either you need a class in hindi or sarcasm. but judging by your generous use of nothing but sarcasm and smirk in your reply I guess it is the former. and yeah we can start another thread titled 'RSS chief isn't proficient with quantum physics in a country where all thought leaders are physics majors.. haha what a dumb ass' that would be a totally necessary duty as a responsible citizen of India to expose the unelected leaders of the nation who have no understanding of quantum physics. then the RSS bashing circlejerk can start again.
I'd say these mofos aren't bashed enough.
nice hypothesis you got there. why don't you look into the past and present of communist nations/regimes where there are no god-men or god fearing men.
It's no hypothesis, man. Like Hitchen's said "Religion poisons everything."
My sources are two reports by the Special Investigation Team appointed by the Supreme Court of India and judgements of Gujarat High Court. Those investigations have found out there is no truth to many allegations like in the document you quoted and numerous other bogeys raised by the gujarat riots cottage industry. if you have questions on the credibility of those institutions, appeal with a review petition.
While you conveniently choose to ignore the accussations of bias against them and Kodnani's conviction.
the ideology of RSS, partly, I said in my previous post but to put it succintly it is to commit to selfless social service without any discrimination and unity of people of India. but I don't know what you think is a must for the welfare of the nation... being distracted in questioning non-state actors for their foolish remarks or questioning the government and legislators for their appaling indifference. as you are pre-disposed in portraying RSS as some evil organisation to be equated to taliban etc I guess you will again power off your volatile memory and make another hollow statement.
I don't think Muslims, women and Dalits are included in this "
selfless social service without any discrimination and unity of people of India."
Umm, isn't the media doing what you suggest when it comes to BJP's involvement in the Gujarat riots?
When I play as Russian team in battlefield 3 and the team is losing a voice says "we are Russians for ****s sake, turn it around" think about it. There's nothing wrong in saying we are Indians/bharatiyas for ****s sake, turn it around. Hope you understand how past laurels and present potential are implied in that statement.
You can't be serious.
why I'm pro-India is the result of my knowledge and past experiences in finding objective and rationally fulfilling ideas. which is what is reflecting in my arguments that I try to expound (that the 'idea of bharat' 'hindu school of economics' etc is objectively and rationally good for our progress as a society, for which you are replying with your opinions on why it may not be).
The only reason you're pro-India is because you were born here. You rationalize the Hindu-Bharat rhetoric after.
Check out the amount of single parents and teenage pregnancies in US and its growth rate is alarming.
Check out the amount of sex selective abortions and dowry deaths in India, their growth rate is alarming.
Mohan bhahawat was quoting a social study in US that has concluded that most western marriages have become contractual in nature and that nowadays many Indians are also treading the same path. Yes there are always exceptions. Marriage Seen Through a Contract Lens You completely miss the point again, the discussion is not whether what is happening NOW in Indian society is ideal/better compared to what is happening NOW in the western society. What mohan bhagawat said was - what may happen in the FUTURE in Indian society will be better than what is happening NOW in the Indian society if we expound many of our ancient social and personal values instead of blindly aping the west in unidimensional zeal for material riches.
What's wrong with that? Marriage is not a sacred institution that should be preserved as it has been in past. And given the amount of domestic violence, marital rape and dowry harassment it would be good to have such a system to be established in India too. Which ancient social and personal values are we talking about?