No man, when I asked you earlier to consider the fidelio s1/2, you told me that many from head fi who had the gr07 and tried replacing it with the fidelio s2 ended up using the GR07 in the long run!!! Now you are back hunting for the fidelio s2! What happened to the bang and olufsen h3? Did you get a chance to try it out? If possible I would strongly recommend that you check it out! It's available in ebay us for an amazing price! I would say, from what I read and asked around, it would outperform the fidelio s2!
It's supposed to be like the re400 with a wider ss and more impactful bass! I mean who won't like that!![]()
my coffers need some refill at the moment.
but i am 100% going to try olufsen h3 when i go to delhi in 2 weeks time.
lets see,whats the result.
problem is my best set right now is gr07 and well esantosh has plenty of way way better s2 for him will be pretty useless.
btw i was in s2 threadat head fi and ppl are still not sure,too many conflicting reports i would say to decide.
plus i have already burnt myself after i bought mh-1 on head-fi reviews,,they were a big hype.they are good but nothing out of the order.
u need to listen to sony ex083 or 085 to emulate what open earphone design can,hear both mh-1 and ex083 simultaneously and u will not hesitate to throw the mh-1 in dustbin,the diff is that huge.
i was gonna sell my mh-1 this week but ethically i would be duping a person by selling it as that person is better off with much cheaper and way better ex083[DOUBLEPOST=1388576192][/DOUBLEPOST]
it all hype right now,let the dust settle.
many ppl still say that sony xba series is good and i got my fingers burnt there too.
i returned xba-h1 fairly quickly,and i am glad i did that.
one member at head fi is saying that upgrade over mh-1 is xba-3,lol
as if there is nothing between a mh-1 and xba-3,wow![]()
I think the best way for you to go about discovering new stuff is to find a person who is into this hobby a little bit longer, has more experience and has a similar taste in music. He will be able to guide you better than reading millions of impressions/opinions from head fi! It can get really misleading and confusing sometimes! The main thing to note here is that you should find a person with a similar taste in music and similar signature preference! I found my guide out of luckA guy with the handle Akiyama mio! ( Like @esanthosh his favourite earphone was the ex-1000 too, but unlike our @esanthosh, he loves the se535 for its presentation and considers it to be his favourite earphone for certain genres which I listen to a lot) Really asking one person who you can trust is better than listening to a 1000 different people dump their thoughts! Dweaver on head-fi is another very helpful dude!
btw what is ur principal gear at this point of time??[DOUBLEPOST=1388578213][/DOUBLEPOST]my next test will be the earpods,lets see what the hype is all about,i will borrow these from someone having iphone and hear myself.It's supposed to be like the re400 with a wider ss and more impactful bass! I mean who won't like that!![]()
i actually did a study with ex083 this time
i used the same song,same player for
1)my brother
2)mama ji
3)2-3 friends
and there was a unanimous result,ex083 were so better than than mh-1 and even brainwavz m3 in soundstage and bass that i was ashamed of my purchase really.dammit
m3 and mh-1 sound like the song is being sung in a small box,lol.forget the world
on preference,i am not sure how i will describe my preference so its hard to take someone else's advice but i don't want boomy bass,thats for sure.
but really some posters at head fi will defend their purchase at any cost possible but i have no qualms saying that m3 and mh-1 sound useless compared to ex083 and i am really angry as i spent 7500 combined on them.thats a disaster.
thank god i teturned the xba h1,,u will see that prices of h1 have already gone down to 5400 in india from won't be long before it goes the xba-1,2,3,4 way as i am sure these are priced too much listening to h1[DOUBLEPOST=1388577660][/DOUBLEPOST]
btw what is ur principal gear at this point of time??
my ex083 came with walkman e474 only 1 month back.My principal gear is playing wav files ripped directly from the cd >> iPod shuffle 1G/ Cowon s9. An amp/dac is in the pipeline and will be my next investment
If you like the Sony- mdr ex083 then I think you would love them when paired with a good Sony dap! You can find a lot of them being sold on olx for great prices, see if you can find one locally so that you may have a chance to listen to them!
my ex083 came with walkman e474 only 1 month back.
i did not like e474 compared to the clip+ as treble extension and vocals were better than the walkman.i gave it to my brother.
but ex083 are amazing,,ifi did not have gr07 mk2 and had heard them vs my brainwavz m3 i would have killed myself for getting m3.
yes a good dac is on my list too.
i was gonna get colorfly c3 but sadly the guy selling that on is gone,his shop is empty but still shows the player!!
so i may now wait for cowon x1 and x5(x3 is out due to shitty software)
x5 for only 350$ is very attractive.
what earphones or headphones are u using currently and why??(i know the question sucks but still)
Ohh sony e series isn't what I meant. I meant something better like the z series or x series. Actually there's a girl in Mumbai who s selling her brand new sealed z 1050 for 9k! Comes with in built s mastermx amp, nc earbuds and from what I read it is supposed to be very musical! I was about to get it before I changed my mind to get a standalone dac/amp instead!
