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Iron Man is one of the better movies this year. I didn't expect it to be so good. His lab and the suit creation were too good. So were the overall VFX.
starchazer said:
Iron Man is one of the better movies this year. I didn't expect it to be so good. His lab and the suit creation were too good. So were the overall VFX.

I liked it more than DarkNight...
47Shailesh said:

Al Pacino & Robert De Niro had done justice to their role.

The plot was less intelligent.

but I liked Al Pacino in action, Robert De Niro's dialogue delivery and his style was awesome.


Al Pacino was brilliant in Heat. The intensity with which he acted reminded me of his act in Scarface. Somehow I didn't like De niro in this movie , maybe he was overshadowed by Pacino.

Anyways, The Duo is coming back together after more then 13 years in Righteous Kill (2008) Would be interesting :D
A Wednesday - 8/10

A to the point movie... no frills no thrills... a movie with a cause... a movie that does it...

liked it... gave what was expected...
Wanted - Verdict "I am glad I didn't waste money on it in the theater" :P

Silly movie with silly stunts trying to make a thriller feel like Matrix.
mavihs said:
Jodha Akbar - 7.5/10
really ?

A Wednesday - 7/10
The ending seemed very obvious to me and that hacker kid part was extremely lame.
Overall good movie, good effort by naseeruddin shah.