Alan Wake 2 - The Darkness... The Shadows... The Tension!
As a Remedy fan man do I want to play this game so bad, too bad it's limited to EGS for now.
Alan Wake 2 - The Darkness... The Shadows... The Tension!
Exactly.While playing through the subway level I let the old skool guy in me "imagine" for a few minutes that this isn't Alan Wake 2 but it's Max Payne 1 Remastered...
And this is the Roscoe Street Station:
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The lighting in this game is so immaculately rendered:
With Flashlight ON:
With Flashlight OFF:
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Rainy Noir Streets...
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The great thing is, the Max Payne 1 & 2 remakes will be using the exact same engine, so it gives you a great idea of what the final game will look like, especially with the Sam Lake Max Payne Easter Egg sequences in Alan Wake 2but it's Max Payne 1 Remastered...
The great thing is, the Max Payne 1 & 2 remakes will be using the exact same engine, so it gives you a great idea of what the final game will look like, especially with the Sam Lake Max Payne Easter Egg sequences in Alan Wake 2
No idea about the release date. It's TBA.Wow... this is great news, I didn't know that Max Payne will be Remastered in THIS engine! It will look phenomenal, the gritty environment... just imagine how good the Parking Lot level, Factory level or the swanky Aesir Plaza would look in this engine!
When is Max Payne 1 Remastered expected to be released?
When is Max Payne 1 Remastered expected to be released?