Post your overclocks !

Switch said:
No none at all... Bottle do one thing... Before you flash your bios... Make a copy of your old one and mail it to me... Would really appreciate that...
just flashed to 1011.005.. the memory area is totally different compared to 1010

i backed up 1010 beta 003 using afudos.. pm me your e mail id and i'll send it to you
so far i'm impressed with the new bios

running 250fsb 1:1 (mem timings 2.5-3-3-7)

cpu @ 2250Mhz

superpi 39.686 seconds
edit: got excited too soon :( it isnt stable in any way at 250 mhz prime lasted only about 10 mins
funkymonkey said:
well to the guys who asked about 1T on A*N SLI.
Well its no problem unless RAM is running 1:1.
If HTT is above 240 but Ram is DDR333 it will run at 1T flawlessly.
No issues what so ever. Its when you run it 1:1 that it cant keep up at 1T over 240FSB for most( in my case its 245).
But new bios should fix this issue.

Thanks funky ! just the info I wanted to have it confirmed ! But there appears to be a notion that it might take a new Revision to fix this !
nope. The new revision is the exact same motherboard without the SLI selector card.
There is nothing changes except an electronic switch that will detect if there are two cards inSLI mode or 1 card in X16 mode.
Thats it. And its called A8N SLI Ultra.
A8N SLI remains as it is. The rumour started over at hardocp and guru3d that new A8N SLI is comming out and many people twisted it and said its to fix this 1T issue when it wasent. The new revision is there to get away with the selector card. Similar to new abit mobos which are suppose to come out by april.
I was personally following the thread at both these forums and I have seen how people start to spread false rumours. :P
You're missing the point which is whether the 1T issue can be fixed with a BIOS mod or will it warrant a board mod ! It is not whether an expected revision didn't actually turn out to be one for 1T ! Asus's stony silence is getting folks to hallucinate - can't blame them, eh !
ya, just checked the old archieve at g3d. Its A8N SLI premium.
About ASUS, they never make too much buzz regarding things like this anyway. but i emailed ASUS regarding this few back an after 4 days of waiting i got the reply which states the fix for this will be in near future bios update. At that time 1006 was new bios which till date stands as official bios. 1007_003 beta is out but it hasent fixed 1T issue. I dont know if 1007 final will fix it.
Tried this in a fit of wild abandon :ohyeah: .....

Athlon 64 skt939 Winchester 3200+ oc-ed to 2.6GHz with an Abit AV8, 2 x 512 Kingston VR @ 1T. The funny thing is I can get just about the same SuperPI timing @ 2.5GHZ. Progressively bad dividers at progressively higher speeds.....
aka You win some...You lose some

Desperate to get my NFORCE4...!


  • 3200+_2.6G_cpuz_superpi.jpg
    210.7 KB · Views: 390
I have my 3200+ @ 2.65 for 24x7 running. It will do 2700 but thats not where i keep it.
for 1T i had to use DDR333 divider.
But even then, performance is awasome. SUperpi dosent show fractional time data( command prompt version does). its same for me for 2.6 or 2.55 or 2.65Ghz. But 3dmark CPU score really jumps.
How is this? :hap2:

Last be not least. 3dmark03 CPU score.

no. At the moment its not watercooled.
I removed my Aquarious II last week to sell it and get koolance system sometime next month. As of now i am ussing my good old XP-90. 36C idle, 44C full load with coolermaser 2500RPM Fan. Nice and cool.
With watercooling temp were 41C full load.
I am changing the aquarious II just bcoz I am getting everything watercooled including Chipset and my cousine is comming back from US next months so he can bring it with him(hopefully).
funkymonkey said:
I have my 3200+ @ 2.65 for 24x7 running. It will do 2700 but thats not where i keep it.
for 1T i had to use DDR333 divider.
But even then, performance is awasome. SUperpi dosent show fractional time data( command prompt version does). its same for me for 2.6 or 2.55 or 2.65Ghz. But 3dmark CPU score really jumps.

Somethin' looks awry - you sure running at 2.65Ghz with Geil ? My SuperPI time of 34s at 2.6GHz was actually using the 133 divider - that's what I meant when I wrote "progressively bad dividers at progressively higher speeds". In as much as I have a love-hate relationship with Kinsgton VR depending upon the day of the week, I can get 34s time at even 2.5Ghz with the 166 divider. Oh well !

And yeah, I'm aware of the situation when SuperPI is sometimes just waiting to be tripped from one level to another. And you don't need to go to DOS, bcoz there is a windows version of SuperPI that gets you fractional times - link should be there on XtremeSystems. There is also the ProcessTimer from CodeRed.
its the motherboard issue.
For me to do 1T i have to stay low on HTT.
Using DDR266 divider will need HTT to be over 300 to get the same results. And also if i use DDR400 divider i will have to go with 2T insted of 1T. and to compensate the performance loss due to 2T you have to put in 30-40Mhz more on HTT.
So it dosent make sence. And this perticular chip that I have seems to have its own limitations at 2.75Ghz.
Above that it will boot but wont pass SuperPi or Prime.
2.7Ghz is the last stable thing for me as of now which is not bad at all.
I am waiting for my koolance system to arive too.
The ASUS chipset fan is crap. the heatsink gets very very hot even with active fan cooling. So i am gona put a chipset block on it.
When its up and running i will try to push it more.
THe ram is known to go over 300Mhz with ease.
currently running this as stock.. keeping the ram as high as possible with 1:1 and 1T on my a8v

very high htt causes my onboard lan to crap out as well . at this current speed everything seems to work smoothly