Planning To Buy Xbox360/ps3 And A Hdtv(Or Pc Monitor) Or A High-End Pc...confused :(

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Hello Friends

I am planning to buy a gaming console and a Television set . I am partial noobs on Gaming console so help me out. keep in mind that my budget is 50k. So here are the questions :

Should I buy this: Sony PS3 160GB: Gaming Console (Rs.Rs. 16990)

Or this: Microsoft X-Box 360 4 GB Slim: Gaming Console (Rs. 14990).

Which will have more VFM and expected to last longer.

Frm my noobie eyes. ..PS3 seems better but any expert opinion will be greatly appreciated.
(no Fanboyism please

I will have to buy an additional controlled too
< 2k more.

Now comes the tougher question . I need a a Monitor. These are the options:

1) Television :

What size of TV should be satisfactory ? 32 inches seems good enough

TVs Price List India: TVs & Video Players:

So the other option is

2) HD Monitor.

Is the price difference HUGE?

Is the investment worth it ?Or should get a PC?

Confuesed..please HELP!!
I guess there was a detailed thread in the gaming section on PS3 vs X360. Both have their strengths. My choice would be PS3.

If you buy a computer monitor, you will also need speakers for the sound which the TV will have built in, Plus, you can use the TV as ... well a TV. That makes more sense.

What kind of games do you like? I don't think consoles would be too handy for FPS's.
FPS are my fav genre :-D.

I am looking forward to Max Payne and GTA V. And ofcourse I would buy some of the PS3 exclusives like Uncharted series .

I have decided on PS3.
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