Query regarding Nokia N8 & Nokia E63

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nehaladsul said:

Well, I am no Cellphone reviewer..... with due respect to dhruvrock2000......

I personally have started hating Nokia phones these days...... Not for the hardware..... but the software.....

I was a 'Nokia Fanboy' buying all their 'Flagships' until I saw Android & then I swore not to buy another Nokia 'Flagship' unless it had Android on it......

Since dhruvrock2000 has reviewed the N8, I would like to ask him:

1) Whether he is happy with the Symbian^3 platform on the N8.......??

2) As you are a cellphone reviewer, I am sure that u know & have used/experienced Android more than me....... So, would you like the N8 to come in an Android version??

If YES, would you prefer the Android N8 over the Symbian^3 N8 or would it be otherwise??

I am not challenging your judgment or being prejudiced about it...... U are an Expert & I respect you for that..... :)
Yes , i am satisfied with Symbian because for me functionality is more important UI animations. I might be part of an ever diminishing crowd who favors this but i prefer a device which has proper full multitasking. S^3 more than delivers on that with a proper visual multitasker. Android was fine.. i liked it because of its good app store. However , Ovi Store has evolved , expect to see the same games which you see on the iPhone and Android .. on Symbian devices as well.

The UI is now fully GPU accelerated. No lags , single touch input everywhere , Multiple homescreens , multi touch support... Great battery life is another point.

What did YOU not like on Symbian ?

Android according to me needs constant connectivity to the internet to be really useful and it is too tied into the Google universe.
the only thing i dont like about nokia is how chaotic the nokia ecosystem is . everything in a nokia world is disorganized ...its not like an android or itunes experience of log in and go .everthing in nokia is fragmented .. google has tight integration of all its services on android and so does apple wth itunes .

with nokia ..the maps, the apps , the ovi store ., calender . its all out of place .. the ovi store seriously needs some good apps and games .. QT promises solving this but will take time ..i am going to wait for meego before switching to nokia again ...for now the only phone i am looking forward to is the winmo7 .. winmo7 will be serious competion for nokia and apple and bb too , not initially but definitely in 4-6 months ..

nokia phones were known for their simple UI but android and apple redefined simplicity ..now i find nokia phones complicated to use .
Try it after u get S^3. Btw... all of the Ovi services now have single sign-in. One id across services. Games have already started populating the Ovi store 2.0 which you will see on the N8. Most of the productivity apps were already present on the Symbian ecosystem so no problem with that.
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