Questions related to wordpress

No ravi, thats also not working, I m getting this error: Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct."

And any clue y i m not able to change my title ?
saqib_khan said:
No ravi, thats also not working, I m getting this error: Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct."
Try IP address (if you know).......

And any clue y i m not able to change my title ?
may be because of some plugins...
what plugins you have installed???
saqib_khan said:
IP address of whom?? Mine??

I have installed all in one seo plugin and sociable plugin.
ip address of server.
I think All in one seo plugin has option for title. check "All in one SEO" plugin setting.
i don't know much about Feedjit but to increase traffic to your blog you need to have fresh and updated contents there plus you have to optimize your site using seo techniques
Monalisa said:
i don't know much about Feedjit but to increase traffic to your blog you need to have fresh and updated contents there plus you have to optimize your site using seo techniques
agree with you.. content is king.
A good updated blog with quality and unique content will always get good traffic.
Anyone know how to enable comments on static pages, like in about page or any other page we create. I m using wordpress 2.7.

I wanna enable comments on pages we create .
you will need to edit page.php file of template.

Login in wordpress admin panel -> Appearance -> Edit

Select page.pgp page from right menu... and add this line.

<?php comments_template(); ?>

Look at bottom of page.php... the code will be something like this:


  <?php get_sidebar(); ?>


<?php get_footer(); ?>

add the code just before the above code......

Final code should be like this:

<?php comments_template(); ?>


  <?php get_sidebar(); ?>


<?php get_footer(); ?>
Ravi, i also need little help in theme modification.

I want to insert Most Popular post in a separate box near older post at the bottom of every page.I have already installed Popularity plugin. to make it work, i need to add following code in template

    *  <?php akpc_most_popular(); ?>

    * [*]<h2>Most Popular Posts</h2>


         <?php akpc_most_popular(); ?>


i have tried adding it in functions.php but it says its a undefined function.

My theme is Lemon Twist

any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated;)