Works good for streaming Netflix and Prime movies but had small hic-cups. Downloaded the app to Nvidia Shield TV and the US California server worked best for both Netflix and Prime. However Prime found out and kicked out the proxy server after 30 minutes. Tried reconnecting Prime and it was hit and miss with all US servers. Netflix was breeze and was able to connect with US, Britain and Canada servers. There was no stuttering and all movies played out well. Also connected with windows after logging out of Nvidia Shield. The VPN is very stable with windows and was able to stream both Netflix and Prime without any stuttering and had no problem in streaming Prime with windows. Also I switched to Wiregaurd instead of open VPN in the connection preference when I had trouble streaming Prime. Don't know about gaming latency since I do not game but latency seems to be high. Seems like a good value VPN for streaming apps. Thanks @Soufosale