Post your Rigs !

Here my system today

3000 939 @ 2.2ghz
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum
1GB Micron ddr 400
80x2 Segate cuda SATA
BFG 6800
Antec 550W PSU
52x Aopen Cdrom
52X Samsung CDRW
all In a Mercury cabinet with 2x Case fans.

I went a step down with the Arosck board, turned it into a board with a 2800 754. It was good but, I was really-really unhappy with the layout.
NEO2 rocks :thumbsup:
Got it from the US, I been using them for a while on the old rig ;)
Those mem timings are sweet.. Wish I had some ultra high performance ram too :(

You got a 3000+. Whats the temp like? Mine is idling at 38C.. Is this right? (at stock ) at 1.36V. :huh:
dont ask.. getting some horrible temps . recently switched to a neo2 as well.

your temps look good. was getting about the same on my a8v.
Stalkersoftware said:
cool! Join the club, :ohyeah:

What about the VOL? 1.36V? Is this right or should it be 1.4?

If it is 1.36, leave it as it is. Don't change it unless you want to overclock the hell out of your system. 3200+ at stock is 1.4xx. I forget what it actually is as I have been running it at 1.5 for such a long time!!!! ;)
Stalkersoftware said:
Thanks nikhilb2008.
I did set it at 1.475 @ 2.2ghz for overclocking

BTW, Do you have Kingston Value Ram? How is the memory bandthwidth score in Sandra 2005?

First of me Nikhil. Plain and simple!!!! :D

And my Kingston Value Ram SUCKS BIG TIME!!! Am thinking of changing it. And I have not been able to download Sandra 2005. Am looking for it. If you have any link for it, please give me.

I knpow that my mobo is not the best for overclocking, but still, I think my RAM is holding back whatever remaining potential is there. I could touch 2.5GHz and while the computer was stable over a period of 2 days, including HEAVY gaming of CS, HL2, NFS UG2, Prime 95 would not run for more than a minute or 2 if I was lucky :@

But usually, if my comp is unstable, I wiould get an error message while playing HL2 or CS. But this did not happen at 2.5GHz. This shows that my comp is stable but unstable ;)
i dont think! theres need to go for more than 2.4 on your stock, oc is activity which should only be pertained to be if needed. you know you void your warranty.
All you guys with A8V's rather than A8N-SLI's ,don't you feel a bit guilty?

I would because i would feel that my system is not future proof.Why didn;t you people opt for the A8N's???
nikhilesh said:
All you guys with A8V's rather than A8N-SLI's ,don't you feel a bit guilty?

I would because i would feel that my system is not future proof.Why didn;t you people opt for the A8N's???

Not at all... Why cause i have an AGP 6800GT which costed me for Rs 18500... If i would have gone for a PCIx based version of the same card it would have osted me about RS 27500... Same cards see the price difference... Also if i would have bought the NF4 Ultra rather than VIA than the price difference between the two chipsets... And if NF4 SLI than the price difference could have extended to RS 5000+... So in all (27500-18500)9000+5000=14000... Should i have spent that much for future proofing... I think you would have done the same as i did...

My Current Config...

My Rig

Athlon 64 3200

Asus A8V Deluxe

1GB Trascend DDR 400 512x2

XFX Geforce 6800GT

Samsung 19"Flat Monitor

1XLiteON DVD ROM, 1X Samsung CD RW

Microsoft Elite Chordless Optical Combo

Creative FPS 1500

1xseagate 160GB SATA

1xSeagate 80GB IDE

Powersafe 400Watts PSU

Now you decide how unfuture proof is this rig... BTW no offences meant...
hehehe heres my peice of crap that i use for my gaming
amd 1700+ :rofl:
gigabyte ga72mmh motherboard
512mb sdr septek ram
40gb samsung hdd 7200rpm
lg 32x cd writer :rofl:
sony dvd rom
club 3d 9800pro :cool2: :D
400wats psu zebronics
Creative Adugiy1 sound card hacked to audigy2 :P
creative inspire 4.1
:ohyeah: :ohyeah:
arudit said:
hacked to audigy2 is that possible
He's using audigy 2 zs drivers. That is very much possible. However the output will still be limited to 16bit as the original audigy (other than the LS) can't do 24 bit.
nikhilesh said:
All you guys with A8V's rather than A8N-SLI's ,don't you feel a bit guilty?

I would because i would feel that my system is not future proof.Why didn;t you people opt for the A8N's???

Mainly because I had a 6800 GT AGP. That was why I went for an A8V. I actually wanted a Neo2 plat(still want it), but it was not available and where it was available, that *bleep* *bleep* was asking 15K for the mobo. So, I told him to get lost and went for A8V.

And how is A8N more future proof??? Just because it has PCIe?? I don't think so. There is no performance difference between AGP and PCIe. And some people say that the coming graphics cards will not be released in AGP and only in PCIe. If that is the case, I am still future proof as a 6800GT is more than enough for 3 years. By which time I will be changing my comp again!!!
arudit said:
i dont think! theres need to go for more than 2.4 on your stock, oc is activity which should only be pertained to be if needed. you know you void your warranty.
OC is not needed!!! It is just the thrill of pushing your system to the limits. If you didn't have an Intel original mobo and experimented with Oc'ing, then you would have got hooked on to it. Ask all the oc'ers. And I guess everyone knows that their warranty is void if they OC.
OC is not needed!!! It is just the thrill of pushing your system to the limits. If you didn't have an Intel original mobo and experimented with Oc'ing, then you would have got hooked on to it. Ask all the oc'ers. And I guess everyone knows that their warranty is void if they OC.

Yea, the trill of ocing, pushing ur sys to the max is great (and the fact that ur rig is the best among others ;) )

am too stuck with a damn Intel mobo, yea, sabilitywise, it rox but no ocing so :(

regarding warranty, its very difficult to find out if the piece has been oced unless thechip completly conks and burns :P