Are you sure that you are not dependent on society or anything that it has enabled while earning your income? If you are in a jungle or a remote island and grow your own food and fetch your own water, that itself is your income and you don't need to pay taxes. When you live in a society, you are being enabled and profiting in numerous ways from society and the things it has provided. Lets say that you are a carpenter. Why should somebody else in society take a few pieces of paper or a plastic card from you and provide you with food, goods and services? Why do you even accept some pieces of paper or some virtual number being maintained by somebody else as a form of income. How was such a system created and maintained? How do you sell your own services beyond a few houses around you to make income. You pay taxes on income because you are profiting from the society and and the things that it has built for you in numerous ways even for earning your income. Even if you refuse to buy any goods or services, you may still be using the road, transport, electricity etc for your work to earn a living. In fact, many jobs that help you earn income are created and enabled solely by virtue of the society. For example, what good will the exceptional programming skills of a software programmer be if they are put in a jungle with no computers and no electricity.
Power is often a simple game of numbers and attitude. A lion is often called the king of the jungle and it can chase and hunt a bull for food. In fact, when the lion comes for the hunt, even a bunch of bulls may run away in different directions. But what happens when the bull decides to fight back. What if there are 10 bulls and they all decide to fight back? No person is powerful on his own. Even the most powerful and corrupt criminal often get killed like a dog when they are alone and nobody supporting them. That's because their Power is enabled by others around them. Every dictator that ever lived has sustained only by virtue of being supported. They have often ended up like road kills when people decided to turn against them. Do you think King Jong Un will be able to survive if nobody in NK supported him and people decided to turn?
Forget democracy, every govt regardless of its shape and form is only as powerful as the people collectively wanted it to be. A democracy in any ideal form doesn't exist today simply because there are enough people who chose to encourage and allow a handful of people to get way with what ever they want.
Don't you still understand? Read my post again and research, you are still stuck on the basis of whatever you know till now and that's okay, human brain is just like this, it is hard to comprehend the new information when it's complex
Income of system is 100 rs, expense is 400 rs, from where 400 rs expense is done?.......... Printing money
Do it over long term
Now income is 10000 rs, expenses are 30000, and now debt is....... 100000,.........on top of that 1 crore rupees are promised to the system which does not exist at all, not even in the world, combined........
How tax will pay this debt? Tax becomes redundant it does not mean anything people are slave to the debt system which will never be paid any tax at all, debt is beyond tax now
And you my dear are still fixated on interdependence on society etc,
You did not answer any single question of my post
One of the most important questions is, what amount of tax can pay the debt created by this super flawed system
Open your mind, it's still stuck in your old knowledge which is not enough to solve the questions my posts asked you
You need to open up your mind and gain new knowledge to be able to understand the question in the first place let alone answer those questions
Or should I accept the fact that you know everything and there is no new information that you need to gain further in your life at all?
You didn't take much time to dwelve in my post to understand the deep and complicated and complex problems which are infesting in the world since long time, you are just saying whatever comes on top of your head on first reaction based on your current knowledge and believe me you aren't able to perceive what this system means for human society.
My understanding of this system did not come in a day or two, it came in last around 7 or 8 years of continuing research and curiosity, the system is so mediocre that it is plain stupid
The lion theory I am not sure makes any sense here.
Think why there is so much debt and what it means for this planet
Or if these are stupid questions........ 210 trillion dollar question, which does not exist but is promised
If not paid it will be deemed as default by the state to their beneficiaries
Regards to people are allowing this system is redundant, and your assumptions are almost entirely non sense, you after reading the likes of super smart ambedkar are of the opinion that all living people in the world can understand and think and do and be born with same level of brains, you are thinking that that's the only thought process in the world............... What about thought process of the powerful people who have hijacked this world?
They own federal reserve, imf, world Bank, cfr, United nations, they own the government, they own the entire system and they own education, pharma media, whatever institutions you think are important for the living they own it.
People are powerless they can't change this world now, specially because people don't know where to go and attack what branch of government or talk to whom and how.................. You are saying USA is great, I have given proof that USA people are one of the most dumb people, they have let their owners to create debt of 22 trillion plus 210 trillion dollars, when the money does not exist and never will be
Can you answer why Americans are great then?
I am not sure why nobody is answering properly here and going round and round
Please give straight answers to straight questions