My views are based on strong positions. Strong positions are able to withstand challenges. You've not challenged anything i've said. Merely disagreed.
strong positions you took after taking valium and having good snores ??
- The U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan have cost American taxpayers $5.9 trillion since they began in 2001.
- The figure reflects the cost across the U.S. federal government since the price of war is not borne by the Defense Department alone.
- The report also finds that more than 480,000 people have died from the wars and more than 244,000 civilians have been killed as a result of fighting. Additionally, another 10 million people have been displaced due to violence.
around 250 crores per hour or 6000 crores rupees spent per day for last 17 years or so grown out of thin air
this was in 2012 the unfunded debt shown graphically , it has grown more and more and more and more
China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999
Afghanistan 2001
Libya 2011
Uncle Sam’s Debt Nightmare
In fact, Uncle Sam is running up debt to do so. Actually, a massive amount of debt:
Federal debt as a percentage of GDP has almost doubled since the turn of the century. The big jump occurred during the 2007–2009 recession, but the debt has kept growing since then. That’s a consequence of both higher spending and lower GDP growth.
In theory, Social Security and Medicare don’t count here. Their funding goes into separate trust funds. But in reality, the Treasury borrows from the trust funds, so they simply hold more government debt.
Today it looks like this:
- Debt held by the public: $14.4 trillion
- Intragovernmental holdings (the trust funds): $5.4 trillion
- Total public debt: $19.8 trillion
Total GDP is roughly $19.3 trillion, so the federal debt is about equal to one full year of the entire nation’s collective economic output. That total does not also count the $3 trillion-plus of state and local debt, which in almost every other country of the world is included in their national debt numbers.
Including state and local debt in US figures would take our debt-to-GDP above 115%... and rising.
Just wait. We’re only getting started.
$210 Trillion Worth of Unfunded Liabilities
An old statute requires the Treasury to issue an annual financial statement, similar to a corporation’s annual report. The
FY 2016 edition is 274 enlightening pages that the government hopes none of us will read.
Among the many tidbits, it contains a table on page 63 that reveals the net present value of the US government’s 75-year future liability for Social Security and Medicare.
That amount exceeds the net present value of the tax revenue designated to pay those benefits by $46.7 trillion. Yes, trillions.
Where will this $46.7 trillion come from? We don’t know.
Future Congresses will have to find it somewhere. This is the fabled “unfunded liability” you hear about from deficit hawks. Similar promises exist to military and civil service retirees and assorted smaller groups, too.
Trying to add them up quickly becomes an exercise in absurdity. They are so huge that it’s hard to believe the government will pay them, promises or not.
Now, I know this is going to come as a shock, but that $46.7 trillion of unfunded liabilities is pretty much a lie.
My friend Professor Larry Kotlikoff estimates the unfunded liabilities to be closer to $210 trillion.
Pensions Are a Lie
Many Americans think of “their” Social Security like a contract, similar to insurance benefits or personal property. The money that comes out of our paychecks is labeled FICA, which stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. We paid in all those years, so it’s just our own money coming back to us.
That’s a perfectly understandable viewpoint. It’s also wrong.
A 1960 Supreme Court case, Flemming vs. Nestor, ruled that Social Security is not insurance or any other kind of property. The law obligates you to make FICA “contributions.”
It does not obligate the government to give you anything back. FICA is simply a tax, like income tax or any other. The amount you pay in does figure into your benefit amount, but Congress can change that benefit any time it wishes.
Again, to make this clear: Your Social Security benefits are guaranteed
under current law, but Congress reserves the right to change the law. They can give you more, or less, or nothing at all, and your only recourse is the ballot box.
Medicare didn’t yet exist in 1960, but I think Flemming vs. Nestor would apply to it, too. None of us have a “right” to healthcare benefits just because we have paid Medicare taxes all our lives. We are at Washington’s mercy.
I’m not suggesting Congress is about to change anything. My point is about promises. As a moral or political matter, it’s true that Washington promised us all these things. As a
legal matter, however, no such promise exists. You can’t sue the government to get what you’re owed because it doesn’t “owe” you anything.
This distinction doesn’t matter right now, but I bet it will someday. If we Baby Boomers figure out ways to stay alive longer, and younger generations don’t accelerate the production of new taxpayers, something will have to give.
If you are dependent on Social Security to fund your retirement, recognize that your future is an unfunded liability—a promise that’s not really a promise because it can change at any time.
Global debt.
