Prosumer cam or Entry level DSLR?

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well we have to add 13.5% vat ,with the addition of custom duties,this camera will mostly be priced above 30k thats way more expensive then the D3000 which retails for 19k body only or 22.5k with kit lens.IMO it may replace the D5000 for the time being.
why dont you go for a high end prosumer like HS10 ?

last month i got one for 23k, after gifting my S2IS to my niece. i never thought of going for a DSLR, because for my kind of use i dont need one, though i m comfortable with them. i used to use my friend's 500D, with 18-55 & 55-250. but never found confortable when during trips where i had to switch between a macro shot and a long one.

especially if you are not going to print them on large format, a prosumer should be just fine.
I do have that dilemna.

But i dont see the point of cams like that. super super zoom ones that is. That much amount of zoom and that small of a sensor is a waste r8?

So even if i tap that much potential of the cam, the good quality pics are always in a zoom range of say 6x or so. This is from my personal experience

with fuji s1000. that was CCD i think. HS10 got a CMOS so dunno if that makes that much of a difference. maybe others can comment more in detail.

Yeas switching through lens in a trip or a party is not just a bummer but makes u lose moments with ur frnds and family...i have felt this. and yea people looks also.

So in a DSLR i was thinking of getting a AIO like 55-250 or 70-300 something like that and done with it. yea the lower range is missing but lots of people are

saying that too much of a range are actually not good. maybe folks with more exp here can say more..

Guys getting the cam in next 2 weeks... so please help if u may.
m-jeri said:
Yeas switching through lens in a trip or a party is not just a bummer but makes u lose moments with ur frnds and family...i have felt this. and yea people looks also.
So in a DSLR i was thinking of getting a AIO like 55-250 or 70-300 something like that and done with it. yea the lower range is missing but lots of people are
saying that too much of a range are actually not good. maybe folks with more exp here can say more..

Guys getting the cam in next 2 weeks... so please help if u may.

I am a Prime lens addict, I shoot and will most probably continue shooting with primes. It depends on what you are going to shoot. In my case, before I go out I know what I am going to be shooting for that day and accordingly I just carry that type of a lens. If it's street/people, it's the 50mm for me or else if it's macro, it's the 105mm. And to be honest, I love the limitations of a prime, and helps me get a new unique composition which otherwise I would have missed because of a zoom. So, yeah, you're the best judge on what focal length will work for you :). Work on that, and then just get a prime, trust me, you'll really have fun with it.
Hellwrath said:
So, yeah, you're the best judge on what focal length will work for you :). Work on that, and then just get a prime, trust me, you'll really have fun with it.

Well i am looking for 2 lenses. one is a prime ofcourse. a DSLR needs one. but that can wait.

i need a AIO. which one u recommend?. i am getting a 18-55 with cam so thght of 50-250 or 50-300
m-jeri said:
Well i am looking for 2 lenses. one is a prime ofcourse. a DSLR needs one. but that can wait.

i need a AIO. which one u recommend?. i am getting a 18-55 with cam so thght of 50-250 or 50-300
If it's the canon 55-250 IS, then that's the one I'll get. It's just an awesome lens for that price. It's actually called nifty-two fifty.

Check this thread,
Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS - Nifty Two-Fifty - Canon Digital Photography Forums

P.S: Assumption is that you are refering to 70-300 of sigma/tamron or something in the 10k category.

yeas and yeas.

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Just read up a review about Fuji Hs10.... so very good. :S.

Really confused. i have to invest abt 10k more to get a nice lens...

dunno what to do... but a DSLR is a DSLR. :S.
what are ur guys thghts abt ?

I saw a 6 month dealer warranty on D5000 and its a nice deal..

but abt the warranty... :S..... after 6 month will it go burst?...
kippu said:
whats the difference between A33 , just the pixel difference?
Apart from pixel difference A33 does 7fps,fixed lcd and no GPS where as the A55 gets 10fps, articulating lcd, GPS
well I think since you are investing a lot of money I suggest you get a DSLR.
wait for sometime and get the Nikon D3100 should be less than 30k with kit lens
kit lens is not bad for someone starting with DSLR, I see no reason why you can't take good pictures with kit lens
If you still have some mind block over getting the kit lens. Then get the body only option which would reduce the
price by another 3-4k and get a 35mm f/1.8 :)
A33 vs A55. A33 got 7 fps vs the 10 fps and GPS is not available on the A33. However there is just $100 difference between them. Makes more sense to get the A55. :)

I am keeping that as a option. Body + prime. then later a zoom/AIO lens. enough.

But on the other hand. i am having second thghts over getting a DSLR at all.

I am wondering wether i should spend that much money on photography when I know that i wont be doing any

creative photography. Just tours, functions, personal events, parties.. I know most folks here spend oodles of money

on photgraphy they actually take awesome pics. just for taking pics. i will never do that. :S. So is DSLR a good choice for me?.

Coz the DSLR cams that i use belongs to my elder bro and he actually does takes pretty pics. and he is in UK so there are stuff to take

pics. :). and yea i cant afford to get the cams he use for now. so very very very confused :S

I thght of getting a super zoom under 25k.. namely P100 or HS10. if Fz40 was here then that would have been it.
Old model... :S.... thats why looking at p100 and HS10..

FZ40 is supposed to be out by Aug end..
me too had narrowed down to P100 and HS10. after hands on with them i got HS10.
but if you are into serious photography, get DSLR and buy more lenses when budget permits
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