Thank you once again for responding to my query.
I am purely into stereo audio and have absolutely no surround sound gear in the house. It might be in the distant future for the same.
Right now, since I am concentrating on quality audio gear I realised that I had to upgrade 2 components, a soundcard and my music files, from internal to a dedicated one and from measly mp3 files to lossless formats respectively.
I saw the Xonar STX and it's mightly price meant I will have to save up a lot. Then I came across the likes of Fiio E17 etc the purpose of which I initially failed to understand. I think an external solution is the best for me as I would use it with my phone, iPod and my PC, rarely the laptop.
Thank you for clearing some air.
I will now retire from the discussion as my purchase has plenty of time left.
OT: I saw your name #[font=arial, sans-serif][/font][font=arial, sans-serif]esanthosh [/font]figure in the Head-Fi list - the comprehensive IEM review one. Never knew you were that famous
I am purely into stereo audio and have absolutely no surround sound gear in the house. It might be in the distant future for the same.
Right now, since I am concentrating on quality audio gear I realised that I had to upgrade 2 components, a soundcard and my music files, from internal to a dedicated one and from measly mp3 files to lossless formats respectively.
I saw the Xonar STX and it's mightly price meant I will have to save up a lot. Then I came across the likes of Fiio E17 etc the purpose of which I initially failed to understand. I think an external solution is the best for me as I would use it with my phone, iPod and my PC, rarely the laptop.
Thank you for clearing some air.
I will now retire from the discussion as my purchase has plenty of time left.
OT: I saw your name #[font=arial, sans-serif][/font][font=arial, sans-serif]esanthosh [/font]figure in the Head-Fi list - the comprehensive IEM review one. Never knew you were that famous