Post your in-game screenshots & gameplay videos

Oh yeah.

I am now no 6 and lookie lookie what i got.

The best thing is this is all upgraded to almost ultimate. :D :D

EDIT: Damn this car is wicked sick.... Too fast for anyone and anything. Cops cant catch it or stop it, racers does not come even close atleast for now and this is with me struggling to control the car and smashing all over :P Still too fast.
A Few CS Source screenshots. Nice departure form so much NFS MW ;)

Just hanging around..

Hmm.. Not bad..

Nice Camping spot.. I must say... (Thats me btw :P.. Stupid nade :P)

Hmmm.. Cool Score..

A lil' Practice? Who needs it? :P *Embarrasing* for the T's :P... If you look close enuf.. Some1 types that ;)

here are some more from MW ..... good news is i completed it some days ago ..... not a big game ...... i was expecting more videos in the end tho :( .....

here r some pics for the DOW fans


  • relic000007vz.jpg
    597.7 KB · Views: 183
  • relic000016ni.jpg
    667.8 KB · Views: 152
Freaky said:
Bugger, called me to ask me how to defeat the MORON :rofl: :rofl: No offence meant, man. Hope ur done with that MORON !!!

Ah he was a Piece of Pizza:ohyeah: , anyway here are some more

Yep was referring to her only.... damn jst saw the pic properly she looks as horrible as she did the last time... oh well gfx was never a strong point in pop games....
Well I have a suggestion guys, why don't you post the settings also on which the screenie has been taken, and GFX card and Processor (Speed if OC'ed)...