Storage Solutions Post your SSD bench scores!

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Greetings fellow SSD enthusiasts! :)

Let us have our respective SSDs benched and the results be organised in a database. This should go a long way in helping others troubleshoot their drives in case of issues, help others making informed purchases and should serve as a dedicated repository for the all the results.

We shall limit the benchmarks to HD Tune, ATTO Disk benchmark and IOMeter ATM.

Suggested settings:

1. ATTO Disk Benchmark - Default bench.

2. HD Tune - Default bench.

3. IOMeter - Default disk performance bench.

Download links:

ATTO Disk Benchmark v2.46

HD Tune 2.55

IO Meter

Also have your SB chipset (eg. ICH10R, ICH7 etc) and the model of your SSD mentioned in the post. :)

Post away to glory! :D

PS: The IOMeter benchmark may appear Greek to some of us. Please browse through the supplied documentation Iometer.pdf, page 10 on how to do the bench. :P
Now, what could be the ideal bench otherwise?

I did notice that the Intel X25-M G2 had a considerable advantage in the tests vis-a-vis a drive with the SF-1200 based controller.

Does that OCZ thread suggest that we do not use CDM 3 or AS SSD at all? Running a bench actually degrades the peeformance? :O I mean several users seem to post their SSD performance using these benchs. :\
Desecrator said:
Now, what could be the ideal bench otherwise?

I did notice that the Intel X25-M G2 had a considerable advantage in the tests vis-a-vis a drive with the SF-1200 based controller.

Does that OCZ thread suggest that we do not use CDM 3 or AS SSD at all? Running a bench actually degrades the peeformance? :O I mean several users seem to post their SSD performance using these benchs. :\
Read the thread.. loads of information out there.. Seems to make sense as well.
While you wont be sending your drive towards its death any faster, you will be slowing it down for usage over the next few days.

OCZ use ATTO & IOMeter for their benchmarking.
^I think it would be wiser if we stick to ATTO, IOMeter and HD Tune for the moment. Damn that long post was a bit scary!

/Enough of OT here. stalker please post your results. :)

Shall PM a mod to delete the OT posts here. Let us stick to the benchmark screenshots please.
The OCZ forums recommend running ATTO, WinSat & IOMeter.

Here is a shot of my ATTO numbers..

Here's mine. :D



LOL I wonder if the ICH7 chipset could bottleneck the drive's speed due to the inability to support AHCI mode, what would be the slightest performance difference if I switch to the ICH10R. :rofl:

Callisto users rejoice! SF1200 FTW! :)
Haha trust me or not, I am using it since yesterday instead of disabling everything one by one. :D
here's mine


Intel X25-V 40GB SSD.

i know it's not a match against the Callisto but it costs less than half the price of Mushkin.

So,it's the best SSD with Best Price/Performance Ratio.

Also,read times are very good, and 90% of the time data is being readed from the storage drive.

Benching done on HP Pavilion DV9222TX Laptop with ICH7 controller.

There's a little 'description' box in ATTO. Make a note of it in the OP and ask people posting to use that to post system/drive details.
Heres mine. Intel X25-M G2. ~8 Months old. 60% space occupied.

Motherboard - EP45-UD3P (No idea what AHCI controller)

I see that the random read performance is still pretty up there. No need to upgrade soon. ( hopefully :ashamed:)

How much headache of disabling things do I have to go through just to use the damn thing at full performance?

I got the SSD to increase performance but all I'm seeing is disable this disable that

I'm installing my 240GB Mushkin Callisto Deluxe on Wednesday so somebody tell me how to get good performance without disabling everything

I use System Restore & I won't disable it
Disable Hibernate.that should give you back a couple of gigs at least.

Intel X-25V 40Gb


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@ bottle - please post information about your SSD..

@ Udit - the utility that Phoenix has posted above is very good. my SSD's boot time reduced by 3-4 seconds by enabling prefetch and superfetch and i'm sure you will get a lot better performance.
Did some AS-SSD benches before installing my OS on the drive. Posting just to show the crap that Marvell SATA3 is on the Gigabyte UD7:@

Marvell SATA3 :@

Intel ICH10R

RAID 0 on Intel ICH10R :ohyeah:

ATTO after loading Windows 7 on the Mushkin:
Udit said:
How much headache of disabling things do I have to go through just to use the damn thing at full performance?
I got the SSD to increase performance but all I'm seeing is disable this disable that
I'm installing my 240GB Mushkin Callisto Deluxe on Wednesday so somebody tell me how to get good performance without disabling everything
I use System Restore & I won't disable it

I would suggest not bothering about any of that :)
Windows7 by default takes care of most of it. The rest at best will give you a 5% bump imho.

Plug in SSD, install OS, get on with your life :)
Don't treat it as something special and the SSD will still be blisteringly noticable.
Naga said:
Did some AS-SSD benches before installing my OS on the drive. Posting just to show the crap that Marvell SATA3 is on the Gigabyte UD7:@

Marvell SATA3 :@

Intel ICH10R

RAID 0 on Intel ICH10R :ohyeah:

ATTO after loading Windows 7 on the Mushkin:
Damn you :@

PS - are those ATTO scores on RAID?
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