OC & Modding Post your Intel Core 2 Duo overclocks here

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

My room is completely closed.

And I use Dice + Acetone, so I have to move my entire setup outside near the gallery. And thats why i do it when usually someone is there to help out a bit.

Those who have been to my place know how cramped my room is. No ventilation at all. I dont wanna get poisoned or suffocate :p
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Funky said:
My room is completely closed.

And I use Dice + Acetone, so I have to move my entire setup outside near the gallery. And thats why i do it when usually someone is there to help out a bit.

Those who have been to my place know how cramped my room is. No ventilation at all. I dont wanna get poisoned or suffocate :p

if its completely closed then its a different matter, even my room is quite cramped with only a small ventilator, but i keep the doors open, so that the fumes can go to the other room, which again is closed, lol, and though i read all the warnings, but didnt notice much fumes coming from the dice + acetone combo, but yeah benching anyways is fun with other peeps/geeks around and man u shud have done some benching when u had the GX2 with you, its crushing all other cards including X2 by a huge margin.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here


Awesome stuff. Can you tell me what is the safe limit for voltage for these chips for 24x7 OC using Air cooling?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

1.35 or even 1.4 - 1.45 is fine for 24x7. There are plenty of people claiming 1.4v will kill 45nm or degrade it. But I am yet to see concrete proof of the same.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

I'm using C2D E6550 on XFX650iUL board + 2gb Gskill 800Mhz Microns.

I'm planning to do my first OC on stock in 2-3days and plan to run +12hrs everyday.

My mobo supports 1.8v Memory voltage but the Gskill runs at 2-2.4v.

This will be my first OC I dont have any idea about OC'ing so GURUS please help me.

What all voltages need to be increased to run my ram and to OC my CPU?

PM me if necessary.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^mostly , if you are new this is a good idea ::

set the cpu voltage to around 1.35-1.4 volts

memory to around 2.2 volts

leave the rest at auto(all chipset voltages,etc)

turn off speedstep/C1E for that added stability

now set the ram to its lowest multiplier (1:1) and now start increasing the fsb

increase in steps of 5-10mhz and stress test

once you are satisfied with the fsb, you can play around with the ram multipliers and try enabling speedstep(if it works then leave it on)

btw, which cooler do you have?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^I'm running on stock Intel HSF.

Don't want to get extreme over clocks just want to run my ram at its recommended voltage.

Will be getting a downloading PC after a month for running 24/7 after which I'll OC the current setup nicely.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^they will run just fine at 800mhz@5-5-5-15 at 1.8volts
just leave it to spd

the mentioned voltage is if you tighten the timings to the suggested ones....and its just a ballpark figure....u dont need to adhere strictly to that voltage to run them
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

I'm running it at this :

Ram Voltage 2.1V

Timings 4 4 4 12 2T

The memory is doing fine I ran Vista Memtest for about 9hrs and now I'm using it like I used to at the above settings. All I want now is 1:1 ratio

memory ratio is 6:5.

Trial :

It wasn't showing where to change the FSB . It showed 1333 which I think should be changed to multiplier, 6x1600 for a 1:1 ratio. Then when I restarted Bios showed a temperature increase of 13C ,i.e, 32-45C. So I turned it back to normal. My temps don't go higher than 41C even after >10hrs of video encoding. Or >10Hrs of gaming.

GFX card is Galaxy8600GT 512 DDR2 temps hower between 49C-53C idle Gaming 61C-70C.

I've VIP500W gold.

Is there a way to save a OC'd setting for games and load it when you want to play games and load the other setting for normal use?.

So hoping to get a much better ideas from you people.
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^ill answer that one but if you have more questions, create a topic for your own use :p

when you talk about the OCed settings saved for games....i assume you are talking about the graphics card

thats easy....just use rivatuner or ati tool

they have seperate 2d and 3d clocks which can be set independantly....and you can have the software load the settings at startup

btw, memory ratio 6:5 means ram is running at 800mhz

and understand how the clocks work

there is a main clock gen.... ( by default at 333mhz)

fsb is quad-pumped so its 333X4=1333mhz

proccy clock

333 X 7.5 (i think) = 2.4ghz (not sure of clock for yours :p )

for the ram:

333 X 1.2(thats the 6:5 multi) X 2 (coz ddr ram) = 800 mhz

so workout what changing the fsb does for you....and if overclocking, invest in a better cooler for the cpu

by making fsb 1600, you went to 400X7.5 = 3ghz
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

15.597s - Intel E6600 @ 3.4Ghz - DFI Lanparty UT P35 T2R - OCZ Platinum 1000MHz @ 950Mhz 5-5-5-15

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Here is mine:

Prolly one of the highest OC with E2140.

E2140 @ 3.6 Ghz. (NOT 24 x 7, did only 4-5 times for little benching purposes totalling to a max prolly 8-10 hours total till date, though the performance jump is decent, i dont give more than 1.3 Vcore in 24 X 7 usage)

Vcore: 1.5 in BIOS.

RAM V: 2.2

CAS 4-4-4-12.

FSB: 450. (450 X 8 E2140 multi)
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Another experiment with Q6600 GO.

Got it for my friend for a day or two.

This is with 1.5 Vcore, i had to return the chip asap so didnot try lowest vcore need for that kinda OC.

Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
Foxconn BlackOps
Kingston 14400 CL9
Gigabyte 9600GT
Corsair TX750W
7200.9 160GB SATA
LN2 for CPU. 120MM Fans for rest :D
CPU-Z Validator 2.1
This chip has only seen 610FSB. Not that great if you ask me. Anyways, Max Benchable for now:
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

I have OC'ed to 330x9.5@1.1750v

but CPU-Z as well as EVESEST CPUID shows a 1.208-1.224v Core Voltage@Load

whats up with that?

Also which app shd i use to stress it - orthos/Prime95 or IntelBurnTest?

and on what settings/level?
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

^^the voltage setting should work

for stress test, use orthos or prime 95 at small FFT (in prime, you have to do enable round off checking in options so that it checks for errors)
Re: Post Your Core 2 Duo Overclocks Here

okay thnx, but why does CPUID shows 1.224v as Core Voltage when i selected 1.1750v in bios?