31-40k PC upgrade

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hey TE, great to be back here after 5 years...
...was a hard core gamer back in the days during college...
...stupid work:mad: took away the thing i loved the most.........gaming
...but now im back:finger:...n going to reassemble my PC...
...please tell me what all do i need to replace
i have:-
Motherboard: Fatality Abit IP35-E
CPU: Quad core Q6600
GPU: XFX Nvedia 8800GT alpha dog edition
SMPS: cooler master 500W


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Great to have you back.

It would depend on what games you want to play and at what settings :P

With that setup I doubt you will get any upgrade-able components in the market now. That GFX card alone is 7 years old tech.

Also I suggest you post a thread in the PC buying help section as it might get over looked here.
lets kill the confusion one at a time...
i have short listed amd r9 270x or nvidia 760 GTX.....
...i know 760 gtx any time out runs 270x but is also 3-4k more expensive..
...but at the same time there are so many variants of 270x ranging from 15k to 19k that i'm confused...
...in the sense if i want to pay 19k for 270x i'd might as well buy 760 gtx!!!
  • What is your budget?
    • 45K
  • What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel quad core Q6600
    • Motherboard - Fatality Abit IP35-E
    • GPU - XFX Nvedia 8800GT alpha dog edition
    • RAM - transcend 2GB DDR2 800MHZ
    • Monitor - HP 19" (but i think its totalled)
    • PSU - cooler master 500W
    • Hdd - 500GB+250GB SATA
    • Mouse - logitech MX-518
    • Keyboard - logitech G-15
  • Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
  • PSU - cooler master 500W (hopefully:nailbiting:)
  • Hdd - 500GB+250GB SATA (dont know...if compatible)
  • Mouse - logitech MX-518
  • Keyboard - logitech G-15
  • Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel i5 4670 (i've heard good about it, but surely would change my stance if there is something better)
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard (wifi receiver present if invented o_O)
    • GPU - Nvidia 760GTX or ATI R9 270X (help me choose b/w the two or if any thing else better than these babies)
    • PSU - hopefully retain the same
    • RAM - No idea
    • Monitor - No idea (Less or equal to 21")
    • HDD - preferably 2TB.... WTF is SDD? why would i need that?
    • (please mention the rest in above format)
  • Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No...i think i'll pick up some less capital intensive hobby :dead:
  • Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase (if cheaper than lamington)
  • Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  • What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • HTPC
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
  • Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • NO i'm not a brand slave...i just want best value for money deals
  • If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • crysis 3
    • GTA 5
  • What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1280x720 or 1440X900
    2. Desktop - 1440x900 (i dont want to buy a monitor more than 21")
  • Are you looking to overclock?
    • NO
  • Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
  • Windows 7 64 bit
  • Windows 8 (but i ve heard many games dont work on it)
  • NOTE: As u can see my previous config, i had really done R&D before buying a component. my main motive is to buy best value for money stuff, n want to do the same this time also.
  • CPU - Intel i5 4690 (New haswell refresh)
Slightly faster than 4670, and available for 15200 at primeabgb, slightly (200-300 bucks) costlier than 4670. If budget is increasing, get i5 4590 for 13.9K.
  • Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-B85M-D3H (Micro-ATX form factor)
Available for 5.6K. Go with H87 chipset Board, only if USB, SATA ports on B85 board are not sufficient. Compare specs for B85 and H87 chipset Motherboards. And decide. In most of the cases, B85 chipset Motherboards are fine. Motherboards, with built-in WiFi support will be costlier, so It would be better to add a wifi card, which will work out for 800-1000 bucks additionally.
Comparision - http://in.gigabyte.com/products/comparison/list.aspx?ck=2&pids=5013,4492
  • GPU - Nvidia 760GTX or ATI R9 270X (help me choose b/w the two or if any thing else better than these babies)
Depends entirely on your the budget. If you are willing to spend 18K+, GTX760 is best choice for now. Else settle for Sapphire R9 270X 2GB (http://www.flipkart.com/sapphire-am...b_37&ref=034e8cdd-be12-4291-97ed-22b39c38fcd7) for 14K+.
Comparison - http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/1043?vs=1038
  • PSU - Please indicate which model you have. However with this config 500W PSU will settle quite easily.
Though, If budget permits, get Seasonic S12II 520W. Costs 4.8-5.0K. Get it from "overclockerszone" store at snapdeal. They (Tirupati enterprise) are authorized distributors for Seasonic products in India. Else, inquire price at theITwares/primeabgb at Lamington Road.
  • RAM - Gskill RipjawsX F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL RAM
Available at primeabgb for 6.2K. If budget increased, get 1 stick for now, and 1 later.
  • Monitor - Dell ST2240L 21.9" Monitor
Should be available for 8.5K locally.
  • HDD - WD Caviar Blue 1TB for 3.8K IMO
Get 1TB for now. And add 1TB later on. Else get Seagate Barracuda 2TB SATA 3 HDD, whichever model available.
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crossbow...u are the man....
...by the way how is the price difference b/w online market n lamington?
...prime abgb website price n actual price?
...is it advisable to get stuff from US? (if, yes worth it...i got wait till aug)
Thanks :)
1) Locally, items will be available for cheaper price most of the times, than compared to online. You will just need to bargain hard some times to get best possible prices. But sometimes at sites like flipkart/snapdeal, you may find better prices. This particularly, will change on day to day and case to case scenario. When you go scalping for computer components, it does not hurt to get some idea about prices by visiting sites like flipkart/snapdeal. And than visit local marketplace. If prices are better online, go for the kill.
2) I do not have idea about in-store prices of primeabgb, but I assume there should not be any difference. Or if any, it may not be marginal.
3) Computer components will for sure work out cheaper if bought from US. But warranty issues will be there for most of the components. If you can wait till august, invest now in components like RAM, PSU, cabinet and Monitor locally. And get CPU, Motherboard, GPU from US. But I would advice to strictly check for warranty details. Like whether you can claim RMA for a component locally or not. Or Is warranty entirely applicable in India or not.
Again, this will work out cheaper only if, someone or you personally get items from US to India. If you import them, there are custom duties.
EVGA GTX760 2GB should be a good option. Working out for 15K+, if someone buy for you there.

Available for $249 (After rebates) with free Watch dogs game here : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...re=EVGA_GeForce_GTX760-_-14-130-932-_-Product

Get 4GB variant only if you plan to play games like Watch Dogs, or other similar games, which utilizes GPU memory at fullest.

Heard that EVGA provides amazing After sales service. But never experienced. And cannot comment, whether it will work out in your case as well.
Look for an r9 280 instead. Much faster than the 760 gtx and costs about the same.

The extra gig of ram helps in watch dogs and wolfenstein. Otherwise you can't get max texture resolution. Future games will also be better with 3 gigs.
u know chaos i was just thinking on the same lines today....but some how i feel 760gtx 4gb out performs r9 280
...but some how my experience draws me away from ATI
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