Post Sites open for signup Thread

Site Name: Across The Tasman (

Signup URL: Register at

Usually, ATT is closed for public registrations. However currently the site is open for signup and is accepting new registrations. We do not know for how long the signups will remain open but if you are a sports fan, feel free to go ahead and check the site out.

When you talk about sports these days, the first thing that comes to mind is the football world cup which is going strong in South Africa. However, this is not another ‘where to find football WC torrents online’ post (if you are looking for a similar article, read this). This post is about, AcrossTheTasman (ATT), a dedicated sports torrent tracker that is home to sports releases not found on most other BitTorrent trackers. For instance, ATT is one of the very few sites that index cricket torrents. That’s not all, they have a lot of Rubgy, Mortor Racing, Tennis, Australian Soccer and other sports content indexed as well. Although usually closed for public registrations, AcrossTheTasman is currently open for signup – however don’t expect this to last forever. Anyway if you are a sports fan, this could be a very useful tracker to have.
Some of you might be hearing about ATT for the very first time. But this isn’t a site that landed out of nowhere – AcrossTheTasman is a spinoff tracker by the same team who runs popular ATT’s user base as well as the torrent index no doubt got a boost from well established Diwana – free ATT invites were given away to existing Diwana members and bulk of the sports torrents tracked by Diwana were moved over to ATT just a couple of months ago. It looks like ATT will primarily be handling sports content while Diwana takes care of movies and TV shows. Currently there are over 14000 active members registered on Across The Tasman.
What’s important about ATT is that it has content that’s not found elsewhere. For example, they have Cricket torrents (which for some reason most sports trackers avoid like the plague) as well as a lot of Rugby torrents (rugby union games from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Wales, England as well as premier Rugby League competitions from around the world). Add to this motor racing torrents and Australian football games and you’ve got yourself a decent sports tracker. ATT has it’s own cappers for most of the sporting events it covers and this results in a lot of unique content getting uploaded to the site (which is a good thing).
Site Name: My Anonamouse (

Signup URL: My Anonamouse :: Special Signup Page (open signups will last until 06-20-2010 23:59:59 GMT.)

Getting into MyAN has never really been hard. Although the site has had closed signups for the most part of its lifetime, interested members could always get in via invite applications. If you didn’t like to fill out the application form and submit it on the IRC channel, you now have a chance to join the site directly during My Anoanamouse special open signup period.

My Anonamouse has got to be one of the most underrated BitTorrent trackers ever. You don’t often see invite requests for it on BitTorrent forums, you don’t see it on those ‘tracker levels’ tables and you don't see My Anonamouse invites being sold on Ebay. Perhaps MyAN does not generate that much of a buzz in the BitTorrent scene due to the nature of content it tracks – the site does not index blockbuster movies, latest TV shows or video games. However, those looking for a niche tracker to download eBooks or audio books would prefer this site over 20 General/0Day trackers any day. My Anonamouse has a huge torrent index comprising of over 40000 torrents and it’s simply one of the most resourceful sites on the net for E-books (including novels), audiobooks, comics, magazines, music tutorials and other similar material. If you still haven’t managed to get into this awesome tracker, registrations will be open for one week starting today.
Even though My Anonamouse receives a relatively low hype in the BitTorrent scene, it’s not short of members. The site currently has an active user base of over 33000 registered members; quite an unusual feat for a niche private community. The torrent count is equally high – as of 13/6/2010 there were 38000 active torrents indexed by MyAN’s BitTorrent tracker (and increase of 6000 from the 32000 torrents that were available in April 2010).
Most of the folks who do know about My Anonamouse know it as a audiobooks only tracker. While MyAN tracks a lot of audio books, that’s not the only type of content you can find there. For instance, there are over 8000 eBook torrents (the actual number of books is much higher because some of these torrents are packs) available on this site – that’s more torrents than you can find on several specialized eBook trackers put together. Alongside audiobooks and electronic books, MyAN tracks graphic novels, comics, magazines, newspapers, educational material as well as music related stuff such as guitar/bass tabs, sheet music, lick libraries and even concert videos.

