Prosumer cam or Entry level DSLR?

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why Hs10 over p100 ?...

yeas i do have a very good offer on a DSLR. if it doesnt work out then ill go with super zoom.
Fz40 & fz100 are available in u.s. and retailing at $400 & $450 respectively. I dont think they will be launched in india soon....
m-jeri said:
why Hs10 over p100 ?...

yeas i do have a very good offer on a DSLR. if it doesnt work out then ill go with super zoom.
some personal reasons..

1) when switches on the lens doesn't come out. i had bad experience once. owned a small kodak camera, which got switched on when it was in the backpack. lens got compressed and it became useless.

2) i like the feel of it. the manual twist barrel, focus ring (inconveniently placed, but still useful in many occasions)

3) never owned a Fuji camera. heard they are real value for money, especially in India.

4) the battery. i like the AA option. it makes the unit heavy but helps if you run out power. you can locate thenm at any part of world. +i already have two sets of them.

I dont want to buy that when already its replacement is out. :(


I ONLY owned fuji cams. :). right from my first 2 MP cam. :)
Well i know the replacement will be here very soon and priced the same perhaps. thats all. isnt that obvious?
m-jeri said:
Well i know the replacement will be here very soon and priced the same perhaps. thats all. isnt that obvious?
Not quite. Unless there's something that has changed radically (and if it would matter to me), I'd still go with the FZ35, as prices will start going down as the FZ40 has been released. Also, newer may not mean better.
Thats very true. :S.

anyways if its super zoom i am opting HS10 itself. only reason is all my previous cams were fuji and i always did find them extremely good. and i prefer something i like.

But as my mind is more towards a better DSLR, i am checking if some of my colleagues can bring me a 500D/D5000 from japan. They are under 30k.. NEW. :S
m-jeri said:
Thats very true. :S.

anyways if its super zoom i am opting HS10 itself. only reason is all my previous cams were fuji and i always did find them extremely good. and i prefer something i like.

But as my mind is more towards a better DSLR, i am checking if some of my colleagues can bring me a 500D/D5000 from japan. They are under 30k.. NEW. :S

Will the warranty for D5000 or 500D hold good here? If not, you can buy it from India itself (grey market). A friend on t-bhp got D5000 (body only) for about 24k. See the link here,
The DSLR Thread - Page 324 - Team-BHP
yup... Intl warranty on most cases...

no such places to get cam here in tvm mate.. :(

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Just had a chat with my elder bro. DSLR's only. he says in 1000D vs D3000, Canon wins. so only get that with kit lens for 23k.

get some cards/bag/extra battery. Think abt lens later. only 2 lenses reqd for me so He might "lend" me those in a year.

He says this is anydays better than HS10. after a certain point in zooming...its kinda useless.

So if the D5000 i am waiting doesnt materialize.. getting 1000D from local shop.

bazinga. FIXED. nothing gonna change that.

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I may get the chance for a new canon Kiss X4 or 500D from japan. for under 28k. new one with warranty here costs 35k. and grey also hovers around 30k.

worth it?

If any issues.. i may(50~50) have the chance to send it back also... if i am in the same firm then also.. :S

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Canon Kiss X3 with Kit Lens
Thats simply a steal at such a low price. Its amazing to know how much more we pay for such things when purchased within india!
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