I stopped reading when you said RSS does social service. They don't do social service, they only do "Hindu" service, and when some organisation, whatever they do, and do it selectively, I detest them. RSS has one main objective: Uproot the Muslim population in India. Which in short means a genocide.
hahahahaha 'human rights' this blanket term has become the new refuge for scoundrels and 'useful idiots'. seriously??? are you quoting some 'atrocity literature' cooked up by social hitmen?? if you are really concerned about gujarat riots you would have properly read about supreme court and gujarat high court judgements and reports of atleast 5 investigation committees setup so far. no case or event has received this much legal scrutiny in India like gujarat riots. atleast 2 full investigations have been done by supreme court appointed SITs. read the latest SIT report where investigation debunks all these myths that you are quoting from. also read the judgement of the godra train burning case where 60 hindus were burnt alive in a train compartment by a preplanned act by the muslims headed by a congress corporator followed by a 'success procession' janazah by the muslims to celebrate their victory over hindus in one of the most volatile hindu-muslim areas in gujarat.. that is the event that triggered the riots. infact VHP turned against Narendra Modi because they were angered as 350+ hindus were killed in police firing which is the largest till date in India. even today VHP does not campaign for Modi. the riots were controlled in 2 days even without the help of neighbouring states (3 congress ruled states refused to give police force) or army help. contrast that to the present large scale riots in assam in which hundreds are dead and lakhs of bodos are displaced... assam cm cant control the riots for months together... not even to mention the riots in UP, hyderabad etc and you dont hear these about in the media. ask why? anyway since you are so interested in 'human rights' why don't you also listen to the chief and reports of 'Hindu Human Rights Watch' in chicago.
Congress, Teesta Setalvad, Sanjiv Bhatt & Times of India colluded against Narendra Modi: SIT RSS has nothing to do with any of that.
the words 'militant' 'extremists' 'massacre' are used so easily, who cares it is just propoganda there is no place for correctness isn't it. how can you even lie about such things like that (uprooting etc) how much stupidity or brazenness is required to make such brutal false allegations. India has the second largest muslim population in the world. stop kidding yourself. check out the percentage of muslim population during independence in India and now. also check the percentage of hindus at the time of independence in pakistan (then bangladesh) and now, you'll know what genocide means. where was this human rights watch when several thousand kashmiri pandit hindus were thrown out of Kashmir by muslims with countless rapes and human rights violations? you will not get answer to that question, taking cognisance of those won't pay them petrodollars. I have criticisms of islam and christianity, that does not mean I detest muslims and christians. all people of indian subcontinent have same DNA regardless of religion, or other differences. at the max it is a mixture of two tribes several thousand years ago established by present DNA studies (
A shared Y-chromosomal heritage between Muslims an... [Hum Genet. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI ,
North Indian Muslims: enclaves of foreig... [Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007] - PubMed - NCBI ,
Indians are one people descended from two tribes - Sci/Tech - DNA). RSS motto has always been to unite all indians under this commonness of our past irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sect while expounding 'bharat'iyaness. but that doesn't mean showing another cheek or capitulating to divisive agendas like that of many political parties'.
obviously your half baked knowledge about RSS come from the intellectual whorehouses now called as 'media' backed by christian missionary institutions and saudi funders (you can refute all you want about not watching TV but news outlets on web are just dominated by websites of the respective media houses and their foreign holding companies). several top media houses should have shut shop long ago if not for some hidden hand that was protecting them from market forces. think about it. and FFS go learn about real RSS activities, about ekal vidyalayas, saraswati sishu mandirs, rashtriya sevika samiti (similar women's wing) and the largest disciplined volunteer network in the world which responds to almost all calamity in India doing selfless service irrespective of caste creed or religion. google about any natural calamity in India, there would have been RSS workers volunteering in relief works.
stop spreading BS and FUD even if that is all you know.
I'm sure in future, god forbid, if you are admitted to CMC vellore, you would probably reject the treatment pointing out to the mission of the hospital which is to 'spread the gospel of jesus through service'. good luck then.