Now, with the increased popularity of portable devices such as Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad which make it easier to read E-books and listen to Audiobooks outside your computer, I can only see My Anonamouse becoming more popular in the future. If you are a book lover, musician or a fan of magazines, newspapers or graphic novels, this site is highly recommended.
Site Name: LastTorrents (Last Torrents)
Signup URL: Last Torrents :: Signup
Stats: 33000+ torrents and 70000+ users judging by their Alexa rank of ~10900.
Description: LastTorrents, formerly known as BitTorrents.Ro, is a huge private tracker with lots of activity. Includes a sh1tload of packs (including exclusive releases snatched from other trackers), scene and non scene releases. LT features a great interface that has separate browse pages for new torrents, archived releases as well as free leech torrents.

Site Name: SceneFZ (SceneFZ - Torrent tracker. Tracking over 18.000 torrent files.)
Signup URL: Go to SceneFZ - Torrent tracker. Tracking over 18.000 torrent files., accept the agreement and choose ‘Sign up’ from the left pane.
Stats: 20100+ torrents and 63000+ users
Description: SceneFZ is a decent general tracker with a lot of focus on movies. This site has over 10000 films which is more than the amount tracked by some specialized movie trackers that are around.

Site Name: TorrentBits (TorrentBits V4.0)
Signup URL: TorrentBits V4.0 and click the signup link
Stats: 20200+ torrents and 60000+ users
Description: TorrentBits, a long standing Romanian tracker silently launched V4 of it’s web interface with lots of new features and a new, streamlined user interface just a couple of months ago

Site Name: ExtremeShare (ExtremeShare - Login)
Signup URL: ExtremeShare - Sign Up
Stats: 16400+ torrents
Description: ES is one of those General/0Day sites with lots of internal releases – just browse the ‘ES Torrents’ and ‘ES DVD’ sections on the left sidebar to find them. In addition to internal group uploads, this tracker indexes almost all major scene and p2p releases as well.

Site Name: BitShock (
Signup URL:
Stats: 5100+ torrents
Description: BitShock is a family of BitTorrent trackers that’s been around for a while. is their main tracker which is a general/0day torrent site. Their sister sites include Appz BitShock and Games Bitshock. BSK tracks almost all major scene/p2p releases as well as exclusive packs.
Site Name: BDMKV (BDMKV :: )
Signup URL: BDMKV ::
Stats: 3600+ users and 410+ torrents
BDMKV has over 200 untouched Blu Ray movies and more seem to be getting uploaded every day. In addition to there, there are some MKV movies as well as high quality lossless audio files available here. This tracker indexes releases from the scene as well as from a lot of non scene groups including CHD, Remux, ESiR, etc. If you are an English speaking user, BDMKV supports English as an interface language – change the language from the dropdown located on the top right corner of signup page

Site Name: TorrentCCF (TCCF :: )
Signup URL: TCCF ::
Stats: 9200+ users and 10400+ torrents.
TorrentCCF is a relatively large private tracker which indexes HD and non HD movies, TV shows, documentaries as well as software. Just like BDMKV, TCCF tracks releases from both scene and P2P groups including WiKi, CHD, SEMTEX, TSG, CtrlHD, etc (releases by some groups that are ‘internal’ on other trackers are also available). Overall a good tracker with a strong users base as well as a rich torrent index. An English language option is available for international users.
Site Name: HD-Bits.Ro ( v3.05 beta :: Login page)

Invite Applications URL: Application form

We do not know how long (on average) it will take Hd-Bits.Ro staff to process your application and send an invite if you are approved. It’s best to wait patiently without applying multiple times as it might take some time to sort out the large number of requests they receive.

There’s a lot of talk about private trackers and invite applications these days. It looks as if every tracker on the planet is starting to recruit members via invite apps. This is not really a bad thing though – invites officially handed out like this should allow tracker staff to recruit good members and minimize scams related to invite trading at the same time. Anyways the latest private torrent site to implement online invite applications is the popular specialized high definition tracker HD-Bits.Ro (not to be confused with HDBits.Org). If you could not get into this site through their recent open signup (there was one just about two months ago), you can now apply for an invite through the online form. HDbits.Ro tracks scene and P2P HD video releases such as movies, TV shows, Documentaries including exclusive uploads by their internal encoder group HDBRise.
With over 13000 active members and 4500 torrents, this is one of the larger HD trackers. Torrents are well seeded and download speeds are pretty good.
Coming back to invite applications, you’d be glad to know that they are not insanely hard to complete. There are two stages in the process - first one tests your knowledge on HD-Bits.Ro rules. Provided that you read the rules carefully you should easily be able to complete this section. Second and final step involves submitting ratio proof, profile links and a screenshot of your torrent client along with a few other details. Once this is done, you can submit your invite application. However, make sure you read the following (quoted from HDBR page) before you start filling out the form:
Please fill in all the forms, especially your e-mail because that's where you'll receive your invitation
Don't worry about your personal information, only staff has access; application is deleted after being accepted or rejected
We might answer your application in a couple of hours or it could take a couple of days
While we do not require you to write extremely long responses to the following questions, we do expect you to show some effort / thoughtfulness when answering
If your account was previously disabled, do not attempt to apply here. Instead, come into IRC and talk with us!
Please complete only one application form, if you post more, we will delete from without even reading them
Site Name:

