The difference between humans and our evolutionary ancestors like a variety of apes is that humans possess enough intelligence to have independent thinking and action despite living in a society with other humans. Apes on the other hand typically formed groups and usually, the most aggressive and loudest became the leader of the group and the rest of the apes followed it without question and mimicked the leader. This tradition of leaders and followers moved on to humans as well, but only because evolution is a gradual process and there is no abrupt transition to humans from their ancestral apes. There will be specimens born of humans, but with intelligence and mentality closer to their ancestors than humans. It goes without saying that some apes could be more intelligent than some humans.
So, it is not right to say that human beings are born to be manipulated and managed, but its more like intelligent humans have manipulated and managed the specimens of humans have failed at being intelligent enough to have what is necessary to characterize them as human beings. Basically they are managed like apes are managed.
Tomato...... Tahmato problem
Human being are not born equal and they don't have free will and can't control more than 5 - 10 % of their lives, intelligence has nothing to do with with who will control the world as such, American Chris langan with IQ of 200 is seen playing in game shows and lives in country side with his wife in a farm, although he is doing some high IQ work in science field but he is nowhere among the people controlling the world............
Human live in a hierarchical system and its a natural system which comes into existence according to the laws of the nature based on which humans got their deep rooted characteristics and brain, the brain works as it works because it's designed to make sure human survival at all costs............ Humans can't die just by holding their breath, they just won't, unless they do something in which death becomes inevitable....(anyone tried to die just by stopping their breath and successful let me know)
Religion came into existence for better survival before religion tribal system, with the process of cultivation the game of hierarchy system came into existence and so did the existence of the large society and small state, large state and then countries, but the problem was that not all people of a state can be the king, because not all people are born leaders and have heart to do things required to do, so hierarchy was imminent and it still is and it still will be
There is no difference in hierarchical system and capitalistic system it's all same and its dominant system because it is only natural state where humans intelligence system can be used and rewarded most efficiently and effectively for some kind of growth in the system, but it also differentiates between a rich and poor person, rich once became rich can be there for longest of time but poor will suffer long time although there is some chance that poor can go up top but its not in his hands entirely because he has no free will and no control over life more than 10%, nobody can know and do every thing, but rich has major advantages
Now in the modern system few top countries fighting top spots need to do horrible things to be able to be on top and for that they need to fool the public by any or all means which they are doing, and dumb public looks at American system and praise it like anything just blinded by money and big so called success of USA for last few decades not knowing they are supporting killers and mass murders and mass humanity ensalvers.
But what the heck if I get best salary, best car best house best brands to splurge upon, everything best of the best why do I care what the hell it's done, world can go to the dogs all i care
So lots of blabbing........ But humans are by very nature of their existence, born to be ruled