Random IEM / Headphone Rants

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Tell you what..Es18 is worth it even it were priced at 800... Take my word for it..esanthosh has said it , its the best iem he's heard under 500 bucks or even under 1000...That speaks volumes..

Already bought these for 400INR yesterday from a local shop! :) Great SQ.

Edit: Now that I realize, the quoted text was not meant for me, nm tho.
I wasn't looking for microSDHC cards as I clearly stated

Edit: Where can I find the cheapest Sandisk 64GB microSDXC card?

Actually, Class 6 microSDXC can be had for 4K - SanDisk Mobile Ultra Class 6 Micro SDXC Card 64GB 30MB/s with Adaptor - Buy Online in India for Rs.4,049 as on 16th August 2012 - Price, Features, Reviews, Specifications, Photos, Videos | BuyThePrice.com

Damn! Right afterI bought, I see this listing - SanDisk Mobile Ultra microSDXC memory card 64 GB Class 10 | eBay. Could've bought for Rs. 700 less :(

No issues.. call up the seller or send him a message via ebay to cancel the order ..stating reason that you wanted to use the independence day coupon to claim a particular gift (for purchases adding up to 5k 10k , there are free gifts from ebay ) ...you can tell him you would be ordering again from the same listing using the coupon , right after he cancels your order.. i am sure he will co operate. he's got excellent feedback...once you get the order cancellation mail, you can go ahead with the other link..and apologies for the mislead.. i should have checked before posting....

Damn, these cost a bomb :scared14: . 4.7k is quite a premium if you don't want to carry around many cards. Unfortunately, it seems very few cards at 64GB.

It just seems much more economical to buy 2 x 32GB cards at 1100 each (I must add slower though, @ Class 4)

SanDisk MicroSDHC Card 32GB Mobile microSD 32 GB micro | eBay

But I guess esanthosh wants to reduce his inventory :bleh:
@esanthosh - I am soon gonna make a comeback with Audeze LCD3 or a Stax SR-009.

And IEM's i strongly wish that a local dealer like pristine note or anyone else, manages to get a JH16pro available through his route. Then it would get really easy to handle the ear sample , customs / shipping's etc.

With the old hobby of buying just every and any IEM ( $ 50-250 ), has made me understand that now if one actually wants to settle with one IEM that can last him forever is one and only JH16pro. ( This statement is valid till today, It might change with upcoming IEM's launched by renowned IEM manufactures )
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I already have those 32GB microSDHC cards (apart from 16GB cards) ;). Though it costs as much as a player, they used to cost $220 upon introduction. I am sure once 128GB uSDXC becomes mass market, 64GB should be available for much less in the future. But, waiting for technology to mature or become cheap is a little bit of a risky game. You may get what you want, but at that moment, a better technology may be around the corner, making yours obsolete on arrival. Granted it's too damn costly, I thought I'd risk it anyway. My library is in FLAC, but for want of space, I am currently converting into 320kbps for Clip+. Depending on which one I end up preferring over the next few weeks, either X9 could become a 96GB player or Clip+ would become a 72GB player.


I was checking all morning, but should have checked before placing the order. That other listing is from a new seller with only 18 ratings. Not sure if he is reliable or not.


Welcome back. I am thinking of stepping up all the way from HD600 to SR009 as well ;). But it is damn costly.

Getting back to regular programming.... Will do it in a separate post.
Philips SHE3570 vs SoundMagic ES18

When I listened to SHE3570 for the first time, I was very impressed and seriously considered buying them. Aside from ES18, this is probably the only other set under Rs. 500 that was less flawed and somewhat enjoyable to my ears. On that day, I was thinking on the lines of writing something like "Now that ES18 is above Rs. 500, here is my suggestion for below Rs. 500". That thought lasted until I briefly listened to ES18 again the next day. Now, I can't say I have the same sentiment towards SHE3570.

Instead of seeing it stand-alone, I thought I'd just compare it to ES18. The problem with comparing somewhat equal IEMs is that whether they cost Rs. 500 or $500, it takes a lot of back and forth to come to a conclusion. When listening to one, it would feel like it would easily beat the other. But, things are never that easy. Even though my comparison is short, trust me, it took a long time to form an opinion.

