PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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There is no risk-free way of going online. You'll always be a soft-target if you're on CFW and this shouldn't come as a surprise.

ReactPSN, from what I understand, is a tool which allows you to activate the license of the PSN content on your PS3 for offline play, which would otherwise require PSN to be validated.

I have no experience in the spoofing area, never tried it, never plan to either. Why would you want to go through a spoof when there is a CFW which matches the latest official Sony firmware?
Neh I jst want to be on safe side :p
can anyone clarify what exactly does a banned console means? Does it restrict all online functionality of the console or only online playing gets banned
Just updated to Rogero's 4.40 v1.02 firmware. Installing 'Injustice Gods Among Us' demo, so let's see how it goes.
So banned console means no internet activity at all. Like going into multiman and updating games from there or updating MM itself or general browsing
multiMAN ver 04.30.00 UPD CEX (PS2 games loading dummified)

* multiMAN ver 04.30.00 UPD CEX (20130331).pkg
* ps2classics.rar (modified by me)

This test update requires that you have 04.30.00 BASE or updated online to 04.30.00. The online version is not updated with this test build.
Changes in ps2classic:

* Added 64bit file access functions to support 4GB+ files (for LIMG and encryption)
* Added asynchronous READ/WRITE to improve encryption speed (1GB / 3min)
* Added progress bar and 'Remaining time' information to the encryption
* Added check if the provided ISO is a CD or DVD image for proper LIMG header creation

Changes in multiMAN:

* Added support to encrypt standard disc-backup PS2 ISO files from /dev_hdd0/PS2ISO and /dev_usb***/PS2ISO to PS2 Classics
* Added support to delete PS2 Classics (ISO+folder)
* Added support to load PS2 Classics from USB HDD (folder will be transferred to internal HDD)
* Encryption is done by spawning "ps2classics" which resides in mM's USRDIR/sys/PS2C.BIN (the one provided in the ps2classics.rar above)

Basically it comes down to:

1) Rip your original PS2 game disc with multiMAN (it took just 4-5 mins to backup my KILLZONE disc) / or transfer a PS2 ISO backup to /dev_hdd0/PS2ISO
2) Go to RETRO column and load the ISO - you'll be prompted to convert to PS2 Classic
3) Conversion takes 2 to 5 mins and you'll be returned to multiMAN (you'll see the converted game with [PS2 Classic] suffix in the name)
4) Activate the PS2 Classic and start it from XMB/PS2 Classic Placeholder

Default CID and KLICENSE used (compatible with aldostools and CaptainCPS-X tools/apps):

CID: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
KLC: E4E54FD67C16C316F47829A30484D843

OMG! This is as simple as it gets. I might give it a shot later on, as I was keen on trying out some PS2 titles like Smackdown Here Comes The Pain & Shadow of Rome again.
A noob question - Is it possible to install custom firmware on PS3 slim 160Gb (CECH model) running original firmware 3.72? Dont need any online features at all - not even web browsing.
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