comp@ddict said:
If possible, and if you consider iOS, then hold back a month for iPad 2
Else other option hold back a month for Galaxy Tab 2
I already purchased Samsung Galaxy Tab......Reason for purchasing now is below:-
1. I don't want pay more than 25k-27k, coz I don't think this stuff is worth more than that what they serving. If I pay more else I go for
a entry level laptop or notebook.
2.choosing Galaxy Tab over Ipad is Call capability where Ipad don't have it right now but will surely have the next version. As the IOS = The Curios Case of Benjamin Button . (<--- search in google,if u don't know)
Again 3g capable (almost 925g AFAIK) Ipad is 33k = more than my budget = can go for a laptop/ or new upcoming AMD base Netbook.
3.Not waiting for Ipad 2/ Tab 2 reason is the above, though Tab 2 price will come down this but need to wait for a long long time.
4.No i-product for me........I'm X ipod user for 5 years, To tell the truth I never face any problem using i-tunes too, but only thing I don't live with fragmentation of my digital file....Yes they are in scattered in 3 PC.... I don't think any i-product will forgive this sin.
5.Jumping right now on the E-bay cause the Gift, No extra expenses...I need that Gift badly in the May.
Thats all......
I have no motive to curse i-product/ Apple/ Steve Jobs or Microsoft, please if u find such thing above please consider as lack of grip in English language.