- Expected Price (Rs)
- 6500
- Shipping from
- Jaipur
- Item Condition
- 4 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Sep 21, 2020
- Shipping Charges
- Included in cost
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- 5 months
- Invoice Available?
- Yes
- Reason for Sale
- Moved to TWS
For Sale - Philips TAPH 805BK NC Wireless Headphones
Cosmetic and working condition 9/10
All Accessories Included including the 3.5mm cable (Not pictured)
Location - Jaipur
7 months old
Invoice Available
Cosmetic and working condition 9/10
All Accessories Included including the 3.5mm cable (Not pictured)
Location - Jaipur
7 months old
Invoice Available