Post Sites open for signup Thread

Hello Everyone

To All Exsisting and New Torrentmonsters members

Please Read The Info Below

Due To The Old Site Having Just Too Many Bugs E.T.C, We Are Back With A Brand New

Look And A Brand New Source.. Dont Worry If You Dont See Too Many Torrents On

Site, We Are Currently Working On The Issue Now We Have Acquired A New SeedBox.

If You Are An Old Member To TorrentMonsters And Have Signed Back Up With The Exact

Same User Name And Would Like To Have Your Stats Reinstated Please Drop SM A PM

Stating Your Username 'Please Note If You Didnt Use The Exact Same Name As Before

Your Stats Will NOT Be Awarded To You '.

Please Re Register To Get On To The New Site

Please Remember To Also Check Your Junk Email For Your Conformation Email

Any Problems Please Contact

Lastly Thanks For Choosing TorrentMonsters For Your Torrenting Experience.


TorrentMonsters Owners And Staff

We have open signup at the moment
Hello Everyone

To All Exsisting and New Torrentmonsters members

Please Read The Info Below

Due To The Old Site Having Just Too Many Bugs E.T.C, We Are Back With A Brand New

Look And A Brand New Source.. Dont Worry If You Dont See Too Many Torrents On

Site, We Are Currently Working On The Issue Now We Have Acquired A New SeedBox.
If You Are An Old Member To TorrentMonsters And Have Signed Back Up With The Exact

Same User Name And Would Like To Have Your Stats Reinstated Please Drop SM A PM

Stating Your Username 'Please Note If You Didnt Use The Exact Same Name As Before

Your Stats Will NOT Be Awarded To You '.

Please Re Register To Get On To The New Site

Please Remember To Also Check Your Junk Email For Your Conformation Email

Any Problems Please Contact

Lastly Thanks For Choosing TorrentMonsters For Your Torrenting Experience.


TorrentMonsters Owners And Staff
sal2azz said:
:) Anyone signing up please know that you only have 36 hours to activate your account any problems please pm me
thank you sal2azz
Òðåêåð High Definition Club - Ôèëüìû â HDTV, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, HD-àóäèî, ñêà÷àòü òîððåíò
HD CLUB.Russian for signup.One may use to fill the Sign-up page.
henceforth,set the language as English,the tracker shows torrent names in both English and Russian.
1.) Very good numbers of seeds for a HD tracker
2.)Good credit bonus system
3.)many torrents on free-leech.
4.)Old torrents are well seeded.
5.) have a huge collection with some rare stuff and have Full Blu-ray movies too.

1.)Pretimes are long.torrents come 1 or two days late

mr_grump5 said:
bro.i got registered but torrent page is in do u identify freeleech??what are remux.?
sorry this is my first hd torrent!
remux are Full Blu-ray discs with intact folder structure(no compression)
and freelech are "golden" torrents( a golden coin would be flipping adjacent to the torrent name)
while Silver torrents(silver coin filipping) are those in which only 50% of download is counted...
as for setting language to English,
Òðåêåð High Definition Club - Ôèëüìû â HDTV, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, HD-àóäèî, ñêà÷àòü òîððåíò
you may click on the British flag(corresponding to English) at top right corner,,near to where currrent time is being shown.

check the red boxes in this link :: Registration
Arena-TR :: Signup
Arabic Series :Mosalsalat ÈíÊ ÇáãÓáÓáÇÊ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ :: Registration
PS2P Tracker :: Signup
TorrentBits V3.0 :: Signup
SceneX :: Signup
Underground Gamer


LearnBits :: Signup

As of 30/11/2009 LearnBits tracks around 4000 active torrents. It has around 7500 registered members which is a strong user base for a specialized tracker. Site’s current user limit hovers around 7700 members. Speaking of user limit, there are only around ~160 free spots remaining on LB (unless the current cap is increased). When this limit is reached, public open signups will close. Signups were opened for a limited time anyway - A note on site states “In light of several popular trackers closing this week LearnBits will open its doors to new members for a brief time”. So if you want to be part of this great Elarning tracker, you better hurry.

Categories: Database, 3D, Apps-Fonts, Business, College Lectures, Creative Writing, Digital Art, Documentary, Early Learning, Electrical Eng / Electronics, Exam Guides, Exams Q-A, Forensics, Health-Fitness, Hobbies, International Hub, IT Manager, IT, Security, Languages, Linux, Mac-Apple, Magazines, Math-Science, Medical, Miscellaneous, Music, Network, Personal Growth, Philosophy, Politics-History, Programming, Psychology, Server Admin, Sports-Self Defence, Templates, Trades, VIP, VOIP, Web Design, Windows-Office