Post your resume here

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Hi guys n gals;) (may be 3-4), this thread is created for you fellows to dump ur education details.
Try to maintain this format:)
Name: <real/nick name or witheld>
Clg : .....
Branch : ......
Year : ......

Passout members are also welcome.

P.S. : don't expect any job from me :gunsmile:
^^ladies first:)
if not then seniors first, m just a new born.
Anyways m doing bca 2nd sem.
sorry guys

here is my details

name : CA50

College : in some college

branch: BCA

year/sem : IInd

now is this OK
LOL what BS! He doesn't want to post neither his name nor his college and he expects us to do the same. :|

What is the point of this thread? TP?
Well u gave everybody a chance for it so they are doing it. Post your full details then may be they will not do it.:ohyeah:
CA50 said:
Now guys this is not fair u all are pulling my legs. Aren't u?
Name: :bleh:
Clg : :bleh:
Branch : IT
Year :3rd
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