PS3 fans quit jobs and postpone engagement to wait in line

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Sorry, I am too busy to reply for the next few days. If the issue is still burning then, we can take it up again.

BTW, when will you get it in your head that I am criticizing people who are in line for a week (and not people who state that they will, cause it is easy to say stuff), and not the PS3 (in this thread)?

As for Anti-fanboy, that is confusing. Never heard that term, I suppose it might exist. And yes, I do hate Sony's behavior of late. They were OK up until a few years ago. It all started with the Wega.(even after Beta max which was just a screw up).
Wouldn't a person who hates fanboys be a more accurate description of an anti-fanboy? If true, then that is some serious self ownage on the part of Params right there.

I believe Params7 really wanted to call you a cynicboy even if it doesn't sound quite as phonetic.
Yeah, I guess cynical would describe me. Actually, a sceptic (or skeptic if you want to be American about it) would be more accurate.

But here, skepticism and cynicism just don't come in. I am not criticizing the PS3 in this thread (I have done that elsewhere). Just one week queues. So that is more of "the world is crazy" sorta emotion, only here "the world" is replaced with "the fanboy world".

Sorry, I refuse to believe that anyone who actually sets out to spend a week in queue for a PS3 (as opposed to idle claims) is not a fanboy.

A one week wait is an obsession.

I guess some things look different with age.
Now something from the xbox side ...

Teen put in hospital by 36-year-old man as a result of stock shortages

While it’s normally hardware launches that prompt violence and silliness, it would seem that recently reviewed title Gears of War reached such a level of hype that some customers were actually prepared to use their fists to secure themselves a copy.

According to reports currently floating around the internet, a 15-year-old boy was attacked and actually put into hospital by a 36-year-old man who kicked off in a queue outside a branch of Gamestop in Detroit.

Apparently, the argument developed after store clerks informed the crowd that stocks were running out, at which point the 36-year-old customer attempted to cut in line and when challenged swore at and repeatedly punched the 15-year-old who was to receive the last copy of the game.

Naturally the police were called and the man was arrested for aggravated assault and is currently awaiting arraignment at a local correctional facility.

The kid on the other hand was so badly beaten that he had to go to hospital for treatment to wounds on his face, head and neck. The real bummer though is he doesn’t even have his rightful copy of Gears of War to play as he mends either – this is currently being held by police as evidence.

Man assaults child over Gears of War // Xbox 360 News // Xbox 360 Gamer Magazine Online
In another incident at West Bend, Wisconsin, a person was injured outside Wal-Mart racing for a chance to buy one of 10 PS3s available. According to the local police, an assistant manager announced to a crowd of about 50 people that the store was only going to receive about 10 systems and placed 10 chairs outside of the store. Customers were told to run on signal to try to occupy one of the chairs to secure themselves a PS3 when it goes on sale at midnight.

Sadly, a 19-year-old man with perhaps a bit too much exuberance ran into a pole and struck his head, injuring himself. He was taken to the hospital for treatment

now THATs funny
In any case, Ps3 fans are not the only targets as Krool's been making out all this long. Its most of the gaming community. It was still understandable if you're a hardcore gamer to wait for the Ps3 so long, but when Wii fans start gathering a week before as well and that's keeping in mind Wii isn't even coming with any shortages, guess you'd now prefer to call us all fanboys. Maybe gaming is something you don't see worth enough (the typical TV/games/movies are controlling your life quotes), but now you know its not just Ps3 fans before going any further.

Ck Nish said:
Wouldn't a person who hates fanboys be a more accurate description of an anti-fanboy? If true, then that is some serious self ownage on the part of Params right there.

it can just as easily mean an extreme Sony hater. Sony Fan - Sony Antifan. Kinda depends mostly on the context.

Edit : I think Anti-Sony fanboy would be more accurate....
zhopudey said:
err...I think he already explained that. He doesnt agree with people waiting a week in line for a console.

Seemed to me he specifically targeted Sony fans. Now its the entire gaming community, which see's waiting a week for a big day console launch okay for any dedicated gamer.
Well I guess the main bone of contention is the definition of "dedicated gamer". In your opinion, all those guys in the queue are dedictated gamers, while KK thinks they are fanboys.
you'd now prefer to call us all fanboys

Just those who happen to be standing in line for a week. The rest just like playing games. Nothing particularly wrong or right about that.

Maybe gaming is something you don't see worth enough

Man, as I said, there are very few things in life for which standing in line for a week is condonable.