Currently with the Shure se535 away I'm mostly using the Grado SR325 with my own mommy's headband modmostly from the shuffle 1G because
1) I usually listen to only one or two albums at a time
2) It's very convenient/unobtrusive as it can be worn over your neck
3) Drives the sr325 with amazing authority and musicality.
The Grados after the mod are very musical, balanced and precise! The presentation is forward like the se535. And being an open back headphone it has an unique openness which makes it very addictive. All the genres sound excellent on them. That's another benefit too!
man u need something better than a shuffle,lol
u must be ashamed of using a 50$ player for 500$ earphone,haha
but u did the right thing in ignoring z series walkman.u will be better off with a standalone dac and that s master mx is a bullshit class d amp and nothing more.i think in range of 6000-7000 nothing will beat colorfly c3.
but it will be better to wait for x1 .
or u can get dx50 orx3 if u are really impatient which u might be looking at that shuffle(lol)![]()
i can totally relate to this as i am still clinging to my clip+Dude, I'm not sure if anyone will believe me when I say this, but the ishuffle 1G is my fav dap period till date period! I have hear the dx50 also. Cowon s9 is very versatile and has the ability to eq anything to make it sound like anything you want, but the ishuffle is..... How do I put it the I shuffle give the most natural sounding, musical and fun experience of all that I've heard.
I have hung on to my Clip+ even harder after trying a few 'audiophile' players
Have finally started the baby steps to C-12 review. With very casual listening (not critical), I am still very impressed by the old Eterna. How come MH1C got better rating than this? Hmmm....
i am 100% sure i am right
i tested mh-1 against
brainwavz m3
gr07 mk2
cx 180
and its just not good enough compared to ex 083(damn)
but it compares favourably to m3!!
some ppl are saying mh-1 is a baby xba-3,,if thats the case i am glad i did not get xba-3
Or maybe like rin choi you got a defective pair of mh1's![]()
no mine are not defective,,,as i said they compare well to m3Or maybe like rin choi you got a defective pair of mh1's![]()
i guess ppl with preference to balanced armature with tiny bass and more details will like the mh1.
but if u like drums in a rock song or u listen to rap and pop its an absolute NO[DOUBLEPOST=1388583602][/DOUBLEPOST]
i think many of the ppl don't compare the things on the spot,,,they recall from the memory and there lies the problem.[DOUBLEPOST=1388583708][/DOUBLEPOST]
no mine are not defective,,,as i said they compare well to m3
but question is the cheap ex083,,,damn
i am getting sleepless nights![]()
of course multi driver ones will always have the advantage if tuned right with a good crossover circuit.AFAIK dynamic drivers excel in terms of cohesion and have a natural decay which helps produce a natural well textured bass and realistic timbre... The balanced armatures have the ability to resolve anything you throw at them quickly and thus they decay shorter so as a result they become incredibly transparent and excel in portraying micro details. There are exceptions like ue triple fi though![]()
AFAIK dynamic drivers excel in terms of cohesion and have a natural decay which helps produce a natural well textured bass and realistic timbre... The balanced armatures have the ability to resolve anything you throw at them quickly and thus they decay shorter so as a result they become incredibly transparent and excel in portraying micro details. There are exceptions like ue triple fi though![]()
u really need to get ex083XBA1 and XBA3 do not even sound like normal BA phones. I don't think there's a resemblance between XBA3 and MH1.
MH1 lacks bass? It isn't. At the same time, Eterna lacks nothing against MH1C as far as bass is concerned - quantity, impact or extension. Also, Eterna and CDD both sound clearer next to MH1. But then, I am not doing attentive listening and I did not adjust them for equal loudness.
The reason most people like MH1C is that it has an inoffensive signature and it was cheap. It is no longer cheap at $60 or so it was selling at. It is quite a nice IEM, but what I do not find amusing is how it gets higher SQ rating than PFE112 on clieOS' list.
And A161P still has BA bass.
PS: Before I finished this one message, you guys have typed three!