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Watched Halfway through "Yes Man" in my Iphone while coming to office...
very nice feel good movie till now....
Jim Carry as usual makes u laugh as no one other can:clap: .... I was literally laughing in my seat making other in the bus think i was some kinda freak:rofl:
vercetti said:
very generous I would say:) Its is great movie though

A little too generous. I let all the flaws slide (if any) & completely enjoyed the flick. It never broke the pace, not even for a second. Liam Neeson performed brilliantly, as always. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I never expected this out of a movie which was on a total low profile. So it deserves a hats off. :)
Ethan_Hunt said:
A little too generous. I let all the flaws slide (if any) & completely enjoyed the flick. It never broke the pace, not even for a second. Liam Neeson performed brilliantly, as always. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I never expected this out of a movie which was on a total low profile. So it deserves a hats off.

+1 Bro... a really nice action-thriller after a long time, and it's not mindless action-thriller either like most of in that genre.
rahul1059 said:
Agree to Ethan_Hunt ....Excellent movie
I gave Taken 9.5 sometime ago:ohyeah:

-2 for his daughter running like a retard.
-2 for talking to French Albanians in American English ...as a French officer.
-1.5 for his uberskillz and him being a wannabe Jason Bourne on rocks.

A total of 4.5/10. But being generous that I am, I'll give +1.5 to Neeson for pulling off an action flick in his ripe old age.

IP Man -----> 9 out of 10 (indian directors can learn a bit about making a movie with action (genre) n drama totally complementing each other)

Still Waiting -----> 5 out of 10 Time pass movie

Sex Drive -----> 7 out of 10 Good Comedy Fun