With Philips, I did not get the stock tips, so I don't know what they look like. After a bit of an experiment, I found a slightly thicker tip to be better suited than a flexible Klipsch 'compatible' tip from LostEarBuds. The thicker tip provided much better seal allowing me to hear more mid-bass quantity and brought the sound a notch forward. But, the nozzle length of the SHE3570 is much shorter than the tip's inner core length, so not sure how it would have fared with stock tips which may have the same length as the nozzle. Moving from Klipsch tips (-31 dB) to the other unknown tip allowed me to listen at a lower volume level (-34 dB), so it may be doing something right. ES18 was much more efficient and required only -37 dB.

Build quality wise, the Philips edges a little ahead by not looking as cheap as ES18. But, I don't think cable quality of either one is great. While the SoundMagic 'quality' is well known, Philips' cable is not great post the Y-split (to the housing). SHE has a much smaller housing, but comfort wise I do not find much difference. ES18 isolated a tad better than SHE.

Sound wise, the common thing between them is that neither have peaks or valleys that annoy me. They do both extend well into sub-bass, but neither does treble greatly. SHE3570 is a bit more V-shaped with recessed mids compared to the much more forward and intimate sounding ES18.

Bass of SHE has about decent quantity - much less than the boom-boom IEMs in this price range, but more than bass light ones. It carries good impact, extension and rumbles a slightly more than ES18 (though it may be down to the contact of tips with my ear canals). Though SHE is tighter with bass, ES18 in comparison has better resolution in bass with more mid-bass quantity, texture, details and better punch.

SHE's recessed mid range cannot be said as thin or lacking in texture, but it is less fleshed out next to the forward, clearer mid range of ES18. In terms of coloration, I'd say SHE leans a bit towards darkness, while ES18 is slightly warmer. There's nothing much to differentiate in the detail levels though. Both are far from sibilant, SHE is a very tiny bit more forthcoming with vocal sibilance in the recording compared to ES18.

While both lack in treble sparkle or extension, SHE is a bit more crisper while ES18 is on the thicker side. SHE has a slight edge in the presentation of cymbals.

Overall, ES18 sounds clearer compared to SHE. I could not find much difference in overall sound stage size. If anything, SHE has a slight bit more width and in conjunction with the recessed mid range might feel a bit more 'spacious' (width wise), but ES18 is better with depth and portrayal of distance.

The difference between the two to my ears comes down to the presentation (apart from clarity). SHE sounds blended, whereas ES18 offers better separation. Let's say - when coming across something like NIN's track from 'Ghosts', everything is presented in a homogeneous way with SHE. With ES18, each sound is distinct, existing in their own spot and easy to discern. Most times, I'd listen to a particular bit in SHE and hear an instrument or two highlighted. I move on to ES18 and feel there's so much more going on. This to me is the only difference that mattered. Otherwise, SHE3570 was competent and even felt a bit better when listening stand-alone.

SHE is a good choice under the Rs. 500 price range. But, I am not sure it fits everybody's taste. Typically, most would go for a bass heavy sound, which is not the case here. I'd reckon it would take a bit of listening for most to appreciate it's sound. Once you get used to them, they become one of those cheap IEMs that you can live with. Unless you start comparing to others, it's hard to picture what's missing. It is a bit veiled in the mid range and blended in presentation, but at Rs. 400, I don't think it's a glaring fault.

If US prices are taken into account, MonoPrice 8320 still remains the most technically equipped IEM under $10, though it has a horrible fit. ES18 is a bit flawed, but it suits my needs just fine. SHE and PL11 follow ES18 in that list.


Will the Clip+ support the 64GB Micro SD cards? - SanDisk Forums, Welcome!

sorry i was not able to end the original tips as i forgot how the SHE tips looked :unsure: Once i got them i put the original tips with rest of my tips and started using the sony silicone tips. from my vague memory the SHE tips were single flange and the medium size had a 2mm protrusion from the IEM nozzle. I found the medium sony tips to be more comfortable with better fit,improved mid bass slighty & punch, a hair improvement in width & warmth.otherwise the sub-bass remained the same. but didnt it make you feel that the sub bass extension is too good for the price? try listening to some DnB or Dubstep from them:bleh:
My soundMagic ES18 quick impressions :)

Build quality : so-so,cant compain for this price (3/5)

Accessories : The usual 3 pair of tips,but soundMAGIC were generous enough to provide a soft pouch (3/5)

Comfort/Isolation : Decent Comfort.With better tips they'll feel more comfortable.These phones provide good isolation,save for louder noises like car horns you wont hear any other noise. (3.5/5)

