PS3 fans quit jobs and postpone engagement to wait in line

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Oh btw the ps3 has been smashed :P

"We decided to take the whole smashing thing a little further, and destroy things right when they come out, in front of 100s of fanboys who would be quite upset to see their beloved game console smashed. I got nothing against Sony making money. This project only exists for the sole purpose of providing satisfaction to people who hate the PlayStation 3, or just like seeing the reaction of the people who just spend a day in line to get their hands on one of these consoles. Entertainment, nothing more!" // Screw the Sony PlayStation 3
KingKrool said:
Oh really? Just because I am not a gamer, I am not allowed to comment on gaming in any way?

You are, but some things of higher level will run straight out of your analogy because you're not one of them. No wonder some dedicated gamers here have an easier time understanding the camping situation. Its simple, gaming for more than 3 hours in a stretch, or even watching TV for that long gets my parents all worried and angry, while I was playing Re4 for stretch from morning straight to night (on a holiday). I can already imagine how similar you would act, 'Addiction, insane, letting the video game take over his life, etc' while I was only competing with a million others in a special mode in Re4 where you can only save the game once and need to finish it up in a required time. I decided to play it throughout as I would have the hang of the game and better chances of finishing faster - My parents could take none of it.

Like I said, for the lack of being a gamer yourself, some things are gonna' run out of your analogy as well and it'd be better if you don't try to go in a debate with issues only certain higher level of gamers can understand.

Oh, so I take it that you have no opinion on terrorism because you are not a terrorist.

You don't need to, to understand them. That is, unless someohw you're able to produce a special shared bond that would tell Gaming = Terrorism.

In any case, I am not talking about gaming. I am talking about (in my opinion) bizarre human behaviour.

Right in your part, but it gets insulting to the entire community once you start wishing for their deaths (by a meteor) and make them sound as if they're the saddest bunch of people on earth when clearly they're not even close to it (Those terrorists are). You can voice your opinions like Zhops and Blade have done so far, but why abuse them?

Once again, I reiterate that this thread is _not_ about the PS3. It is about people who wait in line for a week.

I get your point. its about people who are waiting in line for a week for both Wii and Ps3, and its happening all over the US as we speak.
Params said:
Sony Fan - Sony Antifan

Wouldn't a Sony anti fan be a person hired by Sony who hates fans? Now that I think about it, given the stuff Sony's been pulling of as of late I could easily imagine an entire division in Sony's HQ dedicated to that area.:P

KingKrool said:
True. But fanboyism isn't just "my side and not yours".

Grammatically, you are correct. A fanatic is a fanatic, whether he is opposed to other peoples beliefs or not. Realistically however, fanboy in gaming terms is only used to denote the hostile variety of gaming fans.
Params, I have played video games all day too. That was on days when I had nothing to do. I never said video games were not entertaining (some are some aren't). But waiting for a week in a parking lot.... that isn't. It means cutting out a piece of your life and not really having that much to show for it.

Right in your part, but it gets insulting to the entire community once you start wishing for their deaths (by a meteor) and make them sound as if they're the saddest bunch of people on earth

It is funny the kind of solidarity you are willing to show with people who you don't know. There are millions of people in the world dying of hunger, cold, disease. Yet human nature has conditioned us not think too much about it (that is true of you AND of me...).

I wonder why it is that you can get so riled up defending a bunch of "losers" (yes, that IS how I see them). Even if they aren't, what is it to you? I damn them because I see a world where people's priorities are screwed up (playing video games is NOT bad in and of itself, letting them control your live is). Why do you see yourself in their shoes? You aren't in that line and you never will be. No matter what you tell yourself, Params, you will NEVER stand in line for a console for a week. I know that and so do you.
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