^^ not just muslim but even christianity .... sigh religion

, why does it even exist
i am just wondering why one leader after the other is uttering some nonsense or the other, cant they just talk about doing good?
do you even know how much is spent in induced religious conversions in India, in TN alone an estimate puts the figure at 1600 crores per year, 100,000 churches planned to be built in nook and corner of every village (I forgot the target year maybe 2012-13), it is not a secret info that's the target set in 'church planting' website. if what is portrayed of RSS has any grain of truth to it, you wont see any of what I'm quoting.
it is like asking... 'sigh humanity, why does it even exist'. one can't put all evils under a blanket term 'religion'. this is an easy escapist attitude in modern thinking as if everything else is perfect and disconnected.
No. many leaders talk daily of good things, the right question to ask is why media not reporting about them.
OinkBoink no point trying to save this thread mate, it is off the rails now.
We will have excellent gems like this repeated again and again --
^^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Irony of the fact that the same people complain about excesses in other regimes.
you have got a compelling argument there kudos :|
the spineless media and shameless anchors bow to the establishment. there is no dispute of this fact. it is so obvious that it is scary. visit
Media Crooks
The very idea of separating 'India' and 'Bharat' is a joke in itself.
Degenerated values, we are all moving in that direction of 'materialism'. Unless all of a sudden you desire to drop the computer you are typing on, the handset you are texting on and the internet connection on which you are viewing this post.
Definitely it is not a joke just because you fail to see the difference and inherent goodness in that opinion that is to be a better society and better humans by protecting ourselves from forces that works to the contrary.
well if you can't distinguish between 'tools', 'technology' and 'thought' then it's like i'm hitting a brick wall with my arguments. you can do better than that.
You seriously need to repeat history, India was outclassed long ago in gun-powder based systems by the Europeans. If you want to go into the nitty-gritty they had invented rifling when the majority of our gunpowder arsenal was based on smooth-bore blunderbuss type weapons that debuted towards the end of the Renaissance era.
Battle tactics had severely changed, while Indian generalship transferred via-lineage and the feudal mannerism the Western system thanks to the sweeping changes of the Renaissance had realized that the Officer system (no matter how skewed) was more efficient and professional.
India never had a standing Army prior to the European.
Wootz steel was where India was ahead, it is said it never rusted.
well that was an off-the hand example I dropped to emphasis that India was also top in the manufacture of gunpowder/weaponry and a lot of industries were botched by the brits. I did not mention any technological expertise in weapons. I could have very well used example of artisans and handicrafts. anyway this was not directly connected to the argument so I dont want to go into the nitty gritties. btw what history are you referring to? is it the heavily skewed and fabricated history fed to us in our schools or wikipedia or the real history written by the likes of rc majumdar, jp mittal and many other native historians etc???
if possible, read 'eminent historians' by arun shourie, 'pride of India - a glimpse into India's scientific heritage' published by samskrita bharati, and 'advancements of ancient India's vedic culture' by stephen knapp. then you'll learn to take much of the history that we learnt from popular sources to be taken with a bucket of salt.
About culture system again you are speaking as if the entire sub-continent was working under a single fixed routine irrespective of who was at top OR as if there was no difference in the societies workings. As if North Indian's of the Plains (Jat's and Rajput's) were the same as the North Indian's of the Hills (I mean Garwahli's and Gorkha's) . The average term used by OinkBoink is true, there is nothing like a fixed 'Dharmic system' that was binding us together, every region had its own flavour and identity and this all culminated to form the 'Indian culture'.
if you re-read my post properly you will notice that I said WHEN comparing with the likes of western thinking it is common to address India's culture/value as a single group even if we have various intricacies based on region, individuality etc. that is the level of contrast. 'average' term is also what I said. that's the first thing I said. i'm surprised you didnt notice. 'dharmic systems' commonly refers to the 4 religions that originated in Indian subcontinent viz Hinduism, Bhuddism, Jainism, Sikhism and allied philosphies, thoughts etc (can further breakdown into regional differences like kashmiri shaivism etc) and many purists won't refer to these dharmic systems as 'religions' as the term 'religion' has no local equivalent (dharma is not religion) and has a strong connotation with the likes of history-centric abhrahamic religions and has strong contrast to ours. also don't restrict culture to be something entirely differentiated by local customs, rituals and devotional methods. for more perspective read 'being different' by rajiv malhotra.
The thing I hate is, some of us Indians always try to quote the glories of our past. It's always about Aryabhatta, Sushrutha etc. These people are DEAD! It's about the here and now. It's about how much technology and science we have now. Stop living in the ancient past.
All these people who keep talking about the glories of ancient India and the Vedas etc. are just inhibiting progress. They're ruining everything we as a society need in today's world. Yes, it's nice and encouraging what these ancient Indian scientists achieved but this isn't 500 AD! It's friggin' 2012. Science has come a long, long way since then.
this is a common stupid argument by many people terming both as mutually exclusive. on what basis you decide they are mutually exclusive? recognising the past strengthens the resolve for future not derail it, doesn't matter if past is good or bad. there is zero logic or basis in your above statement. you mean to say that all your past accomplishments don't mean anything before your present appraisal? or do they inhibit it?
All I agree with is what is objectively and rationally right. That which can be backed up with true evidence combined with correct logical thinking. I'm neither pro-Indian nor pro-western.
so what are you implying here? others dont agree with what is objectively and rationally right? the entire point of the discussion is obviously to determine what is objectively and rationally right. well I'm pro Indian and the question of 'why' I'm answering in my arguments. even if you publicly proclaim that you are not pro-anything, you are probably pro- something in your subconcious as that is the result of our mental conditioning.
Most of my friends (like most other Indian people) hardly listen to metal. Also, I can appreciate a good piece of music (or art or ideas) irrespective of which part of the world it comes from. But we have subjective preferences and tastes.
again you miss the point. it is not herd mentality we are talking about. and on the burden of repeating myself, my criticism is NOT about your taste of music or music itself.
It's not about the RSS chief or X or Y saying stuff like this. It's equally deplorable in all cases.
the point I'm saying is RSS chief did not say anything like that. the media is plain lying. which is what you quoted and created a thread. you cant point fingers at one person then later say it is not about him.
another news that media (ANI) clearly fabricated is the women-housewives quote. he did not say anything like that. so media fabricated news and lied 2 times in 3 days in the case of RSS chief (
Bhagwat comments on marriage were found distorted, media jumped the gun,now emberased, says Madhu Kishwar (with tweets) · nationalizer · Storify). this is a plain hitjob and diversionary tactics to take attention off Mr Owaisi's incendiary speech. as I said in the other thread about sanal edamarukku, you dont mess with the church. RSS does mess with forced and induced religious conversions of the church, so it is always a target for a media hitjob. hope you put the pieces of the puzzle together.
for example, why this news doesnt receive any similar attention ?
Jamaat: ban co-education to curb rapes - Hindustan Times
Of course it isn't and that's the beauty of science. Things are always questioned. But in this instance, it's a trivial issue where humans originated. You said that we're natives and not settlers. I wanted to point out that even these natives once settled here from somewhere else.
We have this notion that this country belongs to us (or any country belongs to any bunch of people for that matter) . A country is just a piece of the ground where people have settled. It is a human boundary that nature does not recognise. It is we humans who have carved and who recognise countries.
I countered what you pointed out. now you reply that it doesnt even matter. anyway I agree it doesnt even matter, evolution as a species is different from evolution as a civilisation the latter is what matters. a human being is an inherent part of nature. nature is not a concious being to recognise human affairs. stop confusing between present real political/social issues and utopian ideas. the idea of a nation-state itself is very recent, it will take humans millenias to graduate to a next level. till that time we can't feed on wishful thinking.
from these lines of yours I can only recollect reading a discussion regarding unfetterred liberty and communism. someone's quote in that was "one who doesnt have very liberal thoughts and communist inclinations in their youth doesn't have a heart and one who still has them later in life doesn't have a brain". may be a far fetched statement but not without any basis.
The fact that you can't 'educate' me on the Indian value system throws light on the fact that you probably don't even know what the Indian value system is. I suspect you're promoting your own individual values/personal opinions under the garb of the 'Indian Value System'. Maybe I'm wrong. But I'm yet to hear a rational answer supporting your views. All I get is convoluted answers with no specificity.
to put it in politically correct parlance, what I said translates to 'the subject is beyond the scope of this discussion' which means it is such a huge freaking topic to meaningfully accomodate in my reply. but if you want to perceive it as my ignorance, that's your problem. read 'being different' by rajiv malhotra
just because you can't comphrehend, it is very easy to term things as convoluted and dismiss them without specifically pointing to what you are dismissing/rejecting. blanket statements don't do much help.
giving importance to my views is not even the major point of this discussion. I'm pointing out what you quoted is a lie by media and not to give importance to these trivial issues as these are just orchestrated to obfuscate real issues which matter.