(the typical TV/games/movies are controlling your life quotes)

TV? Don't even have one.

Games? I thought you just claimed that I am not a gamer (which is very true - I play rarely enough).

Movies - I have seen maybe 1 movie in the last month.

I never said it was just the PS3 fans. I have said again and again - any one waiting in line for a console FOR A WEEK is nuts. I don't care about people waiting overnight - that is more of an attempt to say "I got it just when it released", as compared to one week which says more of "my life has no meaning, cause I can put it on hold for a video game console".

Notice the use of console everywhere rather than PS3. I don't know why you keep on harping on PS3. I keep on saying console, you keep on saying PS3. Then you accuse me of bashing it. Sheesh.
Damnit people. You're just arguing over the same points over and over. Don't you even take the time to read each others posts anymore?

I'll say it again. Standing in a line, regardless of how long does'nt make one a fanboy. They could be doing the same for each console, they could be doing it for one console alone and that still wouldn't qualify them as a fanboy.

They're you know, like religious people. Just because some people are incredibly devoted to their faith doesn't neccessarily mean they're all extremists wanting to blow every other religious group up.
params7 said:
Seemed to me he specifically targeted Sony fans. Now its the entire gaming community, which see's waiting a week for a big day console launch okay for any dedicated gamer.
Speak for yourself. I see that as weird behaviour anyday ! It's not like you can't/won't be able to buy the console any other day/time.
Blade_Runner said:
Speak for yourself. I see that as weird behaviour anyday ! It's not like you can't/won't be able to buy the console any other day/time.

Yeah, because the next-shipment of Ps3s are coming real soon, like December end, and then, March.

And I meant the western/eastern(japan) console gaming crowd, wasn't directed at you.
They're you know, like religious people. Just because some people are incredibly devoted to their faith doesn't neccessarily mean they're all extremists wanting to blow every other religious group up.

True. But fanboyism isn't just "my side and not yours". It is a devotion to a brand/product that goes beyond normal bounds.

I consider a one week wait fanboism. I am willing to disagree on the definition. But whether they are fanbois are not, I just think such behavior is bizarre. I can't imagine a material object of low value dominating my life in that way (Note to Params7: I am not criticizing the PS3 or any game console here when I say low value. I am referring to the fact that being extremely concerned with paying off your mortgage is a valid concern which could be an example of a material object dominating your life, in my opinion).
Your opinions?

Games? I thought you just claimed that I am not a gamer (which is very true - I play rarely enough).

So they're really holding no water now. Its like having me comment on Nvidia vs ATi graphic cards debate.
params7 said:
Yeah, because the next-shipment of Ps3s are coming real soon, like December end, and then, March.

And I meant the western/eastern(japan) console gaming crowd, wasn't directed at you.
Well then it's Sony to be blamed then for choosing Cell since apparently the shortage is due to the poor yields. About gaming crowds well there are some in the west who despise this behaviour as well. Gamespot had a poll on this topic and you'd be surprised to find out what most people think about this kind of behaviour.
Oh really? Just because I am not a gamer, I am not allowed to comment on gaming in any way?

Oh, so I take it that you have no opinion on terrorism because you are not a terrorist.

In any case, I am not talking about gaming. I am talking about (in my opinion) bizarre human behaviour.

Once again, I reiterate that this thread is _not_ about the PS3. It is about people who wait in line for a week.
Just to` add to what you said

It is about people who wait in line for a week.

more like It is about people who wait in line for a week for a trivial (relatively) thing like a console!

actually it's pretty ironic...just coz they don't have the patience to wait for a while till the supply stabilizes, they suddenly gather the patience to wwait it out for a rather boring week in a camp....

duh-they should get a life and rather camp-out on a nature trail :P
Playstation 3 fetches $15,000 on Ebay

Following a frenzy of midnight and early morning sales of Sony's Playstation 3 console in the U.S., the devices were almost immediately available for purchase through Ebay as well. More than 8200 consoles were listed as of 11 am EST, with winning bids quickly escalating into a price ranges that also could buy a brand new compact car.

While early morning sales could get you a new 60 GB PS3 for less than $5000, late morning auctions were hitting $7000 by 10 am, $10,000 by 10:30 am and even $15,000 by 11 am. Among many fake bids, there appears to be a substantial amount of legitimate bids from well-rated Ebay buyers that are in the area above $5000. The $15,000 sale was confirmed by TG Daily.

Playstation 3 fetches $15,000 on Ebay | TG Daily
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