No Link to Porn/Adult sites, please remove that link before you get a warning.SS3 said:
sickizblank said:No Link to Porn/Adult sites, please remove that link before you get a warning.![]()
SS3 said:
MaRKiV said:WTF! this site has only 2 active torrents and that too each more than 125GB.. That s**ks! :rofl:
Site Refresh - posted 4 days ago
We have worked hard in the last two months, to bring you a great Torrent site, and to build a great Community.
To this end, we have decided to concentrate solely on Brrip and High Quality Encode Packs.
The Transformation will happen over the next week.
So from now on no new torrents will be uploaded unless they are Brrip or High Encode packs.
All Torrents uploaded which currently have leechers will have a five day grace, ( non Brrip and High Quality Encode Packs ) after this point they will be deleted.
We would like to thank everyone for their hard work, especially all uploaders, staff and everyone that helped seed.
Whatever they say.. it deserves an WTF from me!! if u dont.. i cant help it... :tongue:SS3 said:Hey can u PLZZZ check out the Home Page
Its makes more sense than WTF??:tongue:
MaRKiV said:Whatever they say.. it deserves an WTF from me!! if u dont.. i cant help it... :tongue:
kuduku said:torrentcore
KIS says its infected
check the screenshot
pls comment all those who have registered and have KIS or any anti-virus
SS3 said:KIS detects a virus/trojan in most of my applications downloaded from
Use Nod32..
And TorrentCore will soon shut down signups.get in as fast as you can,'ll soon see the tracker RISE!!......
I'm sure theres a whole bunch of users in here who will appreciate what i post![]()
Darthcoder said:Torrentcore has 2 torrents in total? :O
Darthcoder said:Torrentcore has 2 torrents in total? :O
CheersSite Refresh - posted 4 days ago
We have worked hard in the last two months, to bring you a great Torrent site, and to build a great Community.
To this end, we have decided to concentrate solely on Brrip and High Quality Encode Packs.
The Transformation will happen over the next week.
So from now on no new torrents will be uploaded unless they are Brrip or High Encode packs.
All Torrents uploaded which currently have leechers will have a five day grace, ( non Brrip and High Quality Encode Packs ) after this point they will be deleted.
We would like to thank everyone for their hard work, especially all uploaders, staff and everyone that helped seed.
kuduku said:torrentcore
KIS says its infected
check the screenshot
pls comment all those who have registered and have KIS or any anti-virus
MaRKiV said:and If any one has IPTorrents invite do PM me.. :hap2: