Rant about my office

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whoo!! soo many replies! an i was thinking what if i am banned :lol: Well, firstly, i have been working for 10 months now, not 3 :bleh: as many people presumed. Its been 3 months in Chennai. And regarding slogging and quitting, this miserable f*** of a company has me and thousands of other helpless freshers like me working under a bond for 2 years worth Rs 2 Lakhs. Many people have told me to quit, but then again, it doesnt always look easy. These miserable people took property documents from us when we joined and we actually had to prove that they were worth more than 2 lakhs. And thats not all. We had to provide surety. That means, someone else other than your mother/father has to come and say "yes i vouch for this poor fellow and agree to pay the bond if in case his poor parents cant" :@ Imagine the level of stupidity. They all boast about their training and stuff, but in reality? its all s***.The only good thing in the last few days has been my salary revision :ohyeah: Although I personally feel that my college suc*** and suc*** and suc*** even more than all the other colleges suc***, somehow my company feels its a wonderful college and gave me a 50% hike :ohyeah: most of my fellow colleagues went green with envy. they got a measly 20% hike :rofl:

And, appraisals are still to come in september :D
acc is yet another company that hires by the hundred and 80 of them stay on the bench

some ppl who joined with me almost a year ago are still on the bench :O
This MBA thing is overrated. Trust me, i know. I have almost no work, im just wasting my time at a ~ $300mn IT company...it sucks so bad.
sourav9385 said:
whoo!! soo many replies! an i was thinking what if i am banned :lol: Well, firstly, i have been working for 10 months now, not 3 :bleh: as many people presumed. Its been 3 months in Chennai. And regarding slogging and quitting, this miserable f*** of a company has me and thousands of other helpless freshers like me working under a bond for 2 years worth Rs 2 Lakhs. Many people have told me to quit, but then again, it doesnt always look easy. These miserable people took property documents from us when we joined and we actually had to prove that they were worth more than 2 lakhs. And thats not all. We had to provide surety. That means, someone else other than your mother/father has to come and say "yes i vouch for this poor fellow and agree to pay the bond if in case his poor parents cant" :@ Imagine the level of stupidity. They all boast about their training and stuff, but in reality? its all s***.The only good thing in the last few days has been my salary revision :ohyeah: Although I personally feel that my college suc*** and suc*** and suc*** even more than all the other colleges suc***, somehow my company feels its a wonderful college and gave me a 50% hike :ohyeah: most of my fellow colleagues went green with envy. they got a measly 20% hike :rofl:

And, appraisals are still to come in september :D

lol.. Now I am sure that you are working for Satyam.
I am sure he is working for TCS :P

Coz TCS asks for bonds. A few of my friends have joined :P

@Abhi, Deepak --- I'll pass :P. Which is exactly what I wanted seeing that what I wrote today was the 4th sem paper (I am in 6th sem now :P )
Lol guys... doesn't the guy start with saying that he doesn't know shit about coding and stuff? Do i see a pattern here.

Anyways, I didn't join these huge friendly work environment companies either. There are around 700 people in the place I work.... pay generally becomes 4x-8x in 3-4 years time depending on how your work. Big importance on "how" because, not everyone is equal right?

I would kill if I was on bench ever. Cuz that would suck monkey b**** I have enough freedom of Internet at work (messengers and the lovers clubs are blocked for obvious regions, cuz those sites are paraded by people on bench) but meebo.com is not :P :P AC works too efficiently for my liking... I like the temps to be 28+... i start shivering when I enter my office.

The pcs are fast enough to do their job.... and best of all, my BOSS in MY PROJECT is a excellent chap. Our brain waves match. And because of my working style... recently in a recruitment drive, I was interviewing people from these HUGE IT places having 4+ year experiences and "rejecting" them, cuz frankly them didn't have any clue about what they were working with.

Our company (atleast my project... I just completed 1 yr here) believes in ownership... you are not cordoned off to a "module" on which your work, you take a thing from start to completion :) And thats suits with my working style (this type of working is called Extreme Programming)


Nikhil said:
I am sure he is working for TCS :P

Coz TCS asks for bonds. A few of my friends have joined :P

Well, many companies ask for bonds these days and TCS is no exception. But the level of bulls**t one has to go through at Satyam with thier property documents, surety and stuff is one of a kind. I know cos we had to go through the same when my sis joined Satyam. So when he mentioned property documents, I am sure that he is also into Satyam.
i dont have any rants about my office, because i run it :P

anyways nice to read those things about offices, i am wondering whether i did right by chosing medicine over computers :bleh:
What's my rant?

