Though an old new on internet but is new to me and might be for you as well:
While searching for PSP Slim and enhancements I came accross PSP-3000 reference turns up on Sony's website, don't get too excited - Engadget
The blog was published on March 28.Which says that sony is all set to release a new PSP -3000 soon.
Rumours reports PSP 3000 to have 2G capabities and, more powerfull CPU, and touch screen interface, in-built MIC & PS3 style buttons
If true; Dunno how far Sony is with it's launch and price.
Comments/Thoughts ?
While searching for PSP Slim and enhancements I came accross PSP-3000 reference turns up on Sony's website, don't get too excited - Engadget
The blog was published on March 28.Which says that sony is all set to release a new PSP -3000 soon.
Rumours reports PSP 3000 to have 2G capabities and, more powerfull CPU, and touch screen interface, in-built MIC & PS3 style buttons
If true; Dunno how far Sony is with it's launch and price.
Comments/Thoughts ?