Port Forwarding in eMULE

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First of all i wanna wish everyone a happy and a prosperous New Year :).
Now the problem part :( . whenever i install emule/emule plus.It always says that the TCP port cannot be forwarded.I have a BSNL connection with a SmartAX-MT880 modem/router.Now i had the same problem in utorrent,But i fixed it by logging on to and created a port forward in the application menu.It worked like a charm.But in emule it does not work!No matter how much i try,Its so frustrating.When i start emule i connect to a server,then i do a search,I get results and when i start downloading,Not a single byte gets downloaded :@ .I have even waited for an hour yet not a single byte gets downloaded.I have visited portforward.com but it has instructions only for a Huwaei SmartAX-MT882 and others whereas mine is SmartAX-MT880.Can anyone plz help me?
Well,BSNL says it does not provide a static IP address,So i guess its dynamic...But the problem remains ;(
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