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Quantum of Solace - 7/10 - I like this ass-kicking Bond and not the gadget savvy Bond :ohyeah:

sTALKEr said:
Just got back after watching quantum of solace.


Errr.. Any particular reason for that ? :P
As a continuation of Casino Royale, & Bond's personal vendetta mission Quantum of Solace makes for a very good (sequel?) film.


Only grouse was the bad guys looked like a bunch of wussies. Come on bad-ass bad guys are an integral part of Bond movie. Even Chiffre was a bad-ass in a weird sort of way :P
Freaky said:
Quantum of Solace - 7/10 - I like this ass-kicking Bond and not the gadget savvy Bond :ohyeah:

Errr.. Any particular reason for that ? :P

one question..

what is quantum? i figured out that it was some sorta company.. but that was it :huh:

about why i call it crap.. if i wanted to watch one guy running all over the place, blowing things up, shooting hordes of chaps down and looking all bad-ass without even a hint of emotion on his face.. i would have watched a rambo movie. NOT a Bond movie :cool2:
sTALKEr said:
Just got back after watching quantum of solace.


SharekhaN said:
quantum of solace - no idea, slept thru first half ( honest ). second half is bearable a bit.

Freaky said:
Quantum of Solace - 7/10 - I like this ass-kicking Bond and not the gadget savvy Bond :ohyeah:

Errr.. Any particular reason for that ? :P
come-on, d main essens of any bond movie is d gadgets!!! u get see lots of cool gadets. but in d new bond movies thee isn't even a single custom gadet!!!!:@

sTALKEr said:
one question..

what is quantum? i figured out that it was some sorta company.. but that was it :huh:

about why i call it crap.. if i wanted to watch one guy running all over the place, blowing things up, shooting hordes of chaps down and looking all bad-ass without even a hint of emotion on his face.. i would have watched a rambo movie. NOT a Bond movie :cool2:
Fashion [Hindi] [2008] - 7.5/10

Guyz can you suggest me some GOOD upcoming English Movies and ones just released in Sep and Oct 2008.

I know about the upcoming Bond Movie.
Quad Master said:
Fashion [Hindi] [2008] - 7.5/10

Guyz can you suggest me some GOOD upcoming English Movies and ones just released in Sep and Oct 2008.
I know about the upcoming Bond Movie.

Watch "Two Days In Paris" it really a nice movie. Running at PVR at Juhu and Goregaon