You should ask for clarification on Sony helpline itself. The seller link mentioned is someone other than the one I bought from. While the seller maintains I will get warranty, as per sony cc I won't be getting any.Well, I just read and found out that NOOBS is just an easy way to install desired operating systems on the Pi. While following the guide, I will be installing Raspbian and then either Transmission or Deluge so I can setup my Pi as a headless torrent downloader
By the way, I also bought my Sony charger from Ebay, from this listing...
He's sold more than 48 of them and he also sent me an invoice, and the product seems 100% genuine too. Should I be worried? Should I call Sony CC and confirm or should I straightaway raise a claim with Ebay?
Also, do you know where can I find the list of sellers registered with Sony?
Update:ebay has agreed to refund the cost for the charger.
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