My audio gear wish list goes here:
To try:
UE900 & TripleFi (why? soundstage from reviews)
Any Sennheiser particularly HD600/HD650/IE800/HD25(all variations)
Earsonic SM64/SM3v2 (why? soundstage from reviews)
Koss 950 (affordable electrostatic?!)
Tera Player (WT% player is this?! too curious)
Any HiFiMan products (IEMs/HP/Source)
Vmoda (Headphones/Vamp Versa)
EX1000 (reason esanthosh)
Digizoid ZO2/ZO3 (bass without killing other frequencies? acc to their site)
Any Hybrid earphones (particularly Sony xba h3/ Tpeos H200)
Lekerton UHA6SMK3 (too many good reviews)
iFi Audio iCan/iCan Nano
Colorfly C3/C4Pro
HiSoundAudio (Studio ANV3/Rocoo BA)
Shure SE530/SE535 (had LTD model wants to try or own older model(s), I like shure sound signature)
To own (wishlist ;-)
ER4P (read so many good reviews)
DT880 600Ohm/250Ohm (reason: wants to try Semi-Open, good for all genres)
DX100 (Eying on this one very long time........)
O2+ODAC (JDS/Epiphany)
Venturecraft products (Soundroid/TT) (impressed with DDS1, but battery is giving me trouble now)
Dream list
Audeze LCD2.2
FitEar Universal/Customs
JH13 FreqPhase
WooAudio (Tube amps at leaset WA3)
Stax top end
So basically, you just need to visit @esanthosh and you can tick off quite a few.

You should add the 1plus2 to your soundstage list.