Psp - 3000

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The rumor that Sony licensed a processor for the PSP's successor got a lot of people buzzing.

The rumor mill has chucked out another one on the PSP 2, despite claims from SCEE boss David Reeves that "no, there are currently no plans for a PSP 2."

The rumor now goes that Sony will be introducing the PSP-4000, the successor of the PSP Brite, in late 2009. Its release will be followed with the the next-generation PSP 2 "later."

I admit, this is rather thin, even for a rumor, but it does show how mighty persistent talks of the PSP 2 is. Persistent rumors have a tendency to have a grain of truth. I won't say I believe it yet though.

Oh, and you probably already guessed, but Sony was already reached for comment today, but they gave their usual talk to the hand, "no comment on rumor and speculation" routine.

Sony's tight-lipped as ever, and predictably refuses to comment on "rumour and speculation."

Probably too busy on making that new PSP?

In case you missed the news, the rumor slipped out of the mill 26Nov, when word got out that the Imagination Technologies Group has signed a license agreement with a new partner. Sources said the new partner was Sony, who licensed a new processor for the PSP 2, the successor of the current gen.

Probably part of why the rumor got so popular is because the iPhone also runs on Imagination's tech. The iPhone's been making waves in the gaming industry lately, trying to get a piece of the gaming pie. Naturally people would perk up their ears if Sony's trying to get a piece of the Apple pie. (You've just been PUNd.)

Source: Rumor: PSP-4000 coming in late 2009, PSP 2 to follow "later" - PS3 News, Wii News, Xbox 360 News, PSP News and more!
ishashank said:
thats a prank......if anyone can hack psp3000 it has got to be dark alex ...and there's no update from his side.
Yeah we know it was a prank.
but you can't say every time crack will come from Alex :P .
47Shailesh said:
New Guys:

PSP 3000 HEN is out and it can run Homebrew.

Video shows a homebrew game and Sonic from Sega genesis running on PSP 3000

Awesome news! cant wait to see a CFW for the 3000 :)
Slim with TA088v3 mobo NOW HACKABLE to play iso
Custom Firmware Enabler v1.0 for ChickHen released
Here's some good news for the PSP community, homebrew coders Xenogears and Becus25 has released Custom Firmware Enabler. This program will enable the functions of M33 CFW using ChickHen except for Recovery and Pops. It also works with TA-088v3 motherboards, but sadly it doesn't support the PSP 3000 yet.
To install the program:
* Download the file in the link below
* Copy the CFWEnabler folder to your ms0:/PSP/GAME/ directory.
* Start ChickHEN R2 (minimum) from the Photo Directory
* Run the app called "CFW Loader for ChickHEN". After you run the program, it will ask you to install the needed CFW modules to flash0, press circle and then "x" to start the CFW.
For more info about the release, please read the README provided in the download.
CustomFirmware Enabler 1.0 to 5.03 ChickHen by Xenogears and Becus25.
What is?
A program that activates the functions of the M33 custom firmware using ChickHen.
What do I need?
- A PSP Slim (Slim only works with, regardless of the plate you have)
- Firmware version 5.03.
- ChickHen R2 (minimum)
- The functions are the same with the 5.00 M33, all work except:
- Recovery (Se cree may be anticipated that an alternative power to set the homebrew CFW)
- Pops (PSX Games)
- Copy the folder to your psp CFWEnabler in X: / PSP / GAME /
To be like this: X: / PSP / GAME / CFWEnabler / EBOOT.PBP

Download: Custom Firmware Enabler v1.0 []
lol, a friend of my will be really happy, lamer got his scholarship granted in his final year and is sitting with the money to buy one

apparently the firmware cant berun on firmware 5.50 as of now, can anyone tell me if there is a way to check which firmware the psp is running by looking at the box or some serial number or something?
^^i think the psp 3000's came with 5.03 only...some ppl upgraged to 5.50 hoping to get smethng new :P (not sure thou :))
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