Sign-up Link: Sign-up

For those of you who don't know Demonoid, it is a fantastic starting site for those of you who would like to start using private torrent domains. It has a lot of variety, with over 54,000 movies, over 94,000 music albums, over 12,000 games, and many more categories. Download speeds are decent, and you can find almost anything in on quality or another on Demonoid.

Registrations only stay open for one or two days, so hurry for your chance to sign-up!
AwesomeHD open for Signup again!!

Grab it peoples

Yes, it is true: We are open again.

Welcome to every new member, enjoy the site!

We hope to get some valuable new users, so please don't just grab as much as you can and get banned, you will get a lot more over time if you behave nice :>

Read the rules and be a part of the community, it might become your favorite tracker. Maybe AHD is what you have been looking for all the time and you just didn't know, the only way to find out is to stay and become a part of it.

Signup Link

Site Name: Underground Gamer (Underground Gamer)

Signup URL: Underground Gamer

Signups for UG are currently open. As stated in the quoted news post above, they will only remain open till the site hits its max user cap of 30000. This leaves around 1200 more free slots remaining – a lot of people are signing up as we speak so hurry and get in while you can. If you like retro PC games, ROMs and emulation, this is definitely a site worth checking out.
Underground Gamer is a very unique BitTorrent tracker. Unlike other games trackers which mainly focus on new releases, UG seems to deal more with retro, classic content. It indexes a lot of DOS, Windows and console games including some rare old games packs which are almost impossible to be found these days. In addition to PC and Console games, UG is known for emulation and ROM files - two elements essential for playing console games on a personal computer. Launched several years ago, this sister site of bitGamer has been able to win the hearts and minds of many PC and console gamers over time. For those who still aren’t members of this great tracker, we have some good news. In a rare move, UG has opened its doors to recruit 2000 new members – site wide free leech has also been activated in celebration of open signups.
In the last couple of months, you may have come across instances where UG appeared to be open for signup. The site was indeed open to the public at random times but this was almost always due to automatic account deletion. In other words open signups lasted only for a few minutes. An extended, official open signups hasn’t been announced for months until now:
Underground Gamer Presents…
The Grand Reopening Freeleech!
We are proud to announce that Underground Gamer will be once again opening its doors to new members! In tribute to this wonderful moment, there will be a site-wide freeleech starting this Friday (23 July) and lasting until the following Friday (30 July).
In addition to the freeleech, we will also have some other goodies to announce soon so keep your eyes peeled!
We are limiting signups to less than 2,000 slots with a hard cap at 30k. There will be no better time to signup than now so please take this opportunity to tell all of your friends about Underground Gamer!
// UG Staff
Underground Gamer has been online for several years and has grown both in terms of user base and content over time. Being a niche games tracker focusing on retro content, you’d expect user and torrent statistics of this site to be somewhat on the low end – this however is not the case. With over 28500 registers users, it’s actually one of the largest games trackers out there – one that can even rival Blackcats Games in terms of size. As of 20/7/2010 UG tracked over 11500 torrents, again an impressive amount for a specialized tracker.
As highlighted earlier, UG deals primarily with retro, classic games. This includes old DOS based games, classic Windows games as well as a lot of ROM files for a number of different gaming consoles ranging from ATARI 2600 to NES, SNES, Genesis, MAME, NeoGeo, Amiga, etc. A ROM file is basically an image of a game cartridge which can be mounted using a compatible emulator software – this lets you play your favorite console games on the PC (an example based on SNES may be found here). Coming back to the content on UG, they even have some pretty impressive fullset ROM collections for many different consoles from the golden era – these can be found in their Collections page.
Sorry for the late reply. I don't quite know lol. I read about this somewhere so I thought I'd share it with the members here .....