So this is where we stand , after hours of thinking and thinking I ran into a conclusion of my hdd not booting up........and guess wat...the reason was a OLD VISTA installation on one of the partitions of the hdd......Very strange that the vista partition caused read / write errors and the craping of graphics and what not.....I ran HDTune , HDTach , SeaTools and everything is absolutely fine with the HDD :hap2: ....and So is my SMPS :hap2: and so the rig is UP and RUNNING now.....i just formatted the vista partition and reinstalled XP.....So now...back to the 1st problem the thread started with.....Am done with a "clean OS install" / Ram Tests/ Different SATA ports / Different Sata Cables / Different SMPS , everything....as of now i will run the righ ONLY on the SATA hdd and have disconnected the IDE. Will observe over the days to come.....TY all for helping and commenting.......will post updates after a few days :)
a_k_s_h_a_y said:
highly possible reason ! my friends have the same !
Pirated XP. The SP2 one.
The CD keys go something like this.
FCKGW ..... or DC9GX .......

i think that might be the issue .. i am using xp sp2 with the key i believe is FCKGW DC9GX ...... and my pc loves to restart :( will install some other xp sp2 and then update in this thread soon and to add to this, when i installed xp there were 2 files missing in the cd-rom, file names are mobsync.exe and the other 1 was xmldll something, i do not remember the exact file names
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