raksrules said:Means that users having account (like me) will get invites to invite others. And not that they are opening signup.
Altair1911 said:
Scarecrow said:TL going to invite demonoid users. just read its news on its home page. So if u r a demonoid user go grab ur TL invite fast. it may start in few hrs.
NOVEMBER INVITE GIVEAWAY!! We are recruiting DEMONOID users that they were left homeless,in a total number of 4,000(four thousand open slots for new people!)!! Please note that the invites that will be carried away till they are gone,and this can be done in between few mins or few hours,so I would hurry up if I was you!!!All you have to do is come in our irc,in channel #invites !!Come join us NOW at irc.torrentleech.org:7011 channel #invites ,or click here--> irc.torrentleech.org:7011/invites if you are using mIRC,to automatically connect to our invite channelPLEASE READ the topic and grab your TorrentLeech invite! Have fun
P.S. MAKE SURE you follow us on Twitter, and never miss again a thing like this again !!!