of course multi driver ones will always have the advantage if tuned right with a good crossover circuit.
but here all the ones in comparison are dynamic ones and its a shame they have a very poor bass(vs ex083)
i too loved my mee a151 till i heard some good dynamics,i wowed to never get a single driver balanced armature again.
but based on reviews mee a161p has a very good bass despite being a ba
I heard the @santhoshr s meelec a161 day before yesterday and I was floored by it. For a single ba driver it had one of the most inoffensive yet detailed and balanced FR ever! Absolutely zero sibilance! While the presentation was very upfront and staging a bit narrow, it's tonality was very lovable! I would place it right after the triple fi in my ranking! If the meelec had a little bit more extended treble while avoiding sibilance like it is now and had a better soundstage I am sure it will laugh and run circles around triple fi for sure!!
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