Sound Quality : These phones have a warm signature and an engaging sound.Mids are where these gems shine,has a natural sound with lush vocals.Bass has good body and texture,ample quantity but might get overpowering sometimes.Treble falls little short for that sparkle but its excellent none the less.Excellent detail for its price.Throw any genre of music and these would play effortlessly. (4/5)

Conclusion : If you listen to bollywood and pop music then These phones are excellent for you.Don't get me wrong these are excellent phones,but if you listen to rock or metal then these wont provide that guitar crunch and gets overwhelmed by some complex songs .But these phones provide very good SQ for its price.Overall I'll give it a solid 4/5 :head:
Brief Comparison: Brainwavz Pro Alpha vs SoundMagic E10M

These two are in a similar price range of around 2K. For a little more, one can get M1 or E30 in their respective line-ups, which are better. The similarities end there; they do not have a similar sound signature. When you try them on, PA's mid range will be prominent. E10M is heavy on bass, but not too slighting on the mids either. While PA is the typical soft, smooth Visang, E10M is a bit more, shall we say, forward (as opposed to aggressive) in it's approach.

In terms of bass, there is no doubt about which wins the competition. PA has decent texture, but bass is more softer, warmer and smoother in character with a roll-off at the lowest lows. E10M's bass is a bit more forward with a mid-bass quantity that can only be termed 'huge' in relation to PA. It also has good extension and far better sub-bass presence. On the flip side, E10M tends to bleed a slight bit into the mids and can be boomy at times.

In the mid range, PA holds it's own. It is textured, is a bit more resolving than E10M, but they sound a bit distant and not as clear. Vocals are better with PA, but it tends to show off a bit more sibilance present in the recording compared to E10M. While neither is sibilant, what I am saying is that while E10M masks the sibilance, PA doesn't cover up as much. E10M's mids are more forward, crisp sounding and clearer. If only PA was bit more clearer, it would have won the battle easily. But on some tracks, I preferred E10M and on some others, PA.

Treble of E10M, like it's mids are forward and crisp. It brings a lot more energy and more sparkle next to PA, but hardly an ear sore. PA's treble is laid-back, smooth and takes a back seat to the mid range. It is not hidden, recessed or lacking in detail, but just not as noticeable. PA has a slightly wider sound stage than E10M, but it's separation is only decent. E10M is more open sounding and can sound "big" or "grand" when the track needs it. E10M has a much blacker background with better separation and imaging.

Overall, though I prefer the mid range of PA sometimes, I prefer E10M overall by a slight margin. If bass is anyone's preference (or sound stage for that matter), it goes without saying E10M is more suited. Mid range wise, one can scale the budget up slightly and get M1 than get PA. PA is a good compromise for someone wanting M1 like sound with not as forward sounding mid range and a slight bit wider sound stage. There are little sacrifices to be made, however in terms of mid range clarity and liquid nature.


To be frank, that thought did not cross my mind. I was thinking that I should try and get SHE3580. It is supposed to have more bass and likely better sub-bass presence for a little more.


Nice impressions :)

I think only these remain -

  • GR06 - more listening (not necessarily more impressions unless warranted)
  • Single BA comparison - I am a bit short of time and not in a mood to do a 4-way comparison between XBA-1, PFE 111v0, HF2 and A161P. Probably, I'd just compare A161P to others and see where it stands.

A long break from writing impressions in September-October? That's what I have in mind now :unsure:
Now there is an itching inside me to get my hands on EX1000 :unsure:

Don't have second thoughts. just get it. Stock up a few for business too. Trust me, there are lot of people on this forum waiting to get their hands on it.Whats stopping them is the non availability in india. By getting it here, you will be adding to your good deeds and karma :p
Jaben Roadshow going on here - Orpheus, AKG 1000 and the Final Audio Design Muramasa VIII on audition. :)

As mentioned by bizket on head-fi the Final Audio cost almost as much as his/her Aprilia SX 4.5 :| Close to 8K USD

Too lazy to get out, going to relax with the EPH-100 instead

FYI - http://jaben.net/forums/index.php?topic=23540

EDIT: It's on the 25th and 26!!! Might not be this lazy around then. What say Mr. #Bennysachdev (have I tagged him right?)?? Feel like heading down
I'd like yours or benny's take on TH900, SR-009, Orpheus, D7100, Piano Forte VIII / IX / X - whichever is available for audition. If Ultrasone Signature Pro is there, that too!

Muramasa VIII (I think) has been discontinued and will be replaced by something lighter. Would expect nothing less than weirdo signature from the FADs.
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