Post Sites open for signup Thread

I see. I saw a couple of dubbed movies and the dubbing was atrocious. Just hilarious. The meaning was twisted and the end result was just the opposite of what the character actually said. Anyhow, good movies must be watched whether dubbed or subbed.

Ya that's right hahaha sometimes also bhojpuri or bengali & punjabi & even tamil accent is used when dubbing in hindi sometimes it hears odd * sometimes funny Eg ohh babumoshayi :lol: in some movie on UTV Action

Ratioless tracker with 3,118 active files in the general catz (none listed)...

"You need to seed each torrent that you download for 48 hours/2 Days or until you reach 1:1 ratio..."


:: BitZone :: | Közösségi Oldal | :: :: Regisztráció

General content, Hungarian, tracker with 20,725 active torrents !

Animation - DVD / ENG - DVD / ENG - E-Book - HD / Eng - HD / Eng - PC Games - Games / Console - Pictures - Video - Mobile / Pocket PC - Software/ Other - Programs / ISO - Series / Eng - Series / Eng - Xvid / Eng - Xvid / HUN - XXX - XXX / Images - Music / Eng - Music / HUN

Action - Adventure - Animation - Biography - Comedy - Crime - Documentary - Drama - Family - Fantasy - Historical - Horror - Musical - Musical - Mystery - Reality Show - Romanitkus - Science Fiction - Short Film - Sports - Talk Shows - Thriller - War - Western
good music(english) tracker??
for music the worthwhile trackers are and
Waffles has many invites floating around while What is admissible by IRC interviews only
But i doubt anyone here will be willing to part an invite, this being a public forum and all
in other words, look for greener pastures :)
^^ Have they started accepting irc apps from Indian ip ?
Back in the day Indian ips were banned from irc interview. Looking at seeds, what is more worthwhile than waffles. And getting in what should be via PU+ forums of other trackers like btn or ptp
hey guys.

new site they seem good am posting link here for those who wanna sing up, they are freeleech for now and are very new

Mega Bliz :: Signup for promo :Mega-Bliz Promotion


upload: 50.00 GB

invites: 2

karma: 2000
all those sign up get the following, is what i read on their site.

also to note guys since they very new, they have no hit and run policy and everything for now is freeleech
A quick warning for everybody. Be careful where you put in your login data and email. Use different passwords for different trackers. Lot of account hijackings are taking place via fraudulent trackers. There was notice going around popular trackers against such phishing trackers.
A quick warning for everybody. Be careful where you put in your login data and email. Use different passwords for different trackers. Lot of account hijackings are taking place via fraudulent trackers. There was notice going around popular trackers against such phishing trackers.

interesting.. where did u get this info m8