Guys in the "Residing Since" part of the form that I submitted, I mentioned "07/2014". I read a team bhp thread that the user got 1 Year as minimum time which he could select from the list but in the online form, i could select a date. But on the team bhp thread, the person said he mentioned the parent's residing since date ?
Will this be a problem for me or can I get it changed at the PSK when I go there ?
Last time when I went for renewal, I remember that i gave the 2 references as my in laws and some other relative and the PSK lady (one who has computer with webcam) changed it to 2 people in my building itself, so i am guessing some data can be changed there if needed. May be I should ask them about the "residing since" part ?
Will this be a problem for me or can I get it changed at the PSK when I go there ?
Last time when I went for renewal, I remember that i gave the 2 references as my in laws and some other relative and the PSK lady (one who has computer with webcam) changed it to 2 people in my building itself, so i am guessing some data can be changed there if needed. May be I should ask them about the "residing since" part ?