Ra.One The Game

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^All the game bashing, etc.. can carry on here. Obviously there won't be any support for this game here :P. Gannu related stuff can happen in that thread ;)
This game is a :facepalm: Really no use of this thread...Also after stopping the Gannu Play Ra.On Campaign now this thread is a 150% of no use...Mods Can delete the Thread. :P
So, the game is out. Gannu played it yet? :D I could have tried the ps2 version for pcsx2 compatibility report but investing 499 in this will be sick. ;)
^ Quoted from that page:

Either way if you’re a huge Shahrukh Khan fan, especially sadistic or just like wasting money, you can pick the game on either the PS2 or the PS3 respectively for Rs. 499 or Rs. 999 (just so you know, the game looks the same across both platforms.) Alternatively you could pick up the PS2 bundle for Rs. 5,990.


I am sorry for reviving this old thread but can't resist to post.. :P
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