I am fed up of office and work and I want a real long break!

oh, and the mouse I have is a ball mouse that has an amazing affinity for gunk:(
KiD0M4N said:
Our company (atleast my project... I just completed 1 yr here) believes in ownership... you are not cordoned off to a "module" on which your work, you take a thing from start to completion :) And thats suits with my working style (this type of working is called Extreme Programming)

Gawd i wish those faggots hadnt come up with the CMMI and all that shyte, cos thats what i think (:ashamed:) is the root of all these troubles. Way too much Processes ,and they havent scaled properly from their beginnings...thus eliminating the people aspect , and making resources out of them. I think thats why all these IT co's with large workforces treat folks like nothing

They should have left coding to the geeks. The suits come and ruin everything for everyone but themselves :-[

superczar said:
oh, and the mouse I have is a ball mouse that has an amazing affinity for gunk

That is just wrong :no:
They should have left coding to the geeks. The suits come and ruin everything for everyone but themselves

The geeks code just for the heck of coding without any focus on the end objective....

and the suits have no clue what coding is all about.....

ugh..must find a middle path
Ya, read that Tao thingie long back....Absolutely hilarious!

reading the 2nd link right away


D-uh...the 2nd link is dumb
superczar said:
What's my rant?
I am fed up of office and work and I want a real long break!

oh, and the mouse I have is a ball mouse that has an amazing affinity for gunk:(

Same here, ball mouse. And these morons deny admin rights to all the systems :@ . Every time you have to raise some stupid request to the networks people. Not to mention the time these fools take to install, the smallest of requests takes a day. Over here they take a day and half just to reinstall XP :S Imagine the agony when someone has to raise a request to install firefox :no: .
Luckily i managed to enable regedit on my system and grant myself admin rights :cool2: . Google rocks :ohyeah:
KiD0M4N said:
Lol guys... doesn't the guy start with saying that he doesn't know shit about coding and stuff? Do i see a pattern here.

Anyways, I didn't join these huge friendly work environment companies either. There are around 700 people in the place I work.... pay generally becomes 4x-8x in 3-4 years time depending on how your work. Big importance on "how" because, not everyone is equal right?

I would kill if I was on bench ever. Cuz that would suck monkey b**** I have enough freedom of Internet at work (messengers and the lovers clubs are blocked for obvious regions, cuz those sites are paraded by people on bench) but meebo.com is not :P :P AC works too efficiently for my liking... I like the temps to be 28+... i start shivering when I enter my office.

The pcs are fast enough to do their job.... and best of all, my BOSS in MY PROJECT is a excellent chap. Our brain waves match. And because of my working style... recently in a recruitment drive, I was interviewing people from these HUGE IT places having 4+ year experiences and "rejecting" them, cuz frankly them didn't have any clue about what they were working with.

Our company (atleast my project... I just completed 1 yr here) believes in ownership... you are not cordoned off to a "module" on which your work, you take a thing from start to completion :) And thats suits with my working style (this type of working is called Extreme Programming)



I dont know abt your coding skills.but you have given a whole new meaning

to the word extreme programming. :bleh:
Nikhil said:
As for me, I am still a student and I cant WAIT to get into the real world. In spite of hearing all these rants and stuff, I cant wait.

My engineering life has been so bad, I wonder how can it get worse :P

Of course, I will sure as hell not be joining any IT company.

1). I dont like coding, programming.
2). I havent really heard many good opinions abt the work conditions.
3). Even if I wanted to, with my marks, no one would give me a job :rofl: :rofl: . So, it does look like the story of the fox and sour grapes. But trsut me it isnt. If I was eligible for placements, I would have preferred a core mechanical company which have very decent pay and for me, the work is interesting.

I'm in the same boat as you, just finished up with 2nd year (that is if I managed to pass, lol).

Of course, I don't think I'm going to be eligible to sit for any campus placements cuz of my marks, nor do I want to.

However, I do plan to pursue a degree related to Entrepreneurship/Business Technology, and startup my own firm. And hire the geeks who are mugging up programs and slogging right now. :)
Amaresh said:

However, I do plan to pursue a degree related to Entrepreneurship/Business Technology, and startup my own firm. And hire the geeks who are mugging up programs and slogging right now. :)

Those two things do not belong in the same line. :P I have seen people who mug up programs in my college days, but calling then geeks is a very big insult for the geek community. :no:

Anyways you wouldn't want people who mug up programs to be in your company unless you are going to sell "Hello World" and print 1 to 10 numbers applications. :rofl:


^lol..hell yeah..:rofl:

& most people even got ready made projects for final sems.....no matter wat i told them..NO !! they want the easy way..pay 5-6K & get a good project from outside & show it as their own...:lol:
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