2008: $104 trillion
2018: $135 trillion
2008: $37 trillion
2018: $47 trillion
2008: $37 trillion
2018: $67 trillion
(Institute of International Finance)
usa has promised more money then available in the world so much for perfect democratic system which uses war as propaganda to manipulate the world to keep itself almighty powerful , killing people by lies and deceit by invading countries by lies
If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied…
Noam Chomsky
Delivered around 1990
If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you’ve got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo. And once you think back, the question doesn’t even require a moment’s waste of time. For example, one general at the Tokyo trials, which were the worst, General Yamashita, was hanged on the grounds that troops in the Philippines, which were technically under his command (though it was so late in the war that he had no contact with them — it was the very end of the war and there were some troops running around the Philippines who he had no contact with), had carried out atrocities, so he was hanged. Well, try that one out and you’ve already wiped out everybody.
But getting closer to the sort of core of the Nuremberg-Tokyo tribunals, in Truman’s case at the Tokyo tribunal, there was one authentic, independent Asian justice, an Indian, who was also the one person in the court who had any background in international law [Radhabinod Pal], and he dissented from the whole judgment, dissented from the whole thing. He wrote a very interesting and important dissent, seven hundred pages — you can find it in the Harvard Law Library, that’s where I found it, maybe somewhere else, and it’s interesting reading. He goes through the trial record and shows, I think pretty convincingly, it was pretty farcical. He ends up by saying something like this: if there is any crime in the Pacific theater that compares with the crimes of the Nazis, for which they’re being hanged at Nuremberg, it was the dropping of the two atom bombs. And he says nothing of that sort can be attributed to the present accused. Well, that’s a plausible argument, I think, if you look at the background. Truman proceeded to organize a major counter-insurgency campaign in Greece which killed off about one hundred and sixty thousand people, sixty thousand refugees, another sixty thousand or so people tortured, political system dismantled, right-wing regime. American corporations came in and took it over. I think that’s a crime under Nuremberg.
Well, what about Eisenhower? You could argue over whether his overthrow of the government of Guatemala was a crime. There was a CIA-backed army, which went in under U.S. threats and bombing and so on to undermine that capitalist democracy. I think that’s a crime. The invasion of Lebanon in 1958, I don’t know, you could argue. A lot of people were killed. The overthrow of the government of Iran is another one — through a CIA-backed coup. But Guatemala suffices for Eisenhower and there’s plenty more.
Kennedy is easy. The invasion of Cuba was outright aggression. Eisenhower planned it, incidentally, so he was involved in a conspiracy to invade another country, which we can add to his score. After the invasion of Cuba, Kennedy launched a huge terrorist campaign against Cuba, which was very serious. No joke. Bombardment of industrial installations with killing of plenty of people, bombing hotels, sinking fishing boats, sabotage. Later, under Nixon, it even went as far as poisoning livestock and so on. Big affair. And then came Vietnam; he invaded Vietnam. He invaded South Vietnam in 1962. He sent the U.S. Air Force to start bombing. Okay. We took care of Kennedy.
Johnson is trivial. The Indochina war alone, forget the invasion of the Dominican Republic, was a major war crime.
Nixon the same. Nixon invaded Cambodia. The Nixon-Kissinger bombing of Cambodia in the early ’70’s was not all that different from the Khmer Rouge atrocities, in scale somewhat less, but not much less. Same was true in Laos. I could go on case after case with them, that’s easy.
Ford was only there for a very short time so he didn’t have time for a lot of crimes, but he managed one major one. He supported the Indonesian invasion of East Timor, which was near genocidal. I mean, it makes Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait look like a tea party. That was supported decisively by the United States, both the diplmatic and the necessary military support came primarily from the United States. This was picked up under Carter.
Carter was the least violent of American presidents but he did things which I think would certainly fall under Nuremberg provisions. As the Indonesian atrocities increased to a level of really near-genocide, the U.S. aid under Carter increased. It reached a peak in 1978 as the atrocities peaked. So we took care of Carter, even forgetting other things.
Reagan. It’s not a question. I mean, the stuff in Central America alone suffices. Support for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon also makes Saddam Hussein look pretty mild in terms of casualties and destruction. That suffices.
Bush. Well, need we talk on? In fact, in the Reagan period there’s even an International Court of Justice decision on what they call the “unlawful use of force” for which Reagan and Bush were condemned. I mean, you could argue about some of these people, but I think you could make a pretty strong case if you look at the Nuremberg decisions, Nuremberg and Tokyo, and you ask what people were condemned for. I think American presidents are well within the range.
Also, bear in mind, people ought to be pretty critical about the Nuremberg principles. I don’t mean to suggest they’re some kind of model of probity or anything. For one thing, they were ex post facto. These were determined to be crimes by the victors after they had won. Now, that already raises questions. In the case of the American presidents, they weren’t ex post facto. Furthermore, you have to ask yourself what was called a “war crime”? How did they decide what was a war crime at Nuremberg and Tokyo? And the answer is pretty simple. and not very pleasant. There was a criterion. Kind of like an operational criterion. If the enemy had done it and couldn’t show that we had done it, then it was a war crime. So like bombing of urban concentrations was not considered a war crime because we had done more of it than the Germans and the Japanese. So that wasn’t a war crime. You want to turn Tokyo into rubble? So much rubble you can’t even drop an atom bomb there because nobody will see anything if you do, which is the real reason they didn’t bomb Tokyo. That’s not a war crime because we did it. Bombing Dresden is not a war crime. We did it. German Admiral Gernetz — when he was brought to trial (he was a submarine commander or something) for sinking merchant vessels or whatever he did — he called as a defense witness American Admiral Nimitz who testified that the U.S. had done pretty much the same thing, so he was off, he didn’t get tried. And in fact if you run through the whole record, it turns out a war crime is any war crime that you can condemn them for but they can’t condemn us for. Well, you know, that raises some questions.
I should say, actually, that this, interestingly, is said pretty openly by the people involved and it’s regarded as a moral position. The chief prosecutor at Nuremberg was Telford Taylor. You know, a decent man. He wrote a book called Nuremberg and Vietnam. And in it he tries to consider whether there are crimes in Vietnam that fall under the Nuremberg principles. Predictably, he says not. But it’s interesting to see how he spells out the Nuremberg principles.
They’re just the way I said. In fact, I’m taking it from him, but he doesn’t regard that as a criticism. He says, well, that’s the way we did it, and should have done it that way. There’s an article on this in The Yale Law Journal [“Review Symposium: War Crimes, the Rule of Force in International Affairs,” The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 80, #7, June 1971] which is reprinted in a book [Chapter 3 of Chomsky’s For Reasons of State (Pantheon, 1973)] if you’re interested.
I think one ought to raise many questions about the Nuremberg tribunal, and especially the Tokyo tribunal. The Tokyo tribunal was in many ways farcical. The people condemned at Tokyo had done things for which plenty of people on the other side could be condemned. Furthermore, just as in the case of Saddam Hussein, many of their worst atrocities the U.S. didn’t care about. Like some of the worst atrocities of the Japanese were in the late ’30s, but the U.S. didn’t especially care about that. What the U.S. cared about was that Japan was moving to close off the China market. That was no good. But not the slaughter of a couple of hundred thousand people or whatever they did in Nanking. That’s not a big deal.
when and where any of these mass criminals have ever got what they deserve ???????? anyone hanged , or poisoned for 500 years ????
“The US has caused the deaths of 20 to 30 million people since World War Two, a level of carnage approaching that inflicted on Europe by Hitler.”
Social injustice
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Dependence on social injustice
Social injustice impedes growth and development, hampering or even halting improvement in living standards, fair distribution of income, creation of opportunities, and the elimination of inequalities. The inadequacy of economic growth, imbalances in economic structures, and imperfections in education and training systems contribute to, and are aggravated by, unjust conditions in the world.
In 1991 it was reported by Oxfam that across the globe: one in six families is poorer than a decade ago; one in four children go to bed hungry; three quarters of the poor people in the developing world live in ecologically fragile zones where resources are scarce; more than 300 million subsistence farmers are clearing native vegetation because they have no other way to survive (accounting for half of tropical deforestation); in Bangladesh and Egypt, 50 million people could be made homeless by flooding caused by rising sea levels; and by the start of 1989, debtor nations owned foreign creditors just over half their combined gross national product, and two thirds more than their annual export earnings, and paid back $40 billion to the rich world and received $34 billion in aid.
Unjust laws
Urban poverty
Forced labour
Social exclusion
Racial exploitation
Disadvantaged groups
Denial of human rights
Religious intimidation
Economic discrimination
Inequality of opportunity
Distortionary tax systems
Exploitation in employment
Lack of environmental justice
International economic injustice
Discrimination against minorities
Non-productive athletic activities
Denial of right to a legal defence
Discrepancies in human life evaluation
Separate and unequal development within societies
Political injustice
Trafficking in women
Inequality before the law
Repressive detention of juveniles
Discrimination against unmarried mothers
Social conflict
Civil disobedience
Lack of social mobility
Social underdevelopment
Vulnerability of women refugees
Positive discrimination
Using social injustice
Attaining social justice
Bierhoff, Hans-Werner; Cohen, Ronald L and Greenberg, Jerald: Justice in Social Relations(link is external)
A: Abstract Fundamental Problems
Dependence(link is external)
Estimated 5 to 8 MILLION Rapes of British Girls committed by Muslim Men - Lord Pearson
Only 9% of crimes end with suspects being charged or summonsed in England and Wales, Home Office figures suggest.
In the 12 months to March, 443,000 crimes resulted in a charge or summons out of 4.6 million offences - the lowest detection rate since 2015.
Data also shows police closed nearly half (48%) of all cases because no suspect could be identified.
It comes as new figures show the number of homicides has increased for the fourth year running.
The Home Office statistics on crime outcomes are published at the same time as quarterly crime figures and the Crime Survey for England and Wales, which is based on people's experiences of crime.
The changing picture of how successfully police are catching criminals comes against a backdrop of rising crime.
Overall, crimes recorded by police went up 11% in the year to March, figures published by the Office for National Statistics suggested.
The Home Office said that along with a growing caseload, there was evidence to suggest that more recorded crimes were in the most challenging offence types to investigate.
It gives the example of sexual offences - up 24% on last year - giving officers a bigger workload and becoming more complex.
Rape cases take an average of 129 days to solve compared with, for example, two days for theft or criminal damage.
The Home Office figures show a continuing downward trend since 2015 in the proportion of cases police have resolved, falling from 15 to 9%.
They also showed a fall in the number of cautions and penalty notices served to adults and young people - from about 112,00 in the 12 months to March 2017 down to 88,000 a year later.
Ché Donald, of the Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, said the new figures were proof that policing in the UK was "on the critical list".
"We are sleepwalking into a nightmare," he said.
Like the WTO agreements or NAFTA, the TPP is an attempt to set the rules of the global economy to favor multinational corporations over everything else, trampling on democracy, national sovereignty and the public good.
The US Has Military Bases in 80 Countries. All of Them Must Close.
US bases are wreaking havoc to the health and well-being of communities across the world.
Perception of U.S. power as a threat is closely tied to views on Trump.
Overall, only 25% of respondents were worried about U.S. power and influence in 2013, when Barack Obama was president. That rose to 38% in 2017 and now sits at 45%. In specific countries, the perception of the U.S. as a threat rose by increases of 30 percentage points in Germany, 29 points in France and 26 points in Brazil and Mexico. In 17 countries surveyed, people who had little or no confidence in Donald Trump were more likely to name U.S. power and influence as a top threat. This difference is most acute among America’s allies, including Canada, the U.K. and Australia, where views of the U.S. and its president have plummeted in recent years.
And then the discussion goes no where. So why don't you answer your own questions and let's see what you know.
discussion will go nowhere for you because you are sleeping and snoring in your own cozy bed
If not democracy then what else ? this is not a new question but one that even Churchill asked more than half a century back. We go with what we have and try and improve. How fast that proceeds is down to people questioning the system. RTI is one good example. EVM's is another.
Why do i think its so great is because when i see other that don't have it and fail to get it then i understand what we have is no trivial accomplishment. It is a huge achievement.
there is no real option because democracy is the tool to hack your mind as i see yours is already hacked by it ......................we are nobody we dont decide anything what happens in this world , we are being controlled and are thrown upon things to keep us satisfied and keep sleeping and not make too much noise
what is there to explain , just look above , everything is an eyewash , even Britain cant provide and do justice to its problems like rapes , or any kind of social justice , why do you think there is justice in the world due to democracy at all ?? only way you can think is you are not looking , if you have closed you eyes , then its true that there is nothing wrong in this world......................all of this is just a start if one tries to find real truth , truth is so horrendous that it cant even be listened to or be told , it can only be felt , and i dont have time to throw everything at you just because you are too lazy and sleeping in your own cozy bed
your beloved USA prints money out of thin air to kill people in wars and do all kind of injustice to the world and all you can see is china and Russia however cant see it , and i am not surprised at all...................99 % people are just like you.
i have seen you discussing all kinds of things for years in 2 or 3 forums , but i am amazed you have not found true nature of this world and democracy system in years of your understanding about everything
It's clear to me that there is no option other than democracy but I rate democracy 4 out of 10 at best
have a very nice sleep , its